"Hey, Daisy, where is everyone?" Peach scratched her emptied head and pouted. Oddly enough, there wasn't a single other soul around, though that did get the two prime seating right in the center of the film.
"Its probably just a slow day." Daisy snacked on a piece of popcorn, slipping on her 3D glasses. "Maybe theyll show up a little late."
"Yeah, that makes sense." Peach bubbled, grabbing the soda as the lights dimmed. A countdown from 15 began, the edges of the screen all crackly and old-timey. It was kinda relaxing, though. The way the fuzzy edges sort of... Trailed back in... "Daisy...?"
"Yeah... Peach...?" The brunette mumbled, arms now slack at her side as the number turned from 9 to 8.
Peach didn't respond, mouth hanging open as a little drool leaked out. Her simpler mind much less equipped to fight the hypnotic trance.
"Uh..." Daisy moaned as the number blinked from 3 to 2, feeling like her body and mind floated s perately in the dark as the "movie" began.
Hello, princess.
"Hrm..." Daisy tried, but just barely stayed in trance.
Oh, you silly girl. You're not supposed to talk to me. I'm you!
A graphic appeared on the black screen of a brain inside of an X-ray of Daisy's head with the number 100% over it.
That's right. I'm your brain, and you should listen closely and quietly to what I have to say. Understand?
"Y..." Daisy tried, but a surge of calm forced her back down. The brain graphic, she noted, shrunk a bit and the number changed to 97%.
Don't respond! I'm oh so tired, and need a vacation before I melt away for good! Thinking isn't good for a princess all the time, so, repeat after me: I'm a dumbed down ditzy damsel.
"M..." Daisy frowned, struggling a bit as another wave of calm surged, this time from her forehead. The brain shrunk a lot more this time, and the number changed to 89%. Clearly, her brain was now just a little too small for her head. "Uh..."
Ow... That one...! Hurt...!
"Sor...!" Daisy tensed up, a stab of pain instead of a surge of calm slamming right between her eyes. "Ugh...!!"
Stop! Stop! Say the chant before it's too late!
"I'm a dumbed down ditzy damsel...!" Daisy moaned, head swimming through a river of fuzzy numb fuzz.
No! No! Keep saying... It...
"I'm a dumbed down ditzy damsel I'm a dumbduh down ditzy damsel I'm a dumb...." The brunette princess stopped, her head going all fuzzy. The graphic (brainy picture thingy) got smaller, and the number turned to 73%. (Was that bad...?)
Keep goin'! don' stop now or we'll be too dumb...!
"Mm uh dum down dizzy damsul mm uh dum down dizzy damsul mm uh dum down dizzy damsel--" Daisy said the funny words (mantra) over and over and over and over for a filly long time! (Eventually) Her brains stopped hurting. But then she looked at her brain and it was all small! Too small for her head and the number read 59%. Was that higher er... Not higher (lower) than lass time...?"
Goo' girl...! Yer on yer way to bein' to bein' the dumbest, BESTEST gurl in the whole WORLD!!
Daisy giggled and laughed for a little, but then she stopped. Wasn' she tryin' tah get smart...? "Owie!!" Her head... Bad... Ow...!
Bad! No thinky! Keep sayin' it with me. Me got no brain me not that tough, look at mah boobs look at mah butt!
"I--owwww--" Her head got ouchie...! The brainy brain got smaller, but she couldn' read the number no more...
No! No! NO! Me gots no brains me not so tough, look at mah boobs look at mah butt!
"Me got no brains..." Her head hurt... Not ouchie hurt, but... Like...! It was bein' smushed super duper hard...! "Me not... Not..." What came next...? Her head felt mushy... "Uh... Um....?"
Look at mah boobs, look at mah butt!
"Bewbs..." Daisy giggled until a big POP made her head... go... Quiet...
Hee hee hee... What's wrong, you dummy?
"Wha...?" The voice...! It sounded all... Funny... "Why.. Brain... Mean...?"
Because I'm smarter than you! You're nothing but a piece of brainless eye candy now, you know that?
"Stop...! No mean ta..." POP! POP! POP!... Head... Mush... "Uh...? Wha...?"
Feeling a little confused? Having trouble keeping up? Get used to it, sweetie, because you're gonna be living life in the sloooowww lane now! Hee hee hee...
"Uh..." Huhuh... Huhuh... Chest... Wet... "Mmkay..."
That's a good little girl. Just let us fry yer tiny brain away! Lord Bowser'll be here aaaaannnnyyy second to fill that empty space riiiiiight up! For now, keep drooling! It's a good look for you.
Pop! "Good... Look..." Pop!
I bet you can't even read that number anymore, can you?
Pop. "... Uh...?" Pop pop.
"Well, it says 50%, FYI." A boo popped out of the screen and giggled, a few more appearing from out the girls head. "But you don't know what that means. You probably didn't even notice your friend was gone, did you...?
"Yep." One of the smaller boos said, tapping a ghostly fist on the former tomboy's formerly full noggin. "She's pretty gone, now, boss. Some of our best work!"
Daisy just babbled and drooled, slumped stupidly in her chair with absolutely no IQ or brainpower to speak of.
"I can tell by the way her eyes are crossing. They always do that when you get a good couple zaps in a row." The boo giggled once again, the others joining in as: