"Oh, thank God!"
Turning, Natasha caught a brief glimpse of Jessica before she was pulled into hug, or what she assumed was her best attempt at a hug. Her massive belly prevented Jessica from getting a good hold on her.
"I thought you had left without me!", gasped Jess, trying to catch her breath. "Please, don't wander off!"
"Sorry, sorry... I just needed the toilet!", said Natasha, still confused about how much closer Jess and her were becoming.
"It's cool. As long as you and the triplets are alright", said Jess, smiling.
"Triplets?!", yelped Natasha. "I mean, yeah. Triplets. They're good. I'm good, it's all good".
Jess, either ignoring or oblivious to Natasha's outburst, smiled again.
"Come on, your clothes are giving way. We need to get to the maternity store".
Walking through the mall, Natasha thought about her life, and what was going on. This morning, she woke up a regular girl, with a normal life. Now, she was pregnant with triplets, and friends with Jessica, once her most hated enemy. She laughed.
"Something funny?", asked Jessica.
"Just... just thinking about stuff", she replied.
"Care to share?"
Natasha was about to tell her, but was interrupted.
"Never mind. There's the store. You have an idea of what you need?", asked Jess, stopping outside the shop.
"Yeah, clothes and other... stuff".
"You have no idea, do you?", asked Jess, hiding a smile. "Come on, I'll help you out".
Walking inside, Natasha saw that the store was...