Just like Zeinab swore, she kept up with her exercises. She practiced volleyball, ate like a maniac, did her stretches, slept, and grew. Those were the only activities Zeinab had. She wanted to be the best.
Just like the previous month, the next month, Zeinab grew to 6'11". Her body kept up with her height, her body swelling where it needed to. After the 2nd month, she reached 7'2". Her family was fearful of what was happening to her, begging her to see a doctor, who found nothing wrong with her. Zeinab began to appear on the news, growing to 7'5" the next month. "The incredible growing women." "The world's best volleyball player." "Amazons. Fiction?" These were some of the titles, as Zeinab's body grew in size, strength, and femininity. Her breasts surged forward, her hips and butt tightened and thickened with muscle. Zeinab had grown incredibly fast and strong, able to life heavy objects with ease. Zeinab had grown taller than the actual volleyball net (women's volleyball, the next is 7'4").
She was unstoppable, and wouldn't stop. Quickly, she reached 7'8", then 7'11". She hit the Guinness book of world records for tallest women in the world, fastest growing person in history, and was easily able to beat some of the strength records, but didn't bother. With the money she got from endorsements, she was able to custom make all her clothes, which was useful for her. Especially her now massive breasts. Zeinab's body worked into overdrive, in every possible way. She had to add a new activity to her busy schedule, and had to set aside, at least 1 hour a day, simply to masturbate. She was obsessed with the feeling of pleasure, the feeling of getting bigger, and stronger, and the best.
She passed 8'2", . Then 8'5". Her body flared out, keeping proportion. What perplexed all the doctors and scientists who studied her, was that she wasn't taking up the shape that other people who grow this big do. Her face was still perfectly formed and normal. Her organs all worked perfectly, and accommodated her size. Even her head was bigger, along with her brain, but this looked normal relative to her body. With the increase in brain size, Zeinab found things on an intellectual level much more easy. Glancing at some words in a foreign language, she would start to learn it's meanings, easily.
Still, she focused on growing, and volleyball. She didn't even need her team, but they were there anyway. Her body so massive, sexy, full, amazing, that her charging up and down the court could easily injure her fellow players. 8'8", then 8'11", becoming the tallest human alive. She had become the tallest person in history...then 9'2", then 9'5", and she went to try out for the American team...She weighed an amazing 650 lbs of beautiful muscle and bone. She looked like a normal, very curvy girl, except...giant. She was world famous...
Too bad...though, that Zeinab was too tall to qualify, and couldn't join the team...