- Hmm, - Felix said thoughtfully. - It's interesting to see Ben's reaction. Hihi. It gives me a rush.
Felix chuckled and rubbed his hands together. He wasn't evil. He just wanted to have fun. Using his powers, the God flew after Ben. He was still very happy. The path itself was ordinary. Quiet city with lonely pedestrians. Ben was constantly watching people's reactions, but they didn't seem to notice him. On the one hand, this pleased him, and on the other, it saddened him.
Soon Ben came to his school. It was small and cozy. All wore school uniforms. The little giant entered the school, where he was immediately greeted by his friends. With them he went in the direction of the class, when suddenly they appeared by the local bullies. Felix immediately understood why everyone was afraid of them. Big, angry, stupid. There were three of them in the school. Their uniforms were rumpled and dirty, and their faces were crooked. As Ben approached them, he was startled. Years of bullying have not passed by. But when they got closer, the hooligans immediately quieted down, straightened up, politely greeted and went on. Ben was taken aback.
- Always like this! - his friend began. - As the youngest bully, so they are the first, and as soon as they see you, so immediately run. Weaklings!
- Thank you for the compliment, - Ben said timidly.
And Felix, being invisible and unheard, began to reason:
- Even though Ben and I were sitting the local a gorilla, but it will not be those to run. We need to think of something. Just getting rid of them is too cruel, and just boring. What should I do?
Felix scratched his head, and then his face lit up.
- I know! Need someone to keep an eye on them? But who?
Then his eyes fell on a girl about nine years old. She was dark and quiet.
- You'll be their babysitter. You will monitor them and train them for good purposes. But this is somehow not solid. A simple girl and three buffalo... What if...
Felix could have laughed. The girl froze and began to tremble. Her skin vibrated and flexed. Suddenly, her body began to fill with muscles. His legs, arms,and body all became steely muscles. From them, the girl grew up, becoming 5'2" and began to weigh 180 pounds. The uniform adjusted to her size, and even though she had changed so much, she was still a kind child. At this moment, when Ben had already entered his office, the bullies began to molest the boy. And he was trembling with fear and could not say anything. The girl saw this and was very angry. It is quiet (the dimensions of) came up to bullies. One of them made a swing for a blow, when suddenly his hand was squeezed hard, which made him whine.
The voice made even Felix flinch.
- What I told you. It looks like you have nowhere to put your strength. But do not be afraid, there is still time before the lesson.
After saying this, the girl calmly grabbed these bulls by the scruff of the neck and dragged them away. The guys tried to squeak something, but after her stern look, they fell silent.
- Ohoho, I created the perfect babysitter. No, not really. Let him always know what those hooligans are doing.
Felix thought for a moment and said:
- And when the time comes, you can fall in love with Ben. - They are very well suited to each other.
Felix burst into the office, rubbing his hands together. The class is standard, there were 16 students in the lesson, among them, Ben was sitting on the last desk and reading a math textbook. By the way, the desk and chair were perfect for Ben.
- Yo, Ben, hi.
Felix's voice startled Ben so much that he almost jumped up.
- How's that?
His voice was very calm and cheerful. "Only you can hear and see me now. So, if you don't want any extra glances, you'd better be calm.
Ben carefully scanned the classroom and saw Felix floating as if in zero gravity.
- Well, class will start soon, so I'll take a look around.
Felix circled in all directions and looked around the classroom. But soon the bell rang and the teacher entered the classroom. Even though she was 30 years old, she was still a hot Latin American. The children greeted her and sat down. Today was supposed to be a test, but Felix decided to change his plans.
- Boring, too boring! Tests are boring. It is necessary to diversify this grayness!
Felix clapped his hands and the teacher suddenly shrank to 1 foot, and the clothes did not change. The children looked at her in surprise, and she panicked.
- Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls," Felix began, appearing spectacularly out of the colored mist in the teacher's place. - Today we cancel the boring test and go on an exciting journey!
The children cheered and applauded.
- Wait a minute, ' said a squeaky little voice under the table. - Who are you and who gave you the right to disrupt the lesson.
Felix picked it up carefully and set it on the table.
- Don't worry, I guarantee there won't be any injuries. And you need a suit.
Click and now the teacher was like a fairy, only without wings, then teleported her to an empty desk.
- So, kids, the first game begins. It's short. Now I'm going to make something, and you're going to guess. Only a contest with a surprise!
Felix has done so, beginning to sound a quiet but cheerful tune.
- Mystery number one. This beast is big and scary. He loves princesses and towers very much and burns everything with his fire. Who is it?
Immediately, many raised their hands.
- Lisa was the first.
Lisa is an average white girl with long pigtails.
- Dragon.!
- That's right, and here's a surprise.
Lisa felt tickled and began to giggle. Everyone stared at her. As she grew, her limbs took on new shapes, her tail broke out, her face began to stretch, her skin to roughen and turn purple. But her clothes didn't even think to tear. As she grew, the room itself grew larger to accommodate everyone. Soon, a huge dragon dressed in a school uniform was sitting in the classroom. Its growth was 15'
- Wow, I'm so cool!
- What did you do to her? - the teacher continued to squeak.
- Just a reward, why?
- She's become a dragon now, why?
- I'm having fun! - The dragon said, giggling.
- I'm telling you, it's fine. And now we start a new game. Please divide everyone into pairs. I'll be with Miss Brandon.
All the furniture in the room was gone, except for the teacher's desk, and the children were divided into pairs. Ben had just been paired with Lisa.
- Hihi, I'm the biggest now.
- Now, kids, the second game begins. Now we will play a jousting tournament. Since Ben and Lisa are different, they will be our king and queen, I will be arbitor. The others choose who will be a steed and who will be a knight. But keep in mind that the one who chooses the option of a steed, he will become a horse. So I'll give you five minutes.
While the children were deciding, Felix began to turn the room into a stadium. Bright blue sky, wooden stands, sand field. Like in the movies. And around there was a huge field with forests and rivers. In the middle of the stands, a place appeared where the king and queen were sitting. If Lisa was having fun, Ben wanted to burn with shame. When the time passed, everyone decided. For them, it was a game, so there was not much controversy. When the last pair was determined, the steeds became horses, and the knights put on armor.
- What the hell is going on here? - Miss Brandon was about to faint.
- Don't worry so much, we also have our own tournament.
And with that, he made her float and sent her under the table to his cock.
- What are you up to?
- Preparation for the final!
Felix took out his penis, which made the teacher blush.
- I think you'll like it.
Suddenly, the teacher flew up to the penis and began to suck it against her will.
- Uh, good.
The children didn't see it.
- So, the tournament is declared open.
The children were having fun. Even when someone fell off his horse, he did not cry, but laughed. Even those who are the horses happy. New experience. The tournament was already coming to an end, as Felix was already at the limit. The teacher was already very tired, crying and angry.
She tried to say something, but couldn't.
- Miss, get ready, I'm done!
At these words, her eyes flew open and she tried to pull away with all her strength, but it was as if her lips were glued together. A powerful stream of sperm began to fill her stomach. Her belly is as tall as a pregnant woman's. She was still trying to pull away, but without success. When it was full, it immediately fell to the floor.
- Uh, a lot. Did you like it?
The teacher had no words. She was tired, but she wanted to at least bark. Suddenly, Felix took her in his arms.
- I warn you, the weather is flying today, so the flight will be successful.
Before Miss Brandon could think, she was flying out of the stadium. She already thought she was going to die, but Felix sat her unkillable, so she just made a hole in the ground like a methiorite. She lay exhausted, breathing hard. Suddenly, her stomach began to grow smaller and smaller. She didn't get anything. When her stomach was flat again, she stood up and began to feel something new. And then she instantly increased to 50 feet, tearing her clothes and blocking the sun. All the children stared at her.
- Wow, our teacher is a giant.
All the rage that had accumulated in her began to come out. She began to growl in anger and trample on the trees.
- And now the third stage begins. Your teacher agreed to play the role of a monster who decided to disrupt the tournament. You need to stop her.