Zach turned towards Amanda, "You’re sure this is the place. I don't want to head down there and find and armed military camp, or hit the place and find out it was some innocent Girl Scout camp?"
Amanda gave a nervous grin as she knelt next to Zach "I am absolutely sure master, I was supposed to report here tomorrow once my work at the institute was done. I’ve been coming here since I was eight. This is Camp Love; it’s an all girl’s camp for the daughters of the Institutes faculty and scientist. We’re trained to take over for our parents here. The other camp across the lake is Camp Bomb; it’s the all boys’ camp. However if you want a Girl Scout camp," She says with a wicked grin. "Camp Little beaver is just a few miles down the road. Also there is an all girl’s nudist camp at Lake Sommer which is about five miles to the west, it too is full of ripe young things for you to enjoy."
Zach smiled and tilted his head in contemplation. "No, I will take these first, once I have enslaved the institute’s daughters and made them my breeding stock, I will consider taking the Girl Scouts and the nudists. After all the more little cunts I breed the better chance of my survival. I might need to take the boys camps too. I have no use for them as sex slaves as I do not lean that way, but I could use them to protect the breeding camps. I will get my revenge on the institute tonight; I will take their daughters and breed them, making them the mothers of my children."
"Yes master as you wish." Amanda replied. "If I may ask, what of the girls too young to breed, all three camps are full of them."
"They will be taken as well." Zach said with a shrug. "They will need to get used to the feeling of a cock in their bodies if they are going to make good breeders. I planed on starting with the youngest first as they are more pliable both physically and mentally. Besides, with my powers I can easily make them ripe even at that young of an age.
Zach and Amanda slipped down into the camp. Zach sent out an aura of nothingness, if anyone saw or heard him or Amanda, it would never register in their minds until it was too late. He let out a chuckle as the entered the main facility. There was no fence or security around the camp. It seems the institute in its belief of invincibility never even considered a need for any. As they crossed the camp ground, Amanda leading the way to the administrative section of the compound.
It did not take long for them to find the Head Administrators Cabin; Zach immediately sensed the presence of the Head administrator, the Cam Nurse and three of the counselors. He also detected the presence of three campers. Zach slid into their minds to discover who they were, the first girl was Ashley Jenkins, ten years old and scared half out of her wits, the other two Julie Carter fourteen and Elizabeth Thompson seventeen were calmer. All three girls were to be the heads of their sections, First girl, was the term used by the camp. All three were also, to Zach’s surprise, tied naked to a bed, blindfolded and gagged. Ashley was terrified as she had no Idea what was going on, while both Julie and Elizabeth had experienced this before the last time they were head Girls for their camps. Zach probed the girls minds little further and found layers of mind control and subliminal suggestions in the two older girls.
Zach pulled out of the minds of the girls and began to probe the Head administrator and her staff. The Administrator and Nurse he recognized immediately. The administrator had been one of the researchers who had questioned him after many of his more painful experiments. Ones he now attributed to most of his mental abilities. The nurse was an assistant for one of the Dr.'s who enjoyed experiments involving putting things in him, giving him extra organs and trying strange chemical concoctions on him. The three counselors he did not know, but gathered they were minor administrators of the Institute. After a quick scan of the Nurse and Head administrators mind, he knew exactly what they were planning and what had been done already. It was a part of the experiments that had been done to him years ago. It seams an alien creature had been discovered that secreted a chemical that numbed the mind and made the recipient open to suggestion, occasional doses were safe however continuous dosing had side effects of making the subject immune to the effect, and unknown to them giving the subject the ability to do it himself. The younger the recipient the more pliable they were to suggestions and control, also it seemed the creatures preferred manor of insemination was thought the vaginal region. They intended to let this thing rape the three girls.