All characters are over 18.
Trent was an astonishing musician, as so he believes. He does produce very great songs, but doesn’t articulate them correctly (sometimes) and they sometimes mess up; however that didn’t stop his reputation as being a great musician. Trent also was apart of a famous reality TV show. It was called Total Drama Island. He had a crush on this girl (if you had watched the show you’ll know what and who I am talking about)... Gwen. They were in a relationship for quite some time; however it died down fast after the second to third season where he was in conflict with Gwen and was recently eliminated. Now Trent just relaxes in his apartment. His apartment is messy. It had papers all over the floor due to failed attempts to writing songs, there was a completely a messy bed, and soda cans all over the floor. Trent was a pig, a messy, disgusting, pig. Trent didn’t care, he was very introverted to the point where he never goes outside. He also waste his time exploring his multiple “kinks” and fetishes he had done during the time of the “viral virus”. He tried To fatten himself with soda and mentos farted out his gas. If anyone knew about this, he’ll be ruined. Luckily as said before he was very introverted.
Trent opened his eyes. He was in a metal room. It felt like a blur from what he had saw before. From what he could remember, he was eating a very gassy food, allowing his belly to expand and his butt to release. Trent wondered, “Where am I?”
Trent observed the room, it was metal. There was a giant speaker on the wall. A seemingly gas chamber. It ranged from a seemingly great distance, approximately 5,280 feet wide and long. There was also a glass chamber in the far near end. Trent touch the glass feeling that it was very thick and very hard. Trent banged on the glass and an angry loud noise seemed to appear.
“What the hell man?!” The voice appeared as it stands up. Trent looked back noticing it was someone who he had competed with. He looked like an edgy punk. Black t-shirt with a skull, and with beige sleeves. Turquoise shorts that reached past his knees but only by a small bit, red shoes. His neck had a spiked collar. The boy’s piercings were on his nose and his ears. He had a black goatee. An unibrow with also 2 piercings on each side. Green colored Mohawk with the rest of his hair black. His clothes were a bit tight. Trent came to the realization that he remembered the boy’s name.
“Duncan?” Trent asked.
“Yeah?! What the heck do you want from me?!” Duncan says pulling a fist as he grabbed Trent’s shirt and pulls it above him.
“Yawn, can you guys keep it down, I am trying to get some sleep,” Another boy whines. Trent tried to analyze the other boy with the best of his ability. He had a green hat, orange puffy jacket, white shirt, blue skinny jeans, and some tennis shoes. He had an expression of fear. He had lock slick hair that was puffy. If he had his hat off, it might be a mullet. He had a bit of hair on his chin. The hair was colored brown. He kinda looked a bit malnourished.
“I don’t give a frick about your sleep!” Duncan screamed.
“Oh, shut the hell up Duncan, this small idiot just wants to take a shut-eye,” Another boy explains popping out. Duncan drops Trent as he heads towards the other boy. You poke the brown haired lad.
“Yo, kid, what is your name,” Trent whispered quietly.
“S-Shawn” The boy explained as he shook. Trent decides to not disturb Shawn and stand by to see the commotion of the other boy and Duncan. The fourth boy had an white t-shirts that you cannot tell, but it looked like it had hoops you don’t know the name of. He also had saggy blue jeans and a durable brown belt. The boy had orange hair and had many freckles on his face and chest. Worn shoes. He had a bit of a stomach, but was not really precipitated. You eavesdrop on the two boys conversation.
“Well I don’t know how in the name of hell, I got here!” Duncan shouts.
“Neither do I you dumb idiot, so shut up,” The boy insulted.
“I will kill you when I get out, Scott!” Duncan threatens.
“Make me, pretty boy,” Scott scoffed. Scott was his name. The two boys then started to fight with each other, this caused the other boy that you see left to awake and start talking.
“Hey guys, let’s just cooperate and just work together to find out what happened in order to escape,” The kind boy explained. The two other boys completely ignored him as continued to fight. The other boy sighed as he headed to Trent and Shawn. This boy had a rock necklace, green shirt with a teal on button, kakis, and actually nice shoes. His hair was all black, his chin had some hair on it. He looked like he had a winning smile. He look fit, but looked like he had a bit of chubbiness.
“Hey, what’s your name?” The kind boy asked as he picked Trent up.
“Trent, how about yours?”
“Devin,” The boy explains, “How did you get into this metal room?”
From the realization that Trent wouldn’t dare anyone tell his secret he replied with a quick “No,”.
“That’s okay, I just hope we can try to find a way out together,” Devin smiled. It brought you a sense of hope. Shawn wakes up for the love of heck.
“W-wha? What happened? I was sleeping,” Shawn said in a fast but groggy voice. As Devin was about to explain, a noise appeared, stopping any conversation, or any fighting (this means you, Duncan and Scott)