Erin walked out of her apartment and locked the door, she felt her hips rocking back and forth as she swayed down the hallway.
She sent a text to her friend Travis, 'Hey, going to an interview, chill after?' She normally uses Travis for free pot, knowing he has had a huge crush on her since highschool. Unfortunately for Travis, Erin is completely uninterested in him.
She quickly sent another text to her friend Kayla, 'interview then Travis to score some bud, Thirsty Thursday?' Hopefully they could score some free drinks at the bars tonight.
She got to the store, Sweet Sixteen, and asked the cashier about the interview.
"Oh, I'll go get the manager, he does the interviews!" The girl at the register was a dark skinned girl wearing a yellow cardigan and a short jean skirt. Her name tag said April. She had curly black hair put up in pigtails with yellow ribbons. Like Erin, she looked young, but was probably older than she appeared.
Erin felt a cramp coming on in her tummy, but forced a smile and a thank you to April, who slid an application to Erin and started for the door labeled'employees only'.
A few minutes later April came back out, and told Erin to go on in. She sat down inside his office and smiled at the man, sliding her application toward him.
"My name is Jacob, nice to meet you... Erin? My niece is named Erin, how nice... Hmm it says here you worked in retail before as a manager(this was a lie to get a better position), very nice. Well you look the part," he glanced at Erin's tiny chest very obviously, "you've got the job! You start tomorrow," he continues to explain the schedule etc.
"We do have a dress code here, we only wear clothing from our store, so I've got a few outfits picked out for you here. He slid the clothing towards her. It was all pastel colored clothing that looked like something a 12 to 15 year old would wear. He put it all in a bag for her, she smiled and thanked him for the job.
Walking out of the office, April asked her if she got the job. Erin smiled big and said yes!
"My shift is over, and I was thinking about getting some drinks tonight, want to join me? April asks.