As the weeks go by, one by one, the army regains the states. Look at that. Almost have them all back. Bowman said. Yeah. We can soon go back to living normally. John said. Just then, a red flare is fired in the sky. Flare! Impending attack! Bowman said. As everyone takes their positions, the flare still hangs high. Where are they? Cynthia said. A flare was fired. Maybe it was one of ours? John said. As the flare disappears and everyone eases down, there is a shout. …..Attack! Under attack! A soldier said. Guess it was a distraction. Let’s go. Cynthia said. As you all move out, the shouts and screams of the soldiers are heard. Where is he?! One shouts. There! Shoot him! Another said. He’s so fast! No! Stay back! Stay… AHHHHHHH! Another said. This person means business. John said. Then one of the soldier comes flying through the brick wall. Take him down! NOW! A sergeant shouts as he shoots his gun. The bullets are going…..through him?! A soldier said. As chijinda and the rest walk in on the sergeant and his squad being killed brutally and efficiently, they are shocked to see it’s you. EX?! John said. As your eyes set onto your friends, the yellow and black rings disappear from your eyes. …….Mission failed. Returning. You said. You leave through one of the many holes you made you’ve thrown soldiers through. Ex’s alive. And he’s…..the one attacking us? John said. Makes sense from the reports. Inhuman speed, brutal nature, bullets phasing through. Bowman said. You think…..John said. No. No! He would never do this. Those bastards did something to him. A clone, a chip, something. The EX I know would never do this! Cynthia said. (So that’s why I haven’t heard from you.) Chijinda thought. We’re going after him! Cynthia said. Wait. If we do, we’ll be up to our eyes in japs. John said. I don’t care! I’ll kill all of them to get to him! Cynthia said. That’d go double for narue. But we have to do this right. Chijinda said. Which would be right fucking now! Cynthia said. No. we’ll do more harm than good. We need to think this out. Chijinda said. That’s a load of-he’s right, Cynth. John interrupts. We’d rush to our deaths. Bowman said. We’ll figure something out, and have him back before winter’s over. Chijinda said I’m holding you to that. Cynthia said.
You get a good distance from the makeshift base. Chijinda…… You said. You stare back at the base, then walk off into the cold night. As the days go by, you’ve been raiding markets and small shops for the Japanese since the US army has almost pushed them out. As you load the food on the truck, you take your usual 1/3 take. You lean against the wall and eat a bag of chips as the truck pulls away. As the truck pulls away, it suddenly blows up. Unflinching, you continue to eat as piece of the truck rain down all around. You already knew who it was, so you weren’t surprised when a group of US soldiers arrived and rush your position. Weapons down. All of you! Cynthia said. You stop eating when Cynthia shows up. Ex. What going with you? Cynthia said. Before you could say anything the ground shakes. What the?! One of the soldiers said. As the soldiers begin to panic, you are ordered to fall back. You use two soldiers as hopping stones, climb up on the roof of the adjacent building and head back to command. When you get back to the staging area, you head into a tent with the general and two soldiers. Leave us. He said. The two soldiers leave. Answer me this. Are you still a human? He said. Yes….. You said. Then this next part will be easier….. He said. The general tells you of operation mayhem. A testing op of utilizing the tech from the society. This is why you were ordered. We’ll see how effective this is…..He said. (Chijinda….. Everyone…..) You thought.
As the weeks go by, the giantess utilized by the Japanese crush any opposition. They ran amok throughout the US unopposed. Destroying cities and lives. You were a witness to the destruction. You could have easily stop them, but the chip in your head prevented you from action against them. The US army was defenseless against them and was decimated in all attempts of attacks.
1 month later.
With winter here, all offensives have been halted until the weather clears. Leaving you with free reign until then.
You walk the desolate streets of new York. Littered with destroyed building, crushed cars and dried bloodstains of soldiers where they were crushed. You stop and look at a tv with the news on. As if giant school girls and Japanese on our doorstep wasn’t bad, reports of a three-day long blizzard is coming. We ask any and all people out there, wherever you are, to be safe out there. The coming days are going to be brutal. The reporter said. A blizzard. Best find shelter. You said. You continue walking until you find a store that has power. There. This will do. You said. You put some stuff together and make a makeshift bed. You sit down and contemplate. From detective to cybernetic soldier to traitorous cybernetic soldier. Heh. I’m on the rise. You say despondent. You sit there for a few hours until you see three people run by. They sure are in a hurry. You said. When nighttime approaches, you head back out. As you walk down the street, you took a dead soldier’s sniper rifle and his dog tags. As you go, you find your friends hold up in a building. You look through the scope and see Cynthia, John, Bowman, and chijinda. Where’s narue? She’s usually not far away. You said. You see them talking. You were ordered to kill any sort of combatant you came across, but you manage to fight the control chip’s influence and shoot the mug in Bowman’s hand. They scatter from the window you shoot through. This chip needs to go. You said as you throw down the rifle. You walk back to the store and sleep for the night.
When you wake up in the morning, the air is cold. That blizzard will be here soon. You said. You get up and eat a few rations in the store. Not the best, but it’s something. You said. You hear a jet fly by overhead. You sit back down and sit there for a few hours until you hear another jet fly by. Then a few seconds later, you are enveloped in an explosion. After the explosion subsides, you see a truck unload US troops. They see you sitting among the rubble of the building. Wrong move, jarheads. You said. You stand up and walk menacingly towards them. They quickly hop back in the truck, but you grab the bumper before it could drive away. You toss the truck into s building. Jerks. You said before looking for a new shelter. As the cold night comes in, you find a small building with power and heat. I’ll ride out the blizzard here. You said. You get settled in for the blizzard.