Overall, the mystery of who these people were intrigued Tanya more than anything else, so she decided to talk to the sisters another time. Finding the chief's hut wasn't difficult, seeing as it was the largest of the crudely made buildings making up the village, but getting inside was another thing. They were clearly not built for a woman who stood ten feet tall, so after she announced her arrival, she had to bend over considerably and then took a seat on the ground, the chief doing the same despite him having a chair to himself.
"Oh, you don't have to do that."
"Please, my goddess, I insist. It is not right for a lowly chief to have a comfortable chair while one chosen by the spirits must be on the ground. I will humble myself for you."
His gesture did not please Tanya, in fact it did the opposite. She wasn't truly a goddess, just an oversized human being, and now he wasn't at eye level anymore, as he had been in the chair; this was mostly due to her size, seeing as even seated on the ground, she was at eye level with him in a chair.
"Why has the goddess chosen to see me tonight?" The chief's wife, Lara, took a seat next to him, her eyes averted from Tanya, as if she intimidated her more than anything else.
"Um...I'd like to know more about the tribe. How it works, your history, all that," she said, ignoring Lara as best she could.
"Yes, I was sure you would have questions. Let me begin with our history. Our ancestors found this land many hundreds of years ago, and they cut themselves off from a world torn apart by wars. Ever since we have lived in isolation on this bountiful island. It contains everything we need to survive and live comfortably without others. The spirits began to change some of us though, and the first gods and goddesses were born. You would have to talk to my daughter, Liil, about them, but what I can tell you should suffice."
"What did you all do when it first happened?"
"When the first gods and goddesses were born, we knew there was something more on this island. We had priests and priestesses approach them, and we learned that our gods and goddesses would protect us from any threat and provide for us with their gifts."
"Yes, many of the gods and goddesses had a divine power. Along with incredible size, they could heal, create food from nothing, and even control the earth with their minds."
"So I'll have a power? Or do I have one?"
"As you eat of the fruit we gave you before, we shall see. You will develop each and every day into your true form."
"True form? This isn't it?"
'Certainly not! You will continue to change until you have reached full goddess-hood. For now, you are merely a newborn goddess. A child compared to your full potential." In her mind, Tanya imagined being so big that her height now was merely the height of her knees or smaller, and this terrified her. Forget being a freak back home, she'd never have a chance of living normally at that point.
"What if I don't eat the fruit?" The chief looked at her curiously.
"Why would you not? It keeps you alive!"
"What do you mean, keeps me alive?!"
"It is your true nourishment. Without eating of it daily, you will wither away as if you've never eaten before."
"And no one told me this?!"
"Well, we-" The chief was cut off as a loud horn sounded in the distance, and he jumped from his position immediately and sprinted out of the hut. Tanya followed, a bit worried due to the response of the chief, and when she exited she saw...