You go into the school. As you go into the courtyard, you see several people, who were apparently playing dodgeball with their powers, lose their powers. They had all stopped, looking at each other confused. "See what I mean?" you say "I can't control it, what if it harms someone?" "While it is possible to harm someone with your powers" said Xavier "I think you could also greatly benefit others" He took you into the school and indicated a girl with a white streak in her hair, sitting apart from the others. "That is Rogue, whenever she touches someone, she drains their lifeforce, if she touches another mutant, she takes their powers temporarily, mutants like that could greatly benefit from your powers" said Xavier "I also believe that negating powers is not your only gift, I shall have to look into it later, for now, why not go and meet the other students" You go back out of the mansion and to the students playing dodgeball. "Hey, my names Nathan" Amara was already there. "Nice to meet you, Nathan" said one boy "My name is Scot Summers" You turned to look at him. His eyes were behind red shades. "Why the shades?" you asked "It's not sunny out" "My mutant power" said the boy "I fire optic blasts, the only way to control it is to wear these shades" "Why not take them off?" said Amara "As I told you, Nathan's power blocks mutant powers" Hesitantly, the boy removed his shades. Behind the shades, he had clamped his eyes shut. "Don't worry, Scot" you say "I can't control my power blocking, I automatically block every mutant power in the area" Scot eventually opened his eyes. A flash of red appeared in his pupils, then faded to blue. There was a smattering of applause as the assembled mutants cheered. "That's some power" said a voice from behind you. You turned round to see the girl Xavier had pointed out to you earlier. "Rogue, isn't it?" you say. She nodded. You turned back to the other mutants. "I saw you playing dodgeball earlier, can I join in?" They picked up the dodgeballs again and Scot threw one to you, pocketing his shades. Catching the ball, you and Scot chose teams and you began.