"I guess one day as a girl couldn't hurt." Wincing, you said. Sighing, you added, "Okay, I'll play along with it."
You mom and sisters smiled then giggled before mom walked up and took you by the arm, leading you towards the bathroom. She pulled out a pair of panties that matched the training bra you were still holding as she walked. "We need to get you properly dressed... young lady." Grinning, she said. "After which we will have breakfast."
Mom pulled you into the bathroom and closed the door before stripping you down to the nude despite your protests. "I can dress myself, mom." Blushing, you said.
"You need a bath first." Smiling, mom said. "I want you to experience everything we girls go through in a day."
You gulped to find that mom already had a warn lavender scented bath ready for you. She picked you up before you could utter a word of protest and had you sitting in the scented water within seconds. "I can wash myself too, mom..." Irritated, you said.
Mom giggled. "You never washed yourself like a girl." Bemused, she said. "You have to get every last part of you clean unlike some boys who like 'clean enough'."
"Ha Ha." Humorlessly, you said.
Reluctantly, you allowed mom to bath you and towel you dry after. She handed you the panties which were easy enough to put on then walked you through putting on the training bra. "Fortunately, you are too young to have leg hair so we can skip the shaving lessons." Smiling, mom said. "However, we will be giving you a few lessons in proper posture as you will be wearing a skirt all day."
You sighed at that but reluctantly put on the blue pleated skirt and pink blouse mom gave you. She then handed you a pair of knee high stockings, which she helped you put on, and a pair of mary-janes. "Are we done now?" Pouting, you demanded.
"You look so cute as a little girl." Gushing, mom said. Giggling, she added, "You look more cute when you pout."
This made you blush, not knowing it made you even more cute. "Can we have breakfast now?" Softly, you asked.
Mom nodded then lead you back to the dinning room where your sisters all giggled and cooed at the way you looked. "She looks better than I hoped." Grinning, Dani said. "With the right hairstyle and a little makeup, she will be turning heads at school."
You gulped. "School,,,"
"She's just kidding, honey." Whispering, mom said. "Relax."
"I can't wait to see her in a dress." Smiling, Dani said. "I bet she could win the junior Miss small Town beauty pageant."
"Easy, you two." Serious, Tess warned. "It's Jessica's birthday. We are going this to give her a great experience not a nightmare." She then smiled, turning to you. "What we will put you through we girls do everyday. Just keep an open mind, okay?"
Reluctantly, you nodded. "Okay."
After breakfast, you...