This choice: Dance Dance Curv-o-lution • Go Back...Chapter #4Dance Dance Curv-o-lution by: Unknown "Hey, did you hear about that weird new dancing game?"
Nurse Blaziken looked up from her book to the Raichu nurse addressing her. "Dancing game? Like the ones you see at arcades? No, I haven't. Why?"
"Really? But it was on the morning news! Well, you never were into video games, were you?"
Blaziken took a second to bookmark her place before giving her friend a mildly annoyed look. "You do plan on telling me what's so weird about this game, right?"
The Raichu shrugged. "Just thought you might've heard something. Anyway, it's called Dance Dance Curv-o-lution. Totally weird name, right? But yeah, it just started popping up on store shelves the other day. But that's not the weirdest part. No, the weirdest part is that this game is actually supposed to make your curves bigger!"
"Bigger?" Blaziken furrowed her brow. "How?"
"Beats me. All I know is you're supposed to play it and then boom. Bigger tits and ass."
"I think the only reason the local news got a story out so soon was 'cause one of the reporters had a one-night fling with some Persian lady who bought it."
"It sounds like that might've been Mika..." Blaziken muttered.
"Who?" the Raichu asked.
"Oh, just a friend's friend. I've never met her myself, but the way my friend describes her... Well, the point is it sounds like her kind of game."
"Ah. Sooo..." The Raichu nurse leaned in closer, her lips curved up in a conspiratorial grin. "Think you might wanna try it out yourself?"
Blaziken got up from her chair, flashed her friend an identical grin, and replied, "You'll just have to wait and see."
While the bus route could bring Nurse Blaziken straight from the hospital to her neighborhood in short order, the distance was short enough that she could just walk her way back. It took longer, but never more than an hour and it was better than riding on a dirty old bus anyway. The extra exercise was nice, too.
As Blaziken made her way through a shopping district, she stopped and looked at an electronics store. Electabuzz's Electronics Emporium probably had a video games section in there somewhere. Maybe Dance Dance Curv-o-lution would be there as well.
Assuming it was real and her friend wasn't trying to pull a fast one on her.
"Better safe than sorry," Blaziken muttered to herself as she took out her phone and sifted through her contacts list until she found the one she was looking for: Lucile the Lucario.
After waiting a few seconds for her to answer, Blaziken was greeted with a very chipper "Hello!"
"Lucy, hi! How are you?"
"Just wonderful, thanks for asking! How about you?"
"Oh, pretty good, pretty good. Listen, I just heard the craziest piece of gossip today--"
"Let me guess: crazy new dancing game that makes your boobs and booty bigger."
Blaziken inwardly sighed with relief. "So I'm not having a fast one pulled on me. That's good."
Lucile giggled. "Yup, it's real. Mika--you know, that Persian friend of mine--just suddenly showed up at my place the other day with a copy of the game and... Oh my god, I swear her breasts were at least twice as big as before!"
"Get out!"
"Swear on my own girls! She's even bigger now, by the way. Showed me how it works and even let me play it for a couple rounds. You should see the results, they're amazing!"
"We'll have to get to together this weekend, then. I can't even imagine how much bigger you must be!"
"Oh yeah, definitely. I'll have to invite Mika, too. She'd just love to meet you!"
Blaziken hummed in agreement. "Oh, by the way, did she tell you where she got that game?"
"Uh, Electabuzz's, I think. Why?" Lucile's voice took on a more teasing tone. "You're not thinking of doing what I think you're thinking of doing, aaare yoooouuu?"
The nurse grinned from ear to ear. "You'll just have to wait and see."
Forty-five bucks and a bout of self-consciousness later, Nurse Blaziken was in possession of her own copy of Dance Dance Curv-o-lution and rushing the rest of the way home. Strangely, the game apparently didn't need a computer or any of those new video game consoles to play it on. All she had to do was pop the disc into her DVD player and hook up the accompanying camera to her TV and she was good to go. Fine by her; the simpler, the better.
Sitting on her coffee table was the box, still unopened. The box art consisted of silhouettes of various pokemorphs dancing, all of them female and all of them very shapely. There was absolutely nothing else, aside from the game's title. For a few minutes, Blaziken did nothing but sit in the adjacent couch and just stare at her purchase. It was totally unusual for her to own such a thing, but then again, this game was anything but the usual. If this thing was the real deal and not just some big joke everybody but her was in on...
"Well," she said with a sigh, "might as well give it a shot."
A few minutes later, Blaziken had turned on the TV and had the game all set up. The screen went dark for a minute as dance hall music began to play, a pulsing electronic beat that started out quiet and slowly rose in volume. Then, as the music grew more complex, the title screen appeared. A few more seconds passed and the title screen gave way to a menu. Said menu listed three options: Titty Style, Booty Style, and T & A Style. Each option was accompanied by a silhouetted pokemorph posing in a provocative manner that emphasized their curves. Below the menu was a single sentence reading, "Copy the pose of the dance you wish to perform."
Alright, thought Blaziken, where would be a good place to start...?  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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