Ten-year-old Katy is currently walking through the forest scared. She is wet, nude, and alone. Out of a sense of modesty, she has one hand over her budding young breasts and the other over her hairless crotch, as she looks around the woods in dread, because every shadow she sees now seems like a menacing beast, intent on harming her. As the young girl with blond hair looks around with fear in her eyes, she hears something moving through the forest towards her. In fear for her life, she hides behind a tree and peeks around the side, hoping that whatever it was would ether leave her alone, or help her. As she looks on, she is relieved to see that this intruder coming into view is Sasha. As Katy looks on, she sees Sasha carefully walking past some trees, and Sasha too is attempting to hide her exposed private areas from view with her bare hands. As the eleven-year-old Hispanic girl looks around in fear, Katy emerges from the safety of the tree, greets her, and they run over to each other, and embrace. As the gorgeous young blond haired girl, and attractive young the Hispanic girl talk to each other, several topics come up. The questions they raise are, “Where’s Emily? What are we going to do? What are we going to do?”
As they talk to each other, they hear something moving around in the foliage before them. They are about to run and hide when they see that this new intruder is their size, it has red hair, and lightly tan colored skin. As it emerges from the woods, they recognize the intruder as their nine-year-old friend Emily. (What, I like red heads OK, and I believe she would be useful to both story-lines.) Emily then tells them, “You won’t believe what happened to me. I was stuck in a spider’s web not too far from here, or my hand was, but sense I was wet, the spiders web did not hold me for long.”
“Spiders web, something had to make it? Where’s the spider?” Sasha asked fearfully.
Before Emily could respond, the three wet naked girls hear something monstrous crashing through the woods. Paralyzed with fear, they look up in dismay to see a giant humanoid looking creature, dressed in a white toga walking past them. This giant looks like an adult male, and he was caring a huge cloth bag with him. This giant has long pointy ears, one big brown eye, and he has a thick beard. The more three girls look this giant Cyclopes over, the more they seem to think that he is a teacher of some kind, a Cyclopes teacher. They then watch as the giant turns around, looks down at them with a look of joy in his eyes, and smiles wickedly, while lustfully licking his lips. The three girls just stand there, immobilized by fear, as the giant adult male Cyclopes reaches down for them with his big hand. A few seconds later, the three girls find themselves trapped in the hand of the giant, who lifts them all up to his hand, and joyfully looks at them. The Cyclopes then says in a thunderous voice, “GREAT, TODAY I HAVE TWO MORE LIVING SPECIMENS FOR MY CLASS TO STUDY?”
In a mouse like voice, Emily says, “But there are three of us?”
“YOU’RE RIGHT MY PRETTY LITTLE PET, AND I DON’T LIKE TO BE WRONG!” the Cyclopes told her while laughing!
A few seconds later, the Cyclopes who we will call Mr. Grog reaches over with his free hand, and lifts poor Sasha by her arms up, and away from the other two girls. Sasha is then lifted up high into the air, towards his wide-open mouth. As she dangles over his mouth and her doom, the naked young girl could feel his warm, stinky breath blowing over her body. While she cries, desperately kicking at his mouth, and begging for him not to eat her, he just laughs. He then drops her into his mouth, and then closes it, trapping Sasha inside. As the tiny nude girl fights to stay alive, the giant simply swallows her down with one mighty gulp, and then lets out a huge belch. “DAMN I LIKE SWALLOWING HUMANS ALIVE. THEIR SO TASTY, ESPECIALLY THE YOUNG FEMALES!”
The giant then gently drops the two remaining naked human girls, Emily and Katy into his huge bag for safekeeping, and goes to giant school where he teaches. Inside this dark cloth bag, the two distressed nude girls discover…