Bob was awakened by the sun’s rays shining through the kitchen window. He groggily sat up, belching as he did so, and looked around. The fridge door was still open, and it was still full of food. Bob smacked his lips and scratched his bigger gut as he tried to remember what happened last night. He was so hungry, he went to the fridge, which was suddenly packed with food, and it seemed like no matter how much he ate, there was still food in there waiting for him. Did he actually just spend last night eating and eating until he fell asleep? He couldn’t believe it, but looking down at his belly, the fridge, and his food-stained shirt, he couldn’t deny it.
As he stretched and yawned, he heard his stomach start to growl and felt a strange sense of hunger. “Geez, I’m still starving?” He rubbed his gut and looked at the fridge. It was still heavily stocked. He thought he had eaten everything in it last night, but apparently not? He was so hungry though, he didn’t think he cared about that, and resumed feasting on the fridge’s contents, pulling out more and more food and shoveling it into his mouth. He was just starving as he ate everything in there. Luckily, it didn’t seem he was able to run out, because it just seemed the fridge would be restocked the moment he stopped paying attention. He wasn’t even looking at it anymore, since he was too preoccupied grabbing any sort of food in there and eating it. He couldn’t believe how hungry he was.
As he continued to eat, his shirt began to feel even tighter than before, even though it now rode up on his growing gut. His eyes absentmindedly wandered up to the kitchen clock as he ate, before he suddenly stopped eating as he realized how late it was. He was going to be late for the cruise if he didn’t stop! Even though he didn’t want to, he finished eating ‘breakfast’, and stood up, gut wobbling as he did so. He stood for a moment as he let out a small toot, then released a thunderous BUURRRP and savored the taste of it, rubbing his gut as he did so, before closing the fridge door and heading up to his room to go pack.