I decided I'd screw around with Melinda. First off, I took off all her clothes, and made it so that neither she, nor anybody else, minded. I then made her shorter. Only 5 foot something. I also gave her ridiculously large tits. Like, and big as a chair, each!. I also increased her ass, but not as much. Then, getting a little more creative, I added a third boob in between the original two, plus huge nipples. I also change her hair, into was a soft sky blue, which hung loosely down to the ground. And lastly, I put six, very long tails right above her ass. I thought these changes would not be fully utilized if I wazs the only one to get to use 'em, so I decided to have two of Melinda's friends, Andrea and Kate, be here. Andrea was an 18 year old girl who was had been friends with Melinda since first grade. She had A-cup tits, but made up for it with a huge ass. Kate, on the other hand, was a 16 year old who looked 18 or 19, who had recently moved to our town, and met Kate at the beginning of the semester. She had gorgeous DD-cup boobs, along with a large-than-average butt to boot! Just to make sure there would be full cooperation, I made it so that the four of us were each others dream girls, and would have a second thought about making out, any time, anywhere. After I did that, i heard Melinda open the door, I quickly warped Andrea and Kate into the bedroom, and went out to greet Melinda. I saw her carrying bags of food, so I kissed her, rubbed her breasts a little, then took some of the bags. After we got them all inside, I said, "Baby, you ready for another round?" She replied, "Sure." I followed her into the bedroom, and watch as he entered, only to see a pile of clothes on the floor, and Andrea and Kate already licking and sucking.. Melinda and I sat down, and Andrea and Kate joined me in sucking on one of Melinda boobs each. We all enjoyed it, and then Melinda started pushing her tails in and out of our vaginas and butt holes, one tail in each. We continued like this for about half an hour, me periodically stopping and setting Melinda's boobs at "full" when they started getting empty. Eventually, I got a great idea. I go up, and let Andrea, Kate and Melinda got at it for a while. I looked over Master PC, and found what I was looking for. An option called, "Save template." I clicked it, and it prompted for a name. I typed Melinda_Sex.mrph, (.mrph was the filetype) set the directory as the Desktop, and clicked save. Then I went into my options, and did the same, except naming it Peter_Female.mrph. I then loaded her options, and loaded my template onto her, so that we were, for all intents and purposes, clones. Then I loaded her template, and turned into the three breasted, six tailed Melinda. Before, I returned to the action, though, I turned the end of each tail into a dick, and gave myself four extra arms. I sat down, and they immediately started sucking on my breasts, while I had sex with the three of them at the same time, in both the vagina and butthole of all of them. Then, I started rubbing their tits, one in each hand, until we all started have orgasms. Eventually, I grew tired and had Andrea and Kate placed in a large fountain in the middle on town. I set Melinda's energy level to "very tired," and she got tired extremely fast,and went to sleep. I saved the body template as Peter_Female_Sex.mrph, then switched back to my old, still female, body. However, the tails were soft, and I liked them a lot, so I kept them, but just made them normal tails. I never knew sex as a woman could be so much fun, or that my favorite time having sex with my girlfriend would be as a woman, I thought to myself. I then I realized, my parents thought I was on a one-day sleep over. I just wasn't ready to decide whether I wanted to be a guy or a gal. Both had their advantages. I wanted to spend the rest of the time I had with Melinda, until I was sure of how I wanted my life to be. I quickly called up my parents, then told then I was going to be at Melinda's house for the next week or so. They agreed, but commented that it was a little odd that a boy would be having a "sleepover" with his girlfriend for so long, but they said they were sure Melinda's parents would kept tabs on us. I told them I would tell Melinda's parents that, then said goodbye, and hung up. So apparently, my parents didn't know Melinda's parents were out of town. Fantastic. Given the fact that it was spring break, I could do pretty much anything I wanted. I decided to then...