Erin glared at her reflection now that she had gotten changed. "Great. Just perfect."
She'd picked out this outfit carefully, ahead of time. She always did when interviewing. It was calculated. Black, three-inch heels: as high as she dared going while remaining professional, but she needed all the height she could get. Dark stockings. A grey pencil skirt, knee-length, cinched to show off her trim waist and hopefully give the illusion of hips.
Best of all, her brand-new button-up white blouse. She'd finally found one that fit like a dream looked feminine but understated and, best of all, not like a little sister swimming in someone's hand-me-downs.
Except now it's perfect lines were ruined. It was just that little bit tight buttoning over her bust, and that meant the gaps between the second, third and fourth buttons were that little bit distorted.
She had planned to wear her usual Nice Bra, which was slightly padded if uncomfortable, but she judged that would look silly, now, and made an executive decision to go with an older cream one. Cheaper, but comfier, which she needed. It wasn't as if anyone would see it,: but it was a deviation from the Plan, which rankled her.
This can't have happened overnight,Erin thought, looking daggers at her bust, I must have just not been paying attention or something.
Or it's the curse of that bitch from yesterday.
Erin smirked balefully at such a ridiculous proposition; but thinking back to her episode on her job this morning, the smile faltered a little.
Not the time to be superstitious. Best foot forward. No one but you is going to notice. You've got this.
"Hi. I'm Erin. Are you here for the receptionist position too?"
The man looked startled up at the offered hand; but on seeing Erin's practiced disarming smile returned it and shook. "Y-yeah, I guess so. I'm Ashleigh."
Erin guessed him to be her age, but Ashleigh actually looked it. He was quite a lot taller than Erin was, and also heavier set, wearing an unironed navy shirt and black slacks that, Erin noted with approval, looked comparatively very schlubby.
"Pleased to meet you, Ashleigh. It's a rough time to be an applicant, isn't it?"
"Heh, you're not wrong." He replied, clearly a little thrown off by being addressed by a stranger.
"Been doing the rounds, then?" Erin needled in a jocular tone.
"Yeah, definitely. Everyone says they're hiring but then, you know."
"Right? And so many of these places are just looking for a pretty face, too." Erin lowered her voice conspiratorially, "You could have been front desk on the oval office and they wouldn't care."
"It sure feels that way, huh?"
"Oh, honey, it is that way, trust me. I've been on the other side of this in my last job," Erin lied, "I fought against it, of course - equality, you know - but that was why I had to leave. Great pay, but the people, you know?"
"Yeah, for sure." Ashleigh replied, then lapsed into silence.
Think about it, Erin silently urged, I walked away from a job in this economy. I'm apparently that confident. I just need you a little off your game.
"Ashleigh Simmons?" A voice called from a nearby office. As Ashleigh stood up, Erin made sure to give him a very visible thumbs up, and a 100-watt smile:
"Good luck!"
He returned it awkwardly, and Erin spent the time he was in the room running through her notes. Most likely questions, information on the business, the best way to spin her responses. She felt prepared.
This time, she told herself, I've got it this time.
As soon as Ashleigh walked out the door she jumped to her feet with another huge smile. He looked a little harried. Perfect.
"Hey! All go well?"
"Yeah, pretty well."
"Great. May the best applicant win, right?"
"Ha. I guess so."
She was sure to keep her evil laughter inside as she was beckoned inside herself.
"Mrs Halloway: thanks for interviewing me," Erin said as soon as she walked in, but couldn't but widen her eyes in surprise a little.
Halloway's profile picture hadn't done her justice: she was gorgeous. Mid-40s by the look of it, and perhaps thicker than the ideal, but she carried it very well: and that green dress of hers certainly clung tight to her very generous curves.
And to think I was worried about being too booby this morning.
"Know my name already? Someone's done their homework." Ms Halloway said, "Please, take a seat."
"Thank you. I've been hoping for a position at YourScript for a while, so I was eager to jump when I saw the ad go out." Erin lied, smoothly.
"Always good to see some youthful energy," Ms Halloway said, "Might make for a nice change around here. You're not cold, are you? They tend to really blast the AC."
"Cold? No, I'm fine." Erin replied. If anything, she was feeling a little warm.
"OK, sure. Well, speak up if you start feeling it. I wouldn't want you feeling uncomfortable."
Why would she think I'm cold? Erin wondered, but then a terrible suspicion came upon her. Oh no...
As Ms Halloway looked down at her copy of Erin's resume, Erin cast her own glance downward and, sure enough, visible through both bra and blouse, her nipples were again eagerly announcing themselves to the world.
What? Why? Not now! Erin pleaded with them silently, but in defiance she could have sworn, as she watched, them actually stand out a little further still.
"So, let's get started, shall we?" Ms Halloway said brightly. Erin smiled madly, and tried, as subtly as she could, to sit forward and see if she could let her clothes hang looser.
"Of course mmm~!"
Unfortunately, aside from barely helping, shifting position meant the fabric of her bra sliding over her breasts which all of a sudden felt acutely erotic. Mortified, Erin tried to cover the noise with a slight cough.
"Excuse me. Of course." She corrected, fighting as hard as she could to keep her inward screaming from escaping. Had she noticed? Ms Halloway's face was inscrutable.
Stop it, stop it, not now, stop! Erin silently pleaded, and the only response was a feeling of growing tightness in her bra as Ms Halloway began.