You decide to play around with Carries foot for a while. You rub her foot and her toes rubbing your body all of her foot. She must use some kind of foot lotion or something because you were mesmerized by the cheery smell of her feet. Just then Carrie exits the chat website, she begins to stand and you end up under her feet, startled by the feeling of stepping on something she jumped back and peered down at you. You were smashed by her weight but the remote activated and you pooped back into your original form and stood up. Realizing you were you began to run as fast as you could out the door only to hear Carrie say "And where do you think your going?" and lift you with her hand. She held you in front of her and stared at you "Hey your that neighborhood kid who keeps showing up here talking to me." she said her Red lips smiling at you showing her glistening white teeth, "But what are you doing here now? and how'd you get so small?" she asked sitting down with you in her palm. You told her about the remote, and about you shrinking yourself to come see her, she sat there listening, not expressing any real emotion. When you were done, she smiled at you, and walked over to her closet, revealing all kinds of sexual entertainment equipment, Whips, gags, chains, leashes, all the good stuff. She removed a Leash that was too small to be a humans and set you on a table with a collar that apparently matched the leash. The collar read Spot, so it must've been a pet of hers once. You started to ask her what it was for but she just pinned you down with her pointer finger and held you there, she fixed the collar around your neck tightly and lifted you to your feet. You began to tug on the Collar but was smacked by Carries finger and given a stern "No". Carrie fixed the leash and then stood there with her arms crossed and smiled, "You look so Adorable in your new outfit!" she cooed. "New Outfit?" you asked her staring up at the giantess above you, "Well yeah, you said you shrunk yourself to see me. So now I'm going to keep you since apparently you like me." she said smiling. "Oh hell no!" you yelled and removed your watch to try and shrink out of site, Carrie immediately snatched it cautiously. With her touch it grew to the size she could use it, and she smiled deviously. "Looks like I'm in control now!" and upon putting on the watch the machine from your room teleported into the studio, printing out an instruction list for Carrie. You were shocked and felt betrayed that the machine switched to Carries control, Carrie looked back at you and smiled. "Since I'm the new controller of this machine, I guess that makes you my little toy!" she said and picked you up to her face. "you don't really seem that much of a man to me anymore, so you can be two things to me." Carrie continued pacing back and forth with you in her palm. "One, you obey me and do as I say, and you can be my wittle pet." she cooed at you tickling you under your chin with her pointer finger. You pushed it away with force, "Or you can disobey me and act like THAT and you will be my slave! It all depends on how you act. Here I'll give you an easy test of your loyalty". Carrie sat you down in front of her right foot and stared down at you. "If you want to get on my good side now you better accept your new position. Either Pet or Slave. Now for your first command, You must Lick my feet! Since you enjoyed them so much." she said smiling at you from above. You looked at her red toenails, intoxicated by the smell of her cherry feet. Carrie crosses her arms impatiently to try and figure out your next move.