While Tanya wasn't excited about being stuck on an island in the middle of nowhere, she figured it was futile to try and leave. These people, the Uhane tribe as they called themselves, were primitive and definitely had zero access to the internet, so she was stuck fulfilling her role until she thought of a plan.
Part of her was also intrigued by this notion of spirits. Was there really some spiritual force on the island, making people like her grow into towering 'goddesses' and 'gods'? She figured there was something else at play, so her goal became simple: live out her role as their goddess and learn about the tribe.
On her first night there, a feast was held in her honor, with the best cattle slaughtered and the best wine pressed. For her first meal outside of the comforts of home, Tanya figured this wasn't so bad. She felt a little bad eating though, as with her doubled size her appetite seemed to grow even more. She managed to consume ten slabs of meat, each enough to feed at least two islanders, and the amount of wine she drank would have killed a normal human being. Yet even when she finished all of this, she felt hungry still. Luckily, the Uhane seemed to be extremely well off, enough to feed the amazonian goddess.
After the feast, there was dancing and singing, and many people brought her gifts to honor her. Seeing as there was around one hundred islanders, she ended up getting plenty of gifts that she had no idea what to do with, and plenty that seemed practical enough. Her favorite gift was from the chief and his wife: a beautiful scarlet outfit made out of silk, which she surmised they had access to here. It consisted of a skirt, fit to her size, with gold bordering it, and what was basically a sports bra which felt quite tight because of how large her breasts were. It felt wonderful despite that, and it made her look more like a goddess, especially when they gave her a headdress made out of wood and some sort of fabric that fit comfortably on her head.
Before long, most of the people had retired for the night, and Tanya made sure her things were stored away in the temple, which had now become her temporary home. It worked well, being massive enough to hold her if she even grew bigger than this, and it had a space for her to find some privacy incase her duties as a goddess became too overbearing.
Seeing as she was settled in, Tanya had to choose who she would speak to first. There was the priestess, Liil, who could definitely answer questions about the spirits, but there was also the chief who might be able to give her insight on the tribe and the other gods and goddesses who preceded her. There was also the possibility of talking to Izlu, who she wanted to get off on the right foot with.