"I can't wait to have some fun with you, but we should probably go back over to my place for some...rest and relaxation." Her lips curled lustfully at this statement, anticipating the years of fun she would be having with the captain. "We wouldn't want your crew walking in on us taking a day off now would we?"
That's when it hit Sisko, the crew. "Sisko to Dax. I need..." He called out before the Intendant could stop him. Her hand balled up into a fist again, crushing Sisko against her soft warm flesh.
"Dammit Sisko, I was going to take it nice and easy on you, but now you deserve to travel with me the hard way". Sisko could feel gravity hit him from within her fist as she sat down on Sisko's bed, and after a few seconds, she uncurled her fist once more, but this time she kept her fingers pinching Sisko's chest, so he wouldn't be able to get his voice back. Beneath him sat the open mouth of mirror Kira's right boot, but he couldn't look down he was held so tightly.
"Oh wow, can you smell that Sisko? That's the scent of my feet, marinating in my boots all day. Oh it must be so sweaty down there, even I can smell it." The scent wafted up to Sisko, and he tried to gag, but the lack of air in his lungs left him trying to take in any air that he could, even if it was infused with the smelly odor of the Intendant's feet.
"Now you could have ridden up in my beautiful breasts for the ride home, but since you were such a naughty boy, you're going to have to have a timeout in my boot. I'll see you later my little slave!" With that she double checked that Sisko was over her boot and then dropped him in.
Sisko fell what seemed to be hundreds of feet from the grasp of the mirror Kira into her boot. The smell intensified as the darkness of her bott swallowed him, but he had been gasping for air ever since she had released him, taking in more of her noxious fumes. He prepared for the end, if not the crushing of her fist, if not the beam itself, a fall from 100 feet would surely do him in.
He hit the insole of her boot with a wet thud. How am I alive? he thought. Perhaps the beam that shrank me boosted my strength. He locked this information away in his head, hoping that he might be able to use it sometime to escape this madwoman. This madwoman whose sweat I'm now drenched in. He realized that the wetness of his crash had come from the insole, which had apparently soaked up some of the sweat from her foot. His world was about to get a whole lot worse though, as the Intendant's foot began to move back into its home. Whatever light Sisko had was blacked out as the foot entered the boot. Still fearing that he could be crushed, Benjamin ran as far as he could from the foot, but it was in vain. He tripped over the damp fabric of the insole, and landed on his back. Looking upwards in defeat, Sisko couldn't do a thing as mirror Kira's foot came to rest on top of him, crushing him beneath the ball of her foot. Still he wasn't dead, but there was definitely a large amount of pain as he could feel the Intendant stand up, placing her full weight on top of him. All of Sisko's world was now encompassed by Kira's foot. The soft underside of her foot overwhelmed the captain, as did the smell, and the sweat that was now on both sides of him.
Kira however was in pure ecstasy. The Benjamin Sisko of this universe, once an object of her fury, was now nothing more than an insole for her feet. She wanted nothing more than to lay down on the bed and touch herself to alleviate this extreme arousal, but she knew she had to get out of here as soon as possible, lest one of Sisko's friends have heard his call for help over the computer. She gave her nether regions a light tap from outside the catsuit, as if to calm her darkest desires, until later. She checked for and felt the squiriming of the tiny captain beneath her feet, confirming her belief that the shrink ray made its target impossible to crush, and walked out of the quarters, and make her way to ops.
Sisko felt the world lighten as he was lifted into the air. Then within a second the feeling was gone, and the crushing pain returned, even worse. He was pushed further into her skin, leaving an indent against the smooth flesh of the underside of her foot. The cycle continued as Sisko realized that his captor was on the move. Unable to do anything except occasionally squirm, Sisko prayed to the Prophets that Jadzia Dax had heard his brief yelp and was on the way to rescue him before this crazy yet gorgeous woman carried him off to her own universe.