"Don't you have anything else, Bel?" mom chuckles, as she moves to a window. A car stops outside, and the figure of the doctor, Katie Thompson walks out. She knows magic exists, thanks to her best friend being a witch, but she can't say "Oh, you son became your young daughter. It must be witchcraft that did it", unless she wants a trip in front of the misconduct review. Plus, she doesn't really like Luke Adams all that much, especially since her daughter Megan told her about some rumors she heard...
"Is this a joke?' Dr Thompson says, looking at the girl dressed as a baby in front of her. "People don't spontaneously change age and gender, Mrs Adams. All I can say is she is not a teenage boy, and she is a perfectly healthy young girl" Mom looks at the doctor, wondering why she called her anyway. She curses her impulsiveness, realizing Dr Thompson acted like any sane person would, and is now likely to think she is wasting her time on a practical joke, or worse, crazy. "While Luke is a pig, he no she, still needs my help. I can't give it to her if I'm locked away."
Katie, seeing Becky's concern, gets a thought, hoping to stir things up. "Why is she dressed like a baby anyway? I know someon that can potty train her..."
"No, no. That won't be necessary" mom says, to your relief. "Sorry for wating your time. Of course, I'll send you your money." Once alone, she collaspes into a chair.
"We need to get some proper clothes. I'm broke, but Luke has some money stashed away" mom says. "Hey!" you try to say, but the pacifier muffles your voice. Bella looks at you and says