Needless to say, the next 11 hours of Tim's life were the most painful of his life. For seemingly no reason, Tim had gotten a case of priapism, and his erection would not subside. Doctors worked to try to make his penis flaccid again, but nothing seemed to work. Tim's penis became swollen, bruised, and didn't even resemble a human penis after some point, as it just filled with more and more fluid.
Luckily, the doctors managed to reverse Tim's erection, and within enough time to prevent him from losing his penis. As Tim healed, he began to think how lucky he was, and how, even though his penis was in the too big category, he didn't want to lose it. Tim's penis remained swollen and unusable for a few weeks as he healed.
The problem, though, was that even though Tim has come to terms with his bigness, as his penis healed, it seemed to not reduce it's swelling completely. Instead, it was as though the swollen tissue was being replaced by normal functioning penis tissue.
Tim stood in front of his mirror, looking and shaking his head. His flaccid penis seemed fully healed, and had no pain, but hung much larger than it ever did. He took his measuring tape, and looked in awe as his flaccid penis hung 10 inches down, and 6 around. Even soft, he was bigger than a majority of men hard. He took a deep breath, preparing himself for his first erection in over a month, as he tugged on his member. Slowly it began to move outward, but didn't grow. Tim hoped that it wouldn't swell beyond his normal 12 inches. He hoped that the only thing that had changed was flaccid size. As his penis began to point straight forward, and take an erect stance, it began to swell slightly. His penis began to take his usual upward curve, as his head swelled slightly larger than the rest of the shaft. It still looked like his penis always had, which he was slightly happy about.
He watched intently, as his penis reached the 12 inch mark, and seemed to pause, as Tim's anxiety dampened it's erection process. Tim knew though, he felt he wasn't fully erect yet. He took a deep breath, and continued, watching his penis continue to swell. Holding the tape measure beside it, it continued to enlarge, passing 13.5 inches, the largest penis on human record. Still, it swelled, passing 14 inches. It was like a horror movie to Tim, as his penis continued to swell, slowly reaching 15 inches. "Pleast don't pass 15..." Tim said to himself, as the head of his penis creeped slowly upward, passing 14.5. "Please...please don't pass 15." He said again, as it grew past the 3/4 mark. "Please please please..." It creeps slowly to 14.9. "No..." It passed 15, and stopped swelling at 15.1 inches. "Dammit..." He said to himself. He wrapped the tape measure around the shaft of the penis, and it measured at 8.7 around, and the head measured exactly 9 around.
He watched his giant penis throb in front of him, so big it didn't even seem like it was as part of his body. His frenulum alone was huge, stretching between his massive penis and huge balls, which had swollen up to the size of tennis balls over the last month inexplicably. He had even gained and inch in height, and no one knew why. But Tim knew one thing, that he now had the biggest penis in the world.
Tim, even though he hated being this big, wanted to get some good out of it. He got his penis medically recorded, and he was put into record books. He would go into history as the biggest human penis in the world.
Tim masturbated constantly, now that he was done with his month long wait. He really wanted companionship...a girl, but always feared their reactions...