Vanessa tapped the “Apply” button and was greeted with a screen that read “Thank you for using Alterations.” Vanessa closed her eyes trying to sense any kind of change. As the seconds ticked by with no change the crashing feel of reality crept back in. Of course nothing happened, she couldn’t just tap a few buttons on a phone and get superpowers. How gullible was she? With a great sigh she left her room and reentered Laura’s. She tossed Laura’s iPhone on the bed and scooped up the stereo she’d originally come in for.
As Vanessa was leaving she passed Laura in the hall who was fresh from her shower. “Hey Lulu, I grabbed your stereo. I hope that’s okay.”
“Oh yeah. No problem.”
“Thanks.” Vanessa said. She almost asked her sister about the weird app on her phone, but decided against it.
Just before she left the house Vanessa paused before a mirror and took in her reflection She adjusted her purple bikini top and hefted her generous bust in the process. Then she turned sideways and ran a hand down her slim waist to her hips. “I guess I’ll just have to be happy being hot, not on fire.”
Vanessa left the house and joined Greg on the beach. She spent the day relaxing on the sand taking in the sun. As usual her body was turning heads left and right and it wasn’t long before she forgot the superpowers she’d programmed for herself. As she was sunbathing several of Greg’s friends showed up. Since these were all friends he’d made at the gym they were all, like him, very muscular and they stood around flexing and discussing their current lifts and supplement regimens. Ordinarily Vanessa would be super excited about being surrounded by a bevy of buff bodied boys, but her mood was dampened by the inclusion of Clint Arnold. Of all of Greg’s friends he was clearly the largest. He was about 10 inches shorter than Greg but still outweighed him by more than 50 pounds tipping the scale at 282 pounds of jacked up beef.
The trouble was that the combination of short stature and insane physique gave Clint an obnoxious Napoleonic superiority complex. He spoke of nothing but himself and how amazing he was and put down everyone else. He treated women like trash and referred to all of them as bitches or worse. Vanessa assumed that he never got laid which also fed into his misogyny. Ironically if he were nicer he could probably get any woman he wanted because the fact was that he looked incredible. Vanessa frequently found her eyes exploring the extreme bulges and swells of his musculature, his thick chest, his powerful thighs, his pumped up arms, but then Clint would open his mouth and turn himself into a foul creature.
Vanessa could tell she wasn’t the only one who didn’t enjoy Clint’s company because shortly after he arrived several of Greg’s friends found excuses to leave. Only Greg’s best friend Tommy remained with the two other guys. A few more minutes passed and Vanessa herself could take no more. She stood up and dusted some sand off of her hips. “I’m need to use the bathroom, I’ll see you guys in a bit.”
“Sure.” Greg said. “It may be a while, though. I think I’m going to take a swim. Tommy, Clint, you guys in?”
Tommy agreed to go but Clint shook his head. “No thanks, I think I’m going to scope things out around here.”
Vanessa didn’t like the fact that Clint had locked his eyes directly on her breasts. To make matters worse because of the differences in their heights Clint’s eye line was closer to Vanessa’s bust line than her face. Then Clint, without even pretending to look away, licked his lips. That was all she could take and she quickly turned on her heel and walked away.
When Vanessa emerged from the bathroom she saw that Clint was waiting for her. He smiled wide and approached her with his heaving chest pushed out for maximum effect.
“Hey baby, your brother tells me you don’t have a man in your life. How would you like to have the manliest man around keep you company?” Clint then raised his right arm and flexed a very impressive 24 inch bicep. There was no question he was the most muscular guy Vanessa had ever seen in her life, but he was such an ass that she wanted nothing to do with him.
“No thank you,” she said and began to walk past him.
“Not so fast, honey.” Clint wrapped his left arm around her waist and steered her toward a bench and sat her down. He joined her and the wooden bench groaned slightly under Clint’s nearly 300 pound body. “I’ve seen the way you’ve been staring at my body. I know you want to feel if it’s as hard as you imagined.” He then used the arm still around her waist to pull her close to him.
Vanessa still had hopes that she could just reject this guy quickly and be on her way, but as soon as his right hand landed on her upper thigh she suddenly realized just how alone the two of them were. And this guy was so strong there was little she could do to stop him if things got bad.
“Sorry Clint, I’m not interested.” She tried to peel his hand off of her leg, but he just slid it further inside and squeezed.
“Mmmmm, that feels nice.”
“Keep your hands to yourself, creep.” Vanessa wrapped both of her hands around his wrist and tried to pull his hand away from her, but she couldn’t budge him an inch, he was just too strong.
“Your mouth says no, but your tits say suck me.” He removed his hand from her thigh and placed it on her breast and squeezed.
Something inside Vanessa snapped. It was like an explosion went off, no it was bigger, it felt like a neutron bomb detonated inside her chest and poured lava into every cell in her body. And apparently Clint felt it too because he removed his hands from her body.
“Whoa! What the hell is-“ But before Clint could even finish his sentence Vanessa was on her feet and engulfed in fire from head to toe. Slowly the flames receded and Clint was face to chest with Fyre. And what a chest it was too, breasts bigger than basketballs covered in a thin strip of latex swayed inches from his face.
“Eyes up here, asshole.” Vanessa’s voice was deep and sultry and commanded Clint’s eyes to move up toward her face. With her added height and high heeled boots she now stood 6 feet 6 inches tall and towered over the 5 foot 4 inch man. What he saw when he looked up was a woman of sublime beauty with bright, unnaturally red hair.
“I suppose I should thank you,” the amazon woman said. “If you hadn’t been such a pig I wouldn’t have found the right way to trigger my transformation. Now that I know the feel of it I can switch back and forth at will.”
“Wa....ho.....I-“ Clint stammered. Vanessa’s knockout good looks combined with the insanity of her transformation caused Clint’s brain to short circuit.
Vanessa continued in spite of his challenges to speak. “However, the fact still remains that you put your hands where they didn’t belong.” She reached up and grabbed the short but strong man around the throat and lifted him off the ground. She further accentuated his dilemma by floating about 5 feet into the air as well. Then she held her free hand so that Clint could see it, palm up and fingers slightly curled. Jets of flame erupted from her fingertips and formed a fireball in the center of her hand. The softball sized flame spun fast enough to blow very hot air in Clint’s face. “So now I get to make a very important choice. Am I a super heroine or a super villainess? A super heroine would just give you a stern talking to about inappropriate touching and send you on your way. But!” The spinning fireball surged to the size of a cantaloupe. “A super villainess wouldn’t think twice about using her incredible powers to burn every inch of your feeble body before punching you to China.”
Clint was sweating very hard. The heat from the fireball that hovered inches from his face was scorchingly hot. He was pretty sure his eyebrows had already been burned away, and now it felt as though the skin of his face was about to catch fire. He pleaded to Vanessa with his eyes, preying that she would let him go.
“My name is Wyld Fyre,” she said, “and I am a...“