As James gaped up at her... terror, astonishment, shock and curiosity warred for dominance in his consciousness. He’d had enough time to realize that the natives had climbed a flight of more than twenty steps. It meant he was easily the equivalent of a story high. And yet, he was still looking up at her waist. She had to bigger than James’ house. He craned his neck back to finally reaching the towering face. The pleasant expression on the quite young face eased his terror, slightly… very slightly.
That was when Konga looked into his eyes, threw her head back and roared.
What were little more than love taps to the colossal girl, pounded in James’ ears was like a thunderstorm to him. At least it settled his emotional turmoil. The sandy-haired boy yelled in terror. He pulled on his arms and legs.
The islanders were long used to offering reluctant Gifts to their Queen. Konga had been part of their lives for centuries. The altar had been steadily improved and now flawlessly held Konga’s gifts until she was ready to collect them. And, as easily as they were held, the Queen had but to flip what, to the islanders, was a heavy lever as if it were a light switch when she was ready and the bonds would automatically loosen. In response to the Queen’s roar they chanted her name “Konga Konga Konga!!” to bless the gift. It pleased the islanders that their Queen resembled them.
“HELPPPP!!! MEEE!!!” James screamed, all the while desperately trying to protect his ears from the deafening roar.
Konga delighted at the chanting of her name. She loved hearing all the little voices of her many toys. She panted a little from the exertion and smiled at the line of villagers on the wall. Then, she looked down at the struggling captive. Her youthful, Pacific features returned to the earlier expression of wonder. He was so exotic and rare. Konga knew there were more than a thousand of the little people that all had a similar skin tone to hers. For a moment, Konga’s features crinkled in anger at the thought they had hidden him from her. But, then again lost herself in fascination at the pale offering. Knowing that he was firmly bound, Konga bent slowly and began extending her left hand.
“UH-HUH!! NO!!” yelled James, fearfully as the dark-skinned giant moved toward him. A loud crack startled him and made him look away from her face. What he saw was even more alarming. A giant hand was approaching. James wailed pitifully “HELPPPP!!! MEEE!!! PLEEEEEEEEEEEASEEEEEEE!!!”
The only answer from the wall came in the form of more fevered chanting “Konga Konga Konga Konga Konga!!” It was with reluctance that the chief agreed to Gifting the outsider. And many feared the pale-face might be evil and would anger the Queen. Many had feared the worst when the Queen looked angry. But, the return of her smile relieved everyone. The islanders looked on eagerly as Queen Konga bent over the Gift. Whatever the cause of the Queen’s earlier anger, all could tell she was pleased.
Konga cooed at her frantically struggling new toy. As usual, he was spread eagle to make her visual inspection easy. Konga appreciated the islanders for their cleverness. She could barely wait to examine him for any other differences between him and the other islanders. His skin and hair were both so much lighter. And, now that she was much closer, Konga could tell he was dressed quite differently from the others. She placed her right hand on the platform, very near the release switch and got to her knees.
The natives stopped their chanting in hushed awe. The Queen had never done that in living memory. Those on the wall gasped in surprise. The Queen almost always just grabbed a Gift off the Altar and walked off. Naturally, he or she would turn up days later, relatively unharmed. But since it was taboo to discuss what happened while the Gift was with the Queen, no one but the Gift ever knew what happened. This was more than the tribe had ever seen.
“Please, m-m-miss …l-lemme g-g-go.” stuttered James “I p-pr-promise I’ll n-n-never t-t-tell anyone!” As the dark-skinned hand got closer to him, James fell into a panicked babbling. Punctuated by continued futile efforts to free himself. A part of his brain informed him that the giant fingers were nearly the size of his whole arm. He felt the irrational urge to cut that part right from his head.
Konga leaned over further, she changed her approach and brushed the back of her fingers down the front of her new toy. Another surprise, first she established this one as a boy. She didn’t favor girl toys over boy toys. They were both fun. The surprise was that he seemed to have more than one layer of clothes on. She had never seen that before. And the pants were of a rougher material than she was used to. She was very curious and decided to brush at them again.
James cringed as the Hand roamed over him. His hair was mussed, his legs and arms pinched and stroked. Finally, after what seemed a lifetime…but was really only minutes… the Hand withdrew. He sighed in relief that he hadn’t been harmed. The giant smiled at him and spoke. Unfortunately he could not understand. He shook his head helplessly. Because of his father, he knew a little Hawaiian, and this was similar. But, about the same way English and German were.
She studied him closely and then