Betty was walking home from school.She sighed as she entered her front yard. Ugh, Betty said, I am beat! I can't to get into the tub and relax. Betty walked through the front door. She immediately noticed that several large chunks were missing from the sofa. Betty sighed. Great, she said, now Purrsy is clawing up the furniture again. Mom, I'm home! She cried, taking off her backpack.
In the kitchen, sweetie. Her mom replied. Come here a moment, there is something you simply have to see. Betty, rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen. What is it? She asked, don't tell me you got Purrsy another new collar. Betty gasped as she caught sight of her mom, now standing naked in the kitchen. She appeared to be transforming into some kind of alien creature. Betty's mom ran over and picked the girl up in a bear hug.
Oh, I'm so glad you're home, she said. I've had the most amazing day! Betty grunted from the tight hug. Mom, what happened to you? She asked? I found this odd stone on the floor, you must have dropped it, the woman replied. Oh, no, Betty thought, I was supposed to lock that up. Mom, what did you do with the stone? Betty asked. Oh, it's in the living room, by the tv. The woman replied, but isn't this wonderful. I feel so incredible, you have to try this.
I what? Betty almost shouted, Mom, no, I need to find the stone. Oh, don't worry dear, her mom replied. Trust me, you're going to love this. Without another word Betty's mom carried the girl farther into the kitchen and...