Ryan spotted a family of four getting into a van. A mom, a dad, a teenage son, and a teenage daughter. He selected the father and the daughter and swapped their bodies and then their personalities. Their clothes remained unswapped, so the father ended up with the daughter’s body and personality, but kept his own men’s clothes, while the daughter got her father’s body and personality, but kept her own tank top and skirt. He noticed how the father, with his daughter’s body, acted haughty like his daughter had mere seconds ago.
He then selected the son, who was slightly younger than his sister, and the mother, and swapped their bodies and clothes. At first, nothing appeared different other than the son and mother’s positions, but then the son, with the mother’s body and clothes started teasing the sister. Though, with her father’s personality, the teasing didn’t appear to be as effective as it would’ve been before, with her only getting slightly annoyed. Meanwhile, the mother, with the son’s body and clothes, reprimanded the son for teasing his sister.
Ryan smirked at this, and then remembered his brief conversation with Ashley before he left the house. He remembered how having a male body seemed to be a sore subject for her, indicating that her life had been changed by being a girl with a boy’s body.
He turned back to Jake, with Ashley’s body, and thought about how his friend’s life might be different with a girl’s body. He felt like Ashley deserved a tougher life with a male body, but he didn’t want his friend to suffer for it too.
“Hey, uh…this might be a bit personal, and I don’t mean it in a teasing way, but…”
“What? Spit it out, dude.” Jake rolled his eyes at his friend’s hesitation.
“What’s it like? Being a guy with a female body?” Ryan asked. “Do you…like it?”