Deb turned and faced me, she smiled and said, "I have prepared a dinner for you, I am a vegetarian, as hope you won't mind not having meat!"
"No problem, I am adjustable to most anything, just have one dislike in food, no sushi please." I said, as that made her to laugh, as her laugh sounded so genuine. She took to leading me from the corral fence toward her house. I felt a bond beginning, as if she was interested in me, as much I hoped like I wanted a meaningful relationship; not just a few hot nights and a quick farewell.
As we entered her quaint early American style house, it had a covered rear porch what was almost as large as the front porch. Her house I had Googled, told of it as built in 1928, the barn the same year. Entering her house the smells of what was baking filled the air, as I stood and looked at the strange wall papering done all around on the kitchen walls.
"Maps," I said aloud, "You wall papered your kitchen and eating nook with maps!"
"Oh yes, the maps were old, they came from my sailboat, I like to go sailing a lot; you knew I took two months of vacation, well I went sailing the Great Lakes. As here is much of Lake Michigan, as this wall is Lake Superior, Lake Huron here, and Lake Erie the stormy lake. I sail out the locks and tried my skills at the Atlantic ocean, but almost lost my life trying to face a Nor'easter.
After that fiasco, I decided to stay closer to home." Debra said, she telling I had a female ship captain on my hands.
A oven timer rang and the dinner was ready. I wondered what a Veterinarian vegetarian would fix for her guest. As the 9 x 13 dish came from the oven, I knew it to be a vegetarian style Lasagna. Cheese, Kale, Cottage cheese, tomatoes, tomato sauce, and a thick layer of Parmesan cheese mixed with Parsley, plus some dinner rolls, real butter, and to drink, what else, a glass of skim milk.
We ate, we talked, I told her most of my past, but left out the parts where I felt I had failed to do my utmost.
Deb told of her college years and of being an orphan, was adopted by a nice couple, who resided in Moscow, Idaho. They were retired school teachers and home schooled her, teaching her manners and how to live in society. She took her S.A.T. and entered the University of Wyoming with a four year fully paid scholarship. Her donor was a rather recluse man who resided in Montana, he being a Veterinarian as well Genetic Physicist. As Debra spent her summer seasonal break working as an understudy on projects for governments and other philanthropist types.
The Doctor as she continually referred to be her boss and financial donor, came onto her, or tried to make love to her, and when she said a polite, "No thanks," he became outraged, as almost physical, but was stopped by his partner, a Professor Beaker.
Professor Beaker was married and had a daughter that by what Deb said of the girl, she looked like a Playboy magazine model. The Professor lived nearby the scientific retreat, it a huge farm with some 38,000 acres surrounding the main office, the laboratory, and then seven barns,
Greta Beaker was a Blonde, and that Deb said was not just a hair color, but a state of mind!
Deb did not care to be near Greta, she being silly and often mischievous.
Deb suddenly ceased her talking about where she spent her summer vacation, and worked her way back to where she traveled. I liked to travel, and told of the many train trips I took, as much boring her with details about railroads and what happens there, until she suggested we retire to the sun porch. Her house had a three season porch what faced due west, and caught the evening rays of many glorious sunsets.
Deb served me a tall glass of wine, as she sat near but not too close, did sip at her glass filled with a dark red wine.
I tried not to talk about where we worked, or about her duties, but Deb kept changing the subjects, stressing to suggest she liked to tinker with the experimental studies done at the Montana facility of a company Sunrise Genetic Research. S.G.R. as Deb then began to tell about, did a study using prisoner inmate volunteers. Although the volunteers came from South America, and none knew anything as how to speak or understand English. They just accepted what became their daily duties, seemingly glad to being fed, given proper clothing, and not need to worry about their getting executed.
Tough, rough, gruff men, most were of the very hairy type, muscular brutes, they often gawked at Deb as if thinking of evil.
Deb carried on her conversing, as obvious she was envious of her boss the Doc and she really liked Professor Beaker. As she then shed a tear and her nose became runny, she was emotional about something she had witness.
I asked about what she felt was so terrible, and she fought verbally with me, not wanting to enter the subject she seemed as upset to remember.
Finally, Deb said, "It was of Greta and her poking her nosy nose where she had no real understanding of the project being studied." Blubbering and in tears, Deb spun a story of scientific magic, dealing with Greta and her being sexually molested by one of the volunteer prisoners.
"The man came upon her as would a beast!" Deb said, and she described more, as in morbid details. The man a hairy muscular brute, he was in his second month of genetic testing, when he broke through the security, saw then Greta, and like a wild beast he carried her to the hay barn where he..., they did it several times.
"He had tainted semen," Deb yelped, as she cried, telling that what he spent inside of Greta, worked to cause her to see physical changes, drastic, metabolic transitions, as the Doctor decided to incarcerate Greta into a secure holding cell.
Deb became so upset, she dropped her wine glass and really became angered, but not at me, as if more infuriated by what happened to Greta, "Poor, poor Greta...!" As then Debra fainted, fell down over her coffee table, hitting the wooden floor with a dull thud. I rushed to be of aid, and found my date as out cold.
I hoisted Debra into my arms and thought to lay her on her bed. As I bust past the door to her bedroom, turning on the room light with my elbow, I stood again as amazed. I laid Deb on her bed, tending to her as I would a person having fainted, I began to unbutton her blouse as ease the pressure on her body.
What amazed me more as about the room, were a dozen or so framed photos of split images, to the left was the photo of a well attired man, and to the right was a photo of an animal. I continued to lessen the snugness of Deb's clothing, when I saw something that made my blood run cold...