As you continued to walk down the breezy path, you noticed a farmhouse close by. Beside the house were sheep, cows, pigs, you name it. But what caught your eye was the red barn, which was like it jumped out of a book. You looked at the house and noticed that there were no cars; perhaps you could see this cute barn for yourself. So, you walked a smaller path to the barn, observing all the farm animals grazing. One cow even looked at you with an unimpressed look, as cows usually do.
As soon as you made it to the barn, you saw that the door was wide open. Was somebody in there? You took a quick peek to find out. As you looked inside, you noticed all of the typical barn materials; stables, rakes and tools, a tractor, and hay (lots of hay). But suddenly, something else caught your eye; a cute farm-girl! She had pig-tailed blonde hair and white skin. She wore a red/white plad shirt which she rolled up the sleeves to, daisy-duke jean shorts, and sneakers. From what you saw of her, she was very cute, despite the fact that she was turned away from you. She was putting up a bail of hay onto a rack.
All of a sudden the bale gave in and came back down on the poor girl. Frantic, she raised up her arms to stop the bail from falling on her; she was stuck! Quickly, you ran to her side and lifted the bale onto the rack. She was surprised to see you in the barn like that, but still was pleased by your arrival.
"Thank you," said the girl, panting at all the excitement, "If you hadn't shown up, I'd probably be stuck under that hay for hours!"
"No problem," you respond with a smile. You help her up. "Where are your parents?"
"Oh they had to go to Nashville for the weekend for a farmer convention," the girl then takes her time to inspect you.
"You're a city-boy, aren't you?" smirked the girl. It was kind of obvious that you weren't from around here.
"Yeah," you replied, "Is that bad?"
"Not at all," she giggled, "It's just that we don't get many city folk around here. What's your name anyway?"
"I'm (you're name)," you told her.
"You don't say. Well I'm Addie Mae," she said with a friendly smile. Despite her 'barnyard' behavior, she was actually very cute. You knew you had to have a chance with her.
So, what happens next?