"Let's try out the Age effects!" said Rachel.
Amanda brought up the Age menu. There were several different selections.
Benjamin Button
Aging Well
"Wait, we should consult the manual before we try any of these." said Amanda. "I can guess what the first two do."
"Benjamin Button is essentially aging in reverse. Adults will be regressed to children, and vice versa. Adults in their 20's will appear 10, adults in their 30's will appear 9, etc. Elderly people will be regressed to babies and toddlers, and vic versa. Early teens will appear around 18, late teens will appear around 12, etc. However, mental states will not be affected."
Rachel wrote down the age ratio.
20's - 10
30's - 9
40's - 8
50's - 7
60's - 6
70's - 5
80's - 4
"Well, here goes." said Amanda.
She selected "Benjamin Button", and received the "Whole Body/Body Parts" menu.
"Wait, what's that?" asked Rachel.
"Oh yeah, you can affect certain body parts instead of your whole body. Like just your head can be regressed, for example", explained Amanda.
"Cool, let's try that out," said David.
"Okay, but whole bodies first", said Amanda.
Amanda then selected "Whole Body". She then looked up at her hands. The change seemed almost instantaneous. She looked around to see Rachel and David regressed to ten-year-olds. Their clothes had shrunk to fit them as well.
"Whoa, cool! It's like I'm a kid, but I still have my adult memories," said David. "Like last night, we did it. Remember?"
"Hehe, yeah." chuckled Rachel.
"I don't think you'll be doing anymore of it in this reality", said Amanda. "Unless..."
She rushed to her bedroom to get a book about human reproduction. She had a read.
"Oh. Seems like kids are the ones who can have sex, get pregnant, and stuff like that. Childbirth must be even more painful in this reality."
"I should use this when I have to babysit my cousin," said Rachel. "It can transform just individuals, right?"
"Sure it can," said Amanda. "I'll show you later."
"Hey, I've got a good idea, let's watch a movie in this reality!" said David. "We've got time before we leave. It'd be funny watching kids act out A Clockwork Orange or Pulp Fiction."
"Nah, I wanna try out the head thing" Rachel said. "That would be cool!"