Jessica shut off the engine and opened the car door, starting towards the small Asian girl with outstretched arms.
"Hey Erin, how've you been?" Jessica asked, a grin on her face.
"Oh, good, good." Erin said dismissively, dodging Jessica's attempt at a hug and walking past her, rotating her body as she moved as to keep eye contact with the blonde haired TA. Her large grin slowly faded away into a smirk.
"How has it been going with the advanced vore classes?" Jessica asked, awkwardly putting her arms to her side. "You've been able to get a car into that gut of your's yet?"
"Oh, yeah, yeah, the professor said the only way to increase capabilities is to eat more, so I've been pretty busy at that. Trying to ace the course, and the only way to do that is to fully digest large things." Erin said, her neck craned to meet Jessica's gaze. She was backpedaling away from her towards the car, the two other TA's still inside.
"Really? You managed to actually do it?! How many people a day does she have you digesting a day to accomplish that?" Jessica asked, surprise evident on her face.
"As many as I can, but professor said a minimum of fifty, that's what I was working on before you arrived. Spent the last hour or so clearing out the club, and I was just about to start on the locals in this neighborhood." She patted her taut stomach. "Got about thirty so far, but between the surrounding area and the late comers to the club, I think I'll make my quota." Erin said, standing in front of Jessica's car.
"Wow, thirty? That could keep me fed for a month, if I don't binge." Jessica said, a look of slight disappointment on her face. "Not really the most pragmatic approach to feeding."
"I suppose not." Erin said turning towards the car. "But the results aren't exactly the most pragmatic approaches towards feeding themselves. It's kind of like a parallel thing." With that, Erin bent forward, exposing her tight, surprisingly large rear to Jessica, and went at a ninety degree angle. Her attractive face stretched impossibly wide as she engulfed the front of Jessica's car. She swallowed, and with a groaning sound, the automobile lurched forward some 1.5 meters.
"Erin, what the fuck are you doing?!" Jessica shouted in stunned bewilderment.
Erin swallowed again in response, consuming the hood of the car, her lips on the windshield. Screams were heard from inside. The door on the passenger side flew open, but another gulp from Erin slammed it shut and brought in the car halfway. The back-left seat was thrown open as well, from which Stacy tried to jump out, but Erin once again swallowed. The door flew back into Stacy's leg, pinning her between the door and the car's frame. She screamed in pain as the steel contraption was dragged further into the minuscule body of the Asian woman before them.
Erin then clenched her hands into fists and rose, taking the car with her such that the remaining bit of exposed car was perpendicular to the Earth. Then, she relaxed her esophagus. The car (and the still screaming Stacy) slid into her in a smooth motion. A slight bulge, similar to that of a three month pregnant woman's appeared in her midsection. She closed her lips and looked back to Jessica.
"Urp." Erin practically stated as a wry grin grew across her face. It had taken fifteen seconds.
"Erin!" Jessica exclaimed, snapping out of her shock, "Let them out, let them out!"
Erin only looked down to her belly, and both women watched as the slight lump convulsed, shrunk, and shifted in about ten seconds. The diminutive girl lifted her leg slightly and farted.
"My bad, steel always gives me gas." Erin said smiling. She began walking towards the house where the club was meant to be located.
"Erin, Stacy and Julianne are Blainey's TA's, and advanced students! She's going to be livid if you don't let them out!" Jessica shouted, incredibly flustered.
"They were Blainey's TA's, and I'm on my way to let them out right now." Erin stated smugly, continuing towards the house.
"Why did you do that?" Jessica said, her voice faltering, "You already ate thirty fucking people Erin!"
The tiny girl turned around. "Practice. Food. Because they tasted great." she said coldly.
"They were my friends." Jessica said, breaking out into a sob.
"And I thank you for bringing them to me." Erin replied, no hint of remorse on her words. "Now get over yourself, I'm going to go shit your "friends" out. If I come back, and you've gotten a hold, we'll clear out the neighborhood together, like old times. If you're still here sitting like a hysterical mess, you can join them inside of me. Got it?"
Jessica thrusted her head into her hands at the thought of the loss of her good friend Julianne and her potentiality for friendship in Stacy. Erin rolled her eyes and walked away, once more breaking wind. Jessica watched her "friend's" ass slightly part as she did so. After a few seconds, Erin was inside, and Jessica was left with the smell. It was rank.