It seems like forever to Daniel, but is really only about a half-hour in the limo before they arrive. Daniel can't see much through the tinted windows. They drive inside and someone shows up to escort Daniel from the garage to a changing room. They take his suitcase away and take him into a room full of mirrors and two assistants.
"Take off your clothes down to your underwear, please. We need to take your measurements."
Daniel thinks this is weird, but remembers that he's only packed a week's worth of clothes and assumes these people must be tailors. They take his measurements and then put him on a scale.
When he goes to put his clothes back on, they're gone. One of the assistants hands him a pair of what looks to be elastic dress pants. "What about a shirt?" asks Daniel.
"You don't wear one for the welcoming feast," they say with smile.
'What have I gotten myself into?' thinks Daniel again. He is led into a lavishly decorated dining room stocked with an enormous feast. He takes a seat at one of the smaller chairs at the table, but the assistants usher him up to a special chair at the head. This chair seems to have its own table, isolated from the main area. It is also very wide. As the assistants leave, it takes all the willpower Daniel has not to jump up and start digging into the food. He is actually salivating and hungrier than he's ever been before.
Fortunately, two men arrive to tell him what's going on. Daniel can tell these guys are not assistants. They are dressed in the same stretchy dress pants as he is, though they both have shirts on. Daniel finds it funny that one guy is clearly heavier than the other, but the heavier guy is in much better shape. He introduces himself as Lance, while the lighter one says his name is Aidan.
"You're pretty hungry, aren't you, Daniel?" asks Lance, smiling.
"I'm starving. Why wasn't there any food on the way here?!"
"Think about it. Would you rather have airline peanuts, or this?" Lance indicates the enormous spread of food before him, and Daniel gets the point.
Aidan breaks in. "We're here tonight to help make sure you get full. You'll be in the seat of honor tonight and we'll be assisting you. Tell us what you want from the table, and we'll bring it. And if you need help getting it down, let us know."
"At the end of tonight's feast, we'll take some quick measurements and take you back to your room," Lance says.
Daniel is barely paying attention by this point. He points to an enormous bowl of alfredo pasta and they bring it to him. He devours it in a record number of bites. He continues to eat the food and drink the wine at incredible speed, aided by the food being the best he's ever had and almost 12 hours of hunger backing him up. After eating several plates beyond his usual capacity, however, he begins to feel full. When two complete dessert carts roll up filled with beautiful Italian desserts, however, Daniel can't believe he's hungry again.
Lance and Aidan, recognizing the signs, decide its time to help.
"Relax," says Aidan. "That's why we're here."
Aidan begins to spoon and scoop the various desserts into Daniel's mouth, including cannoli, tiramisu and many Daniel doesn't recognize. Meanwhile Lance is hard at work on Daniel's bare belly, massaging and allowing the stretch with a practised touch.
Daniel has never felt like this before. He quickly gets hard and Lance smiles as he works that gently too. Over the sensations given to him by the food, Aidan and Lance, Daniel can hardly feel as his stomach fills up more than ever before. Lance pushes him a little bit harder as Aidan pushes larger bites into Daniel's mouth.
Daniel can't take much more on either end, and Lance pushes Daniel over the edge. The combined sensations are too much and he falls asleep in the chair.