This choice: She also wants to play with the guillotine • Go Back...Chapter #7She also wants to play with the guillotine by: Ahoythere4  "Oh, just kinda curious as to why I can't feel my boobs anymore." She replied, surveying the garage and seeing Amanda's parts strewn about the room, "Looks like you two had some fun with the guillotine. Hey, Amanda!"
"Hi, Sarah!" Amanda's head said from the workbench, "Yeah, I wanted to try them on."
"I kinda figured after I felt a pair of hands on them that were way too soft to be a man's." Sarah said, and then noticed Amanda's chest sitting further down the bench, adding, "Ah, so there's my girls!"
Sarah approached the bench and picked up Amanda's chest, holding it in one hand while tweaking a nipple that used to belong to her. "It's weird to feel them but not FEEL them." She remarked as she fondled the breasts.
"I can FEEL them, though," Amanda said, blushing, "You have... nice hands."
"Knowing how they like to be played with helps too." Sarah said as she continued to kneed her former breasts, causing Amanda to moan, "I think I'll be taking them back now."
"Oh, okay. They were fun while they lasted." Amanda sighed, sad to have to go back to being an A cup.
Sarah placed Amanda's chest on the table with the rest of her parts and then moved back to the bench to pick up her head and set it with the rest of her divided body, with the exception of her hips which were still in your room. With the workbench free, Sarah laid down upon it and lined up her neck under the blade. "Hey, catch my head!" She called to you.
"Oh... yeah." You said, the whole time you were fixated on Sarah playing with her breasts, it took you a few seconds to snap back to reality. Now in position, Sarah pulls the cord and severs her head from her body and it falls into your waiting hands.
"Nice catch," Sarah complimented as her headless body sat up and began to feel around, "Now hand me to my body."
"So what does this have to do with getting your boobs back?" You ask as you hand Sarah to herself.
"Well I also wanted to see what it was like to be in a bunch of pieces like Amanda," Sarah explained, walking carefully back to the table that held the pieces of Amanda, "So I figure I could kill two birds with one stone and do this!"
Sarah held her head out at arms length and lowered it onto Amanda's neck stump, the ends fused, causing Sarah's headless and breastless body to fall to the ground, and Sarah was now attached to Amanda's chest. "What? I can only feel my chest!" Sarah shouted worriedly.
"Heh, I only lost feeling in my chest, I can still control all of my other parts!" Amanda said while wiggling her fingers and toes, and then added with a giggle, "But hey, at least you got your rack back!"
"I guess..." Sarah mumbled, looking down at her breasts, "I just thought I'd get to control all of your parts, that would have been a much quicker way to be in a bunch of pieces, but instead I'm just a bust now..."
"Hey, honey, come here a second, I want to try something." Amanda says with a mischievous tone. You walk up to her head and lift it off the table, raising her to your ear where she whispers something that forces an equally mischievous grin onto your face.
"What are you two planning?" The helpless Sarah asks nervously.
"Oh, nothing." You say as you place Amanda's head on the floor next to Sarah's body, which you prop up.
"You're stealing my body, aren't you?" Sarah asked even though she already knew the answer.
"You know it!" Amanda exclaimed cheerfully as she felt her head lifted off of the floor and onto Sarah's lifeless body. The wriggling pieces of Amanda's original body go limp and she stands up with Sarah's, "It was fun to be divided into so many pieces, but it's good to be whole again. Well, almost." She said while pulling her shirt off to reveal her featureless chest. "I think I'll be taking those back."
"No! I don't want to be a bustless bust!" Sarah pleaded as Amanda picked her up and placed her on the bench, positioning her so that the blade of the guillotine would sever her breasts.
"I guess I should catch them, don't wanna damage the goods, you know?" You say as you kneel down in front the device and waited for Amanda to release the blade. After the fleshy mounds once again fell into your hands, you stand up and put them back on their proper perch.
"This is great!" Amanda said, posing with her new, curvy body. It was a drastic difference between Sarah's body and her original, petite body. It didn't take long for hormones to get the best of you and your girlfriend, and you lock lips and make out while your hands explore Sarah's topless body while Amanda grinded it against yours.
"Hey, guys, not cool!" Sarah said, "If you're going to do that with my body at least take it to a different room."
"Heh, you seem to be taking this fairly well." You say, surprised that Sarah wasn't being louder with her disapproval.
"Well, I wanted to be in pieces, but being reduced is pretty cool, too. Relaxing, you know." Sarah replied surprisingly casually, "While we're at it, without tits this chest doesn't have much of a point. May as well get rid of it."
"If you say so." You shrug, gently tipping Sarah onto what remained of her back, sliding her neck under the blade. After getting in position to yet again catch a falling head, Amanda pulled the cord and removed Sarah from her original chest.
"Hm, now how do we remove Sarah's feeling from my chest?" Amanda asked as she held the body part in question.
"Maybe try putting some inanimate object on it." Sarah suggested.
"Hm, worth a try." You say as you shift Sarah's head so she sits comfortably in the crook of your arm.
Placing the chest down, Amanda found an old phonebook and pressed it against the neck stump. Sarah moaned as she felt the sensation of the chest fade away. "Whew, I'm just a head!" Sarah giggled.
"So, now what?" You ask.
"I guess we should get my old body back in one piece for safe keeping." Amanda said.
You place Sarah down on a nearby table as you and Amanda begin to reassemble her original body. First by cutting the phonebook off of her neck stump, and then reattaching her small breasts. Next you reconnected her hands to her arms and her arms to her shoulders, and finally, rebuilt her legs. The body was as complete as it could be with the parts available in the garage. The upper half sat on its waste cut with its arm hanging limp from the sides, while further down the table, the short legs were laid with toes pointing up.
"So, where'd you leave the hips?" Sarah asked.
"I left them in my room." You reply.
"Kinky." Sarah grinned.
"Yeah, I guess it is." Amanda said, deep in thought, "Say, what should we do with my body? I figure we can use it as a living sex toy, or just keep it around for spare parts." Though she didn't want to admit it, the idea of using her original body as a sex toy was turning her on. She was never particularly submissive in bed, but watching her body get dominated while she couldn't feel it, or dominating it herself, was a fascinating thought.
"Or you could let me have it." Sarah piped up, "I kinda want to stay a head for a bit longer just to try it out, but I'm sure it will get boring. Plus I want to try more crazy impossible things, and taking someone else's whole body seems like fun!"
"It is!" Amanda said, jumping up and down to jiggle her exposed breasts.
"Can you at least throw on my sports bra?" Sarah asked, "I know we've all seen them and they're old news, but that doesn't mean I want them unsupported all day!"
"Is that so?" Amanda teased, walking over to the table that Sarah's head sat upon and bent over, fondling Sarah's former breasts right in front of her face. Sarah smiled and extender her tongue, barely able to brush a nipple with its tip. Amanda felt a small jolt of pleasure shoot through her body, and decided that she wanted more. She picked up Sarah and positioned her so she could take the entire nipple into her mouth, teasing it with her tongue. You simply stand there in disbelief. After an indeterminable amount of time had passed, Amanda raised Sarah to Eye level, saying "You really do know what this body likes."
"And I did say I wanted to try crazy impossible things," added Sarah, "Soooo..."
Amanda held Sarah like a football and began to run out of the garage, "Hey, where are you two going?"
"To your room." Sarah replied.
"To do what, exactly?" You manage to mouth.
"Exactly what you think we're going to do, and you can join us if you want." Amanda says seductively, cocking her hip to the side, "You're okay with all this right?"
You take in the information. You are being offered a three way with your girlfriend, who now has your sexy neighbor's body, and the same sexy neighbor's gorgeous disembodied head. Finally, you say... indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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