After school was over, Josh left the main classroom building and started walking out the schoolyard when Ethan ran up to him from behind.
"Hey Josh, I was wondering, would you like to come over to my house this afternoon?" he asked him.
"Sure, but let me ask my mom first."
Josh knew it wouldn't be a problem but he felt better if he would just ask his mother anyway. He lived with his mom and the two of them lived in a small apartment together since his parents were divorced and his father had moved away many years ago. Josh realized that he now had the power to bring his parents together if he wanted to, but since his father wasn't very good to his mother, he knew that it wouldn't make his mom too happy if he had forced that on her, so he let the situation remain the way it was.
As soon as Josh had walked far enough away from school, he disappeared from sight and instantly appeared standing in his bedroom. He treasured the ability to teleport everywhere and he used it every chance he had.
Josh then walked into the kitchen where his mother was preparing supper.
"mom, do you mind if I hang out at ethan's house for awhile this afternoon?" he asked his mother.
His mother didn't mind it, which was the expected answer, and so he finished his lunch and walked out the door.
As soon as Josh had gotten outside, he heard the sounds of several animals. There was a raccoon, a cat, and the chirping of a bird in a tree. Josh looked up and spotted the bird, and smiled.
"Come here, come to me!" Josh said to the bird, but somehow, the other animals instantly recognized who Josh was. They realized right away that Josh was God and their creator.
The bird leaped off the branch and flew over to Josh, neatly landing on his shoulder. The raccoon and the cat also came up to Josh, and they rubbed up against Josh's legs. A few minutes later, a stray dog came walking by, and came up to Josh, and started licking Josh's hand.
"Hey, you guys know who I am huh?" Josh grinned.
After a few minutes, Josh continued on his way, and the animals just remained standing, although they just watched him from a distance.
When Josh reached Ethan's house, he rang the doorbell and Ethan opened up. Right away, Ethan's cat and dog came up to Josh and rubbed up against his legs.
Josh then went up to Ethan's bedroom, where the two boys played video games together. They played a few games on the xbox, and Josh beat Ethan easy at everything.
When Ethan took Josh to the large bird cage out in the back of the house, all four birds flocked over to Josh and sat on Josh's shoulders. Ethan was just astonished and he couldn't understand why all the animals liked Josh so much.
Finally, Ethan's mother came home, and she started talking to the boys when she entered the bedroom. She just finished telling them that she had come back from church.
"Hi there, Josh! Thanks for coming over!" Mrs. Jones said.
"Hi Mrs. Jones. You just came from church, right?" Josh said.
"yes, I did!"
"Well, I heard your prayer for Mr. Jones. I'm sorry to hear he's sick with the flu. But, don't worry. He'll get better today!" Josh said to Ethan's mother.
That moment, Ethan's father was cured and he was no longer sick with the flu.
Ethan's mother was astonished. She just stared at Josh with a shocked look on her face.
"Josh... How could you have heard my prayers? I mean, I was praying these things in church to God!" Ethan's mother wondered.
"I hear everyone's prayers. I am God." Josh replied.
Both Ethan and his mom stared at the boy in shock.
Then, her husband came out of the room, feeling completely cured from the flu.
"See? Mr. Jones isn't sick anymore!" Josh smiled. "I answered your prayer!"
"Thank you!" both parents said, as they embraced Josh.
Everyone was happy Josh came over, and Ethan couldn't believe it. His best friend from school, who came over to play video games with him, was God!
Ethan couldn't wait to tell his friends at school about Josh.