Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1623806-Starfighter364s-Misc-Stories/cid/3670031-Bens-girls
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Other · #1623806
Extra stories of mine collected into one due to not having room for any more.

Extra stories of mine collected into one due to not having room for any more.

This is an interactive story. Each chapter tells part of the story and often ends with multiple choices. Make a choice and move to the next chapter in your story. When you reach a chapter that hasn't been written yet, don't be shy... make an addition!
The creator of this Interactive Story provides this information and guidance:
Previously Link's Magical Adventure. Changed due to having more ideas for stories, and running out of room (the account of my friend who let me use his portfolio space for extra ideas was banned, and I'm guessing it was for that reason).


No gay/lesbian stuff or incest.

If I find out that someone who adds has stolen someone else's chapter, and then posted it as their own, then I'll delete it.

Use proper grammar and spelling.

Stick to the story that's going on, don't switch it all the sudden without any explanation.

Don't make good guys evil.

The stories will involve existing fictional worlds and a "real world." Here are the characters involved in "real world" stories:

Anthony: 16 years old. A lone-wolf, but not a mean person and is very stubborn. Will always be there for his friends if he can; become his enemy and you will have a hard time. He is not a lone-wolf towards his friends. Tall, with dark brown hair and dark brown eyes. Wears dark blue jeans or shorts, black shoes, with the shirts he wears being either completely dark blue, completely yellow, completely red, very dark blue with the word Nintendo written on the front, or black with a picture of Sonic on the front.

Other Characters:

Laura: Anthony's older sister by a few months. 16 years old. She wears brown boots, jeans, and a black shirt. She has blond hair. She is generally a very selfish person who thinks she is better than everyone else. She still cares for her siblings, and unknown to them, has threatened Sarah to not let Zoey know the truth after kicking her butt, since Zoey cares for her step siblings and step father, and Laura doesn't want to risk Zoey distancing herself from them. Kimberly kept custody of her after the divorce.

Zack: Anthony's older brother. 20 years old. Gets along with Anthony and the rest of their siblings, except Laura, although both care for each other. Zoey thinks Zack is just a friend of Anthony's. Kimberly kept custody of him after the divorce. Has a crush on Mary, but due to being step siblings, feels awkward about it, so he doesn't tell her. He doesn't know she feels the same way.

Kimberly: Anthony's 42 year old mother. She wears black high heels, a grey skirt, and a grey shirt. She has long brown hair. A very kind person, she cares about other people and tries to help them if they need it. Sad that her family was split apart, but she and Henry just couldn't make it last.

Sarah: Anthony's older step sister. 17 years old. She's shallow, liking only what's popular, and is a real witch (Not literally, just personality wise, and I won't write the word originally used to describe her that was used by the person who created her) towards Anthony and friends. Always dyes her hair to whatever hair color is popular. Fears Laura.

Anna: Anthony's younger step sister. 15 years old. Just started the swim team 3 months ago. She has a long, straight golden hair, average eyes, pointy nose, and her mouth is not big, but not small, and she always smile in front of people, and giggles as she talks, which makes her look cute on the face. She is thin, and moderately short, around 160+cm in height, she has the breast of C-cup sized, it's not that big. She is also good in sports, and intelligent in her work, and she is popular among her age group, but not exactly as popular as school models. She looks up to and respects Anthony. She loves anime and video games. She wears a wide variety of clothes, but wears a green one-piece bathing suit while swimming. She has a crush on Anthony, but feels awkward about it, due to Zoey not knowing, and them being step siblings, so she hides it.

Andy: Anthony's younger brother. 13 years old. Loves video games. Has a crush on Bethany, although she doesn't know (more info will be added when someone expands upon it).

Zoey: Anthony's younger step sister. 10 years old. She is majorly in love with Anthony, but due to thinking that they are actually related, she feels awkward about her feelings and hides them, acting like she just has a brother complex, however, if she found out the truth, she would make no effort to hide her feelings. She likes her friends, and unlike Sarah, she doesn't like populars or following them. She has a short, light brown hair, amber-colored eyes and a smile that fits greatly on her face. She has normal breasts, not too big because she's so young. She wears mostly skirts and shirts, but she has some jeans, and sometimes she wears dresses, she loves all colors equally, and thus, she has many different colors of clothing. She likes candy (mainly chocolate), playing videogame, and she loves love stories. Anthony likes her too and they've always gotten along. She has the personality of a cute 10 year innocent girl, she wouldn't do anything bad even if forced to. She knows her brother is a nice person and inspires in him. She loves being praised and is a hard worker. Would do everything for her brother.

Mia: Anthony's twin sister who gets along with him very well. Her favorite fictional character is Mia from the Fire Emblem series, because they share the same name, and similar personalities. She naturally has black hair, but always dyes it purple in order to be like her favorite character. She is almost always wearing a skirt or dress. She likes sports (one of the few kinds of things that she doesn't wear a skirt for), but can't stand cheerleaders. She is easily excitable, more so when she has some kind of sugar (which is why she usually isn't allowed by her family to have any when at home or out at a family event).

When she has some kind of sugar, then she gets so hyper that she sometimes starts pulling pranks, although they're never harmful. She is an odd mix of being a tomboy and girly-girl, but gets annoyed with girls who are complete girly-girls. Shares Anthony's love of the sword, anime, and video games, but because of how hyper she is, she hardly ever reads books, because she think they're too boring for the most part.. She's a little faster than Anthony, but a little weaker. She is also a couple minutes younger than him. She's always wanted to have a full on twin telepathy, and secretly wishes that Anthony and herself would share one mind, no matter if it would be one of them in charge, or a merger of their minds.

Mary: Anthony's older step sister who is in college. 21 years old. Waist length, dark brown hair kept in a ponytail, same eyes as Anthony, shorter than Anthony but athletic. Humble and willing to help out. She enjoys playing video games with Anthony a bit. Likes spending time with friends and Anthony when possible. Adapt at video games somewhat (not as much as Anthony or the others), pretty fast as she almost beat a track record. Nimble as well (as in she could be an excellent thief if she desired) She likes sticking up for people when they feel oppressed, she has a strong sense of justice, and she is a tomboy. Prefers to wear a lavender sweater over a white tank top, along regular jeans and white shoes. She has a crush on Zack, but since they are step siblings, feels awkward about it, and doesn't tell him. She doesn't know that he feels the same way.

Diana: Anthony's step mother. She is a widow, with her late husband being Henry's cousin. She married Henry a little over a year after her late husband's death, during that time, Zoey was born. Since Henry has the same last name as her married name, Zoey hasn't been able to find anything weird about it that could cause her to figure out. (This is all for her for now, I'll update it if/when she is used again)

Henry: Anthony's father. 42 years old. Is in the military, but his section hasn't been called in to outside conflict at the time. He is about to begin some military training required, and won't be back for two weeks. He'll either leave while Anthony is at school, or the next day, depending on who is writing. Originally married to Kimberly, but they couldn't make it last. All of his kids blame him for splitting up the family. (more info will be added when someone expands upon it).

Natalie: Anthony's step aunt. 35 years old. A near mirror image of Megan (mentioned later). Tall and slender, she goes on business trips for a technology company she and her late husband co-owned. She always dresses professionally, and is completely dedicated to her work and children. She is fearful of taking the children with her, traveling due to the nature of her husband's death, but she calls them two times each day, fifteen minutes each. To relax, she practices Tai Chi (a non violent form of martial arts). She drives a cherry red corvette. She will be on her business trip for three months, working on a contract deal with a European company.

Kyle: Natalie's husband. Deceased. He was tall and muscular with jet black hair and deep blue eyes. He traveled across the globe, taking care of business abroad while his wife worked at home, raising their three daughters. He was shot in the heart by a robber he had cornered inside his apartment while on a business trip.

Jacinta: Natalie's oldest daughter. 16 years old. Tall and slender, like her mom, jet black hair and piercing green eyes. She is cold to anyone she does not know, will warm up though... given time. Jacinta is the top cheerleader in her school but prefers to play football as she is strong for her age. She hates video games of any kind as she is into real adventures such as mountain climbing or cave exploring... would climb a building, if it were not frowned upon, lives for the next challenge. She prefers to wear blue jeans and snug fitting shirts, of earth tone colors, and boots. She is on the cheer team to be closer to the game she would prefer to play. Jacinta had a fair relationship with Megan, but the two have not talked since receiving news of their father's death.

Hannah: Natalie's daughter, and the middle child of the sisters. 14 years old. Short for her age, with shoulder length brown hair and gentle green eyes. She is a tomboy, kind to all, but she can fight well, if provoked enough. Hannah is a member of the junior ROTC, low rank but eager to learn. She is into martial arts of any kind, has a black belt in Kung-Fu and Karate. She is a big fan of the Kamen Rider series. Hannah loves video games and is often teased by Jacinta for playing them, causing the occasional fights. Hannah loves to wear skirts and dresses. She is more popular with the boys than her older sister, which often drives her crazy. She got along very well with Megan but has been quiet since their father's death... seeing a pattern here?

Megan: Natalie's youngest daughter. 13 years old. Andy's height, with waist length brown hair, and curiously deep blue eyes and doll like features. She is very intelligent for her age and very quiet, but she will speak if surprised or impressed, which is not very often. Megan prefers to dress professionally, usually wearing a modest length skirt and dark colored blouse. She frowns upon video games, but will play is challenged. She loves to read and watch TV. Megan is a dreamer with a wish to actually visit the Pokémon world she loves to watch. She is deeply hurt, losing her father, worse, having her family spit up while mom does the traveling. Megan secretly fears that the same fate awaits her mother and is constantly worried.

Amy: 16 years old. She has long blonde hair, is kind of pretty, and wears a lot of make-up. She recently moved next door to Anthony. She wears black fingerless gloves, and black jeans. She wears combat boots which always cover her pant leg bottoms, and have striped black and red laces. She normally has 3 different belts on at the same time, she wears a dark blue shirt all the time, but nobody will see it because she has a long black jacket, that everyone thinks is a dress at first sight. She wears a necklace, the chain is metal tubing, while the amulet is that of a creature with red eyes. The eyes are rubies. She has blue eyes and wears black lip stick. She is a gothic person by appearance, but is she really gothic?

Michael: 16 years old. He has short brown hair that is very messy, but not stubble. Kind of an average body, not muscly, but not feeble. Doesn't really go out with girls, is a bit of a loner (This is mainly because of his rather obscene addiction to video games, especially Pokémon).

Brianna: 16 years old. She has long white hair, dark skin and bright green eyes. She wears a red, white, and blue jacket with a Puerto Rican flag on the backside. She also wears a pair of pitch black jeans and red and white chucks. Laid back, yet somehow, easily excitable. She loves video games, knows Spanish, but not as good for some rules as most people from Puerto Rico when she was younger, and was teased for it when she went to school there. Her mother is dead.

Bethany: 13 years old. She has long, straight, blond hair that comes halfway down her back, and blue eyes. She wears dresses and skirts most of the time, usually yellow, and she wears yellow knee-length boots with them, but wears dark blue biker shorts, a yellow shirt, and black shoes when doing physical activities and a yellow one-piece bathing suit when swimming. She is very shy, and has a crush on Andy (Just like she doesn't know Andy likes her, he doesn't know she likes him). Likes anime, video games, and cartoons.

Maria: Bethany's older sister, and Sarah's best friend. 17 years old. Like Sarah, she is a shallow witch, only caring about what's popular. She is also on the cheerleading squad. She is dumb, to the point where others wonder how she has enough brains to keep passing her classes (Anthony, his siblings, except Sarah, and his friends suspect that it has to do with her boyfriend, who is mentioned right below). She has long, blond hair and blue eyes.

Mike: 17 years old. Maria's boyfriend, and the Quarterback on the school's football team, he isn't much brighter than Maria, so Anthony, his siblings (except Sarah), and his friends suspect that the teachers are changing his grades since he is so good at football. Has short brown hair, brown eyes, and very big muscles. He gets annoyed at the fact that Anthony, his siblings (except Sarah, who he has no problem with since she's Maria's best friend), and his friends aren't afraid of him and won't let him push them around. He doesn't try to mess with Anthony, or anyone Anthony gets along with anymore since Katherine (mentioned a little farther down) sent her bodyguards after him when he attacked Anthony in front of her once.

Rose: 15 years old. Anna's best friend, who has a major crush on Anthony, who doesn't know it. As her name implies, she loves flowers. She usually wears a pink dress with flower designs on it and sneakers. She has long, straight, brown hair and brown eyes. She is very kind to people who aren't rude to her and her friends. She likes anime and video games. Like Anna, she is on the swim team and kickball team.

Katherine: 16 years old. A rich girl, but she isn't a snob. Her father is dead, but it didn't matter too much to her because he didn't care much for her and was always away on business, and her mother, although still alive, is very much the same. Because of how she grew up, she believes everything can be bought by money (although, as I said, she's not a snob).

Anthony once saved her life by getting her out of the way of a car that came out of nowhere and was going to hit her as she was crossing the road, and ever since, she has been in love with him. She doesn't understand why he didn't agree to become her boyfriend after she offered to pay him a large amount of money to do so, because of how she believes anything can be bought. Anthony, his family (except for Sarah, who encouraged him to accept so that she could try to take the money from him), and his friends got annoyed when she tried to buy his love, although they were thankful when she sent her bodyguards after Mike to protect Anthony (except, of course, for Sarah). Henry, Norman, and John are the only males she has working for her. She lets her friends, her uncle Henry, and Anthony call her Kat, but no one else.

She usually wears a sparkling silver dress with gems imbedded in it, expensive bracelets, a diamond necklace, and silver high-heeled shoes, although, despite the way she dresses, she is a bit of a tomboy, and likes many sports (she dresses the way she does, because her mother wants her to keep up the family's good image in front of the media). She lives in a mansion, and rides in a limo whenever she isn't going on foot. She loves video games, and has every console system, along with most of the games for them. She has long, straight, black hair and blue eyes. She knows martial arts, and is good at it, so she can easily handle most threats on her own, and her bodyguards can handle most of the others.

Sandra: 23 years old. One of Katherine's bodyguards. Short black hair and blue eyes. Always wears a black suit, black boots, and sunglasses when on duty. She never shows emotion while on duty.

John: 26 years old. One of Katherine's bodyguards. Short brown hair and brown eyes. Always wears a black suit, black boots, and sunglasses when on duty. He never shows emotion while on duty.

Jasmine: 24 years old. One of Katherine's bodyguards, who is on duty whenever either Sandra or John are not on duty to make it so Katherine has two bodyguards at a time. Short blond hair with blue eyes. Always wears a black suit, black boots, and sunglasses when on duty. She never shows emotion while on duty.

Henry: 38 years old Katherine's uncle on her father's side. Unlike his late brother and his sister in law, he cares for Katherine, and wants the best for her. He is rich (although not as rich as his sister in law and Katherine), but he is very humble, always donating money to worthy causes. He works as Katherine's Chauffeur by his own will so he can have a reason to watch over her. He met Anthony about a week before Katherine met him. Anthony and Henry get along well, and Henry hopes that Anthony will fall in love with and marry Katherine.

Norman: 46 years old. Katherine's butler. He is more like a father to her than her real father was, and always helps her out. He knows martial arts. He wants nothing but happiness for Katherine, and after finding out about her feelings for Anthony, found out more about him, and approves of him.

Jill: 16 years old. Has brunet colored hair and bright blue eyes. A bit of a brave heart she won't let anything deter her from her dream job. She wears mostly the color blue and her favorite outfit is a bright blue tank top with a dark blue skirt that is so dark that people think that it is black blue sneakers. She loves to dance and likes to have fun. Her favorite game is DDR.

Her dream is to become a dancer like ballet, or something like that. She recently met Anthony a month ago, and has developed feeling for him, though he doesn't know that, and in turn he has a bit of a crush on her. She's an only child, so she gets lonely, but Anthony helps solve that by putting his number into her cell, and telling her to call him if she ever feels lonely. She has another hobby, which she keeps to herself, as she's a little embarrassed because of it. She's a massive anime fanatic. She lives by herself as her parents had died a year before she met Anthony, leading her to have depression, but that cleared up mostly after meeting Anthony. She always wears a broken heart necklace that her mother got her for fifthteenth birthday, which is May 30th. She is currently sixteen

She lives in a dirty apartment, which she's doesn't clean due to her depression issue. Her parents lived with her in that apartment until they died. She prefers to go out instead of stay in and cry, but she sleeps alone, and sometimes cries herself to sleep due to being lonely (that is, until she met Anthony, of course). Anthony often takes her with him when ever he goes out to play at the local arcade. He even bought DDR in order to play with her at his house.

If you create a character, then you must give the details about them, such as their appearance and personality.

Since this story is in English, then the English translation's words, phrases, and names are to be used for any story if there is an English version.

If someone ends the story, I'll either remake the chapter so that it isn't over, or get rid of it if it isn't usable at all.

There are four important aspects for series I need to cover. I've been meaning to mention them for a while, but haven't had the chance.

Mario- The first three Paper Mario games were different than the later ones. In the original games, the paper aesthetic was just that, the world and characters were not made of paper. The Thousand Year Door went out of its way to demonstrate that, with Mario's paper abilities being magical curses, and the general populous not able to do paper like things, while in the later games, everyone and almost everything in that world were made of paper, and could do anything paper based. In addition, it is even a specific plot point in Origami King that all Toads look identical, except for the colors of the spots on their heads, while in the original games, they were different. Because of this, the first Paper Mario, The Thousand Year Door, and Super Paper Mario are to be treated as part of the main series, while Sticker Star, Color Splash, Origami King, and any future game following the restrictions given that caused those aspects are from the world of the book in Mario and Luigi Paper Jam.

Sonic the Hedgehog games- This shouldn't even need to be said, but there are multiple continuities. Sonic SatAM, Sonic Underground, The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog, Sonic Prime, Sonic the Comic, Archie Sonic, IDW Sonic, and the Paramount movie Sonic series are unavailable. The different Sonic continuities that can be used are the main universe, the Sonic Boom Universe, the Sonic X universe, the Sonic OVA, and the continuity with Sonic Battle and Sonic Chronicles, as they have too many continuity errors to fit in the main series. Sonic Spinball is outright not allowed.

Despite all of this, there are some things to mention. The IDW comic characters are allowed to be used in any of the allowed series, due to Sonic mentioning Tangle in Frontiers and her leaving a message in Tailstube, and Sticks has appeared in the Mario and Sonic in the Olympic Games series and was mentioned in Frontiers, the Boom characters are free to be used. The characters from Sonic X season 3 and from the Battle/Chronicles series are allowed to be used in the main series as well, unless it originated in one of the non-IDW series not allowed.

Sally Acorn, despite being a character created by Archie, is a bit of a grey area. Sally Acorn as a name was actually originated by the American version of the original game, being the name of Rickies (Which are squirrel creatures from the game), with the character being inspired by that. As Eggman's American name of Robotnik has been made canon, and it came from the same source as "Sally Acorn" and the other animal friends who were given names, I'm allowing there to be one of each animal friend who has the name. At the end of the first game, if you have all six Chaos Emeralds from the game, they will scatter after using their powers to improve things. For this, one of each animal friend will have been mutated by a Chaos Emerald, except for Flickies, as there were seven animals (with Flickies being the only one not being given a different name). This leaves them as Porker Lewis (a former Picky/pig), Chirps (a former Cucky/chicken), Tux (a former Pecky/penguin), Johnny Lightfoot (a former Pocky/rabbit), Joe Sushi (a former Rocky/seal), and of course, Sally Acorn.

Out of the mutated animal friends, Sally is the only girl. Any "Classic Sonic" game has her look like the version of herself from SatAM/pre-genesis wave Archie, and "Modern Sonic" games have her look like her post genesis wave Archie self. Sally looks like her comic and cartoon self, but as she's just a mutated Ricky, she is not a princess, and thus, does not have her background.

Next is mentioning the Sonic mandates. There are some that will apply, and some that don't. I've listed the ones I've found, and I will cross out any that don't apply, and italicize anything added.

Game characters cannot have relatives unless they were established in the game canon, i.e. Cream and her mother. The only exception is that they can have children

Game characters who live in the games can not die

Characters who die in the games can't be used

Eggman Nega can't be used

Sonic can't be shown getting too emotional (i.e;cry)

Game characters cannot enter in a relationship.

Sonic and Amy can't get together.

The word "Mobius" is banned, the planet is simply called "Sonic's World" The world has been called Earth before, and looks like it from when seen in space, so it is called Earth

Mighty, Ray, Nack/Fang, Bean, and Bark can't appear outside of in Classic Sonic events.

Only male hedgehogs are allowed to go Super with the Chaos Emeralds.

Team Dark is no longer a thing and retroactively never existed, Shadow, Rouge, and Omega have never worked for G.U.N., and Shadow doesn't consider them friends basically, all of Sega's mandates on Shadow are null and void in this, he acts like he did previously.

There is no money in Sonic's World, and that anything that alludes to money (such as Rings acting as currency) is strictly forbidden.

Knuckles is not allowed to leave Angel Island unless he has a very good reason to, with the exception of any canon time he did in the games

The Master Emerald is not allowed to have any special powers

Tangle and Whisper are unable to be in a relationship.

Pokémon anime- Any character that exists in the franchise is allowed to have an anime counterpart.

Yu-gi-oh Arc-V- as characters from previous continuities exist in the dimensions, more are allowed to exist in this universe.

Standard/Pendulum Dimension- All characters from the original series exist here, with some exceptions. Atem and Thief King Bakura existed, but they were never sealed away. The Millennium Items exist, but have not been found, Yugi and modern day Bakura were never born, and Yami Marik never formed, because of not having the pressure of the Tomb Keepers, since Atem wouldn't return. Seto also wasn't reincarnated.

Fusion Dimension- Everyone originating from GX except for Jaden and Yubel exist here. The Supreme King was never reborn, and thus, Yubel didn't return.

Synchro Dimension- Everyone originating from 5Ds except Yusei exist here. Yusei was never born, and The Crimson Dragon, while still around, hasn't given the the Tail Mark to anyone yet.

XYZ Dimension- Everyone but Yuma from Zexal exists here. Yuma was never born. Astral and his numbers still exist, but they're still in Astral World.

For all of these series, the first guy and girl you use must be canon to the universe in question.
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