The gentle song tones of Erin's alarm took her completely by surprise. She glared daggers at it for a moment. 5.30? Why had she - oh, right. Past Erin had decided to jog.
Present Erin had some choice words to say of her for that, none of them nice. She'd been having such a pleasant dream, the details already fleeing her memory. She'd been a pirate captain in tight pants and a corset, as if she was the cover character of a tawdry romance novel. And there'd been a man she'd taken captive - also resembling a tawdry romance lead. Maybe if she went right back to sleep...
But, no. She had a Plan. And Erin was not one to deviate from a Plan.
With a groan, she hauled herself, blinking and grumbling, out of bed, pulled on some exercise leggings and a sports bra -
Oh yeah. That whole thing.
Typically Erin only bothered with a bra out of a sense of fashion: it's not like the bouncing of her tiny boobs ever bothered her. but the morning had not reduced her swollen breasts any, and any lingering doubts about a size difference were dismissed when her faithful old bra felt uncomfortably snug.
Well, that's why I'm doing this, I suppose, Erin thought to herself. Last thing I need is to start piling on the pounds. Three times around the park, best foot forward, then on with my day!
As ever, Erin had to push against a natural reluctance to start her run, but it wasn't long before she found her pace. It was nice to already feel like she was accomplishing something after the disaster that was yesterday. Once more, the weather matched her mood: bright morning sunshine - she ignored the clouds noticeably gathering above the horizon.
And it helped a lot that there was another jogger on her route this morning: another woman, clearly older than Erin though fit-looking. Probably some yuppie mom trying to keep it tight. The competitive gremlin inside Erin drove her to go harder than she'd planned: but it was totally worth it when she caught up to and finally passed the woman on the second lap. This was another sign from the universe. She would get a job today, and beat the other applicants as sure as she was beating her unknown rival.
It was on her third lap it happened.
The first thing she noticed was a rubbing sensation. She glanced down and saw that, despite the warm summery morning, her nipples were entirely erect: barely visible through the bra. Erin frowned and looked around: but no one else was about except that one jogger, and she was well behind her. Besides, Erin was nearly done.
Just a distraction, she told herself, a challenge. Push through the pain. Focus.
And focus she did, tuning her mind wholly to her goal. So much so, she didn't consciously notice that there was no pain. Weirdly, as her high-beams rubbed defiantly against her clothes, instead of getting chafed or raw, they instead started feeling really nice...
A few moments later, Erin started feeling the heat a lot more. She found her pace inevitably slackening, a flush rising from her neck. It's getting warmer out fast this year, she initially thought. But after a few more paces she could no longer ignore the dampness she felt between her thighs.
Am I getting turned on by running? Erin thought, then glanced behind her to see that mom steadily gaining. Or maybe by winning? Ok, so, kinda weird, but fine. Let's just beat this bitch and then I can... celebrate at home.
But the sensation couldn't help but slow her down - and the growing heat building within and without her didn't help. Erin fell to a walk, feeling like she was going to collapse, and then a sudden bout of dizziness struck.
Erin braced against a nearby tree, nearly toppling over, while an overpowering rush of warmth filled her breasts: warmth and pleasure. "Oh!" She gasped, softly, closing her eyes and so entirely failing to see as her barely-there boobs inflated an inch outward. Her tiny but hard nipples elongated further, too, going from the slightest suggestion against her bra to two unmistakeable points, hard to miss.
"Excuse me? Are you alright?"
The voice shocked Erin's eyes into opening. It was the other jogger: she'd seen Erin stumble and was offering to help.
Hot shame shot through her. "Oh! Fine. Thank you, but I'm fine. Just a little distracted."
"You're sure?" The woman asked, her voice clearly concerned.
Don't fucking pity me, Erin inwardly roared, but outwardly she put on her best smile. "Yeah, absolutely. I'm nearly home. But thank you."
"Alright, honey. Don't push yourself too hard!" The lady said, in the most mom of tones, before heading off down the path and back to her own home.
Losing the self-declared race immediately put Erin back in a foul mood.
This stupid bra is so tight I can hardly breathe! She excused herself, neglecting it hadn't been that bad when first she'd put it on, No wonder I nearly fainted! I'll get her next time.