“Yeah, what were you doing? It sounded like something fell when we were coming down here.”
“Really? I uh, I didn’t hear a thing!”
Michelle gave me a strange look, “Alright then.” She said suspiciously.
“What? I swear! Look I was just getting ready to take this container to the storage in the back, that’s what we have to do.”
“Ok, well let’s get to it.”
Michelle and I stepped over to the containment cell, I felt a bit worried as I reached down a pulled the sheet off, revealing the ghost pants.
“A pair of pants?” Michelle asked in the same manner I had when I first saw them. “I thought my first real ghost it would be something a little more interesting then pants.”
“Yeah that’s what I thought to, but the pants aren’t of a metaphysical nature, they’re actually inhabited by a spectral force brought about by a séance in the sixties.” I reiterated what Egon had told me, trying to sound as convincing as possible that it was my own knowledge.
“Really?” Michelle looked perplexed, “That’s interesting.”
I could tell I had went over her head at some point, same as it had with me when I heard it.
“So the pants are possessed? Doesn’t seem like there’s much they could do being clothes and all.”
I knelt down and lifted the container, placing back upright. “I don’t know, I heard they just move on their own, dancing and stuff like that. They caught them at the Sedgewick and brought them here for study.”
“Why though? Wouldn’t it be more important to find dangerous ghosts?”
“I guess so, but I’d suppose a ghost is a ghost, no matter how bad they are.”
“True enough, they seem like decent pants to be honest.” Michelle said bending over to look at them.
“You could try them on if you want.” I blurted out without thinking.
“Uh, no thank you, I like my pants.”
“So do I.”
Michelle stood back up looking at me with a raised eyebrow.
“I-I mean your pants are way nicer then those, definitely!” I laughed nervously.
“Anyway”, Michelle shrugged off the comment, “come here for a second, it looks like something is busted.
I felt my heart sink, “My first day and I’ve messed something up already!” I thought to myself as stepped over to Michelle.
“Something’s broke?”
“Yeah look, I don’t think this little hinge is supposed to dangle like that.” Michelle pointed to a piece of the container that looked out of place.
“I don’t think that’s a hinge.” I said as Michelle poked the broken latch. A hissing sound emitted from the casing, small spurts of air, or something, sprayed out of each corner. And with a heavy pop! The container door opened slightly, and the restraints holding the pants loosened.
“Uh oh.” Michelle and I both said in unison.