You coughed and gagged as you fluttered to the ground, your flattened body quickly popping back into shape as you stumbled to your feet, looking in shock as the massive foot you had spent the past 15 minutes plastered to like a sticker.
You weren’t sure how you had gotten into this situation, all you knew was that you had started to fall asleep in front of the television as some Japanese show you were barely familiar with began to play. You weren’t sure how, but as you finally fell into slumber, a clap of thunder sounded off right above you as the power went out.
When you had awoken, you weren’t in any place you were familiar with. It looked like a Japanese high school of some kind? You think at least, because to make matters worse, you had not only woken up in a completely unfamiliar place, but you had been shrunk in the process! You weren’t sure how tall you were, but it didn’t feel like you could be more than 2 inches high.
Completely helpless, you had wandered around the corridors to find anyone to potentially get help from… anyone that might possibly notice you. But when you finally did find someone, they were completely huge! Well, you kinda expected that, but the feeling of being so small to someone was still a total shock as you looked up at the massive girl. You could barely see her blue hair past her skirt and shoes. Unfortunately you were so shocked at the size disparity between you two that you hadn’t realized where she was headed until the bottom of her foot was directly above you!
Panicking, you tried to run away, but with a small SPLAT! and the most pressure you had ever felt in your life, you were stepped on.
But instead of being sent to whatever afterlife may or may not have existed for you, you felt your very flesh flatten and spread out! Confused for a moment, you didn’t realize what had happened until you felt the pressure lift as the shoe came up from the ground. Y-you had gone up with it!
The next 15 minutes were complete agony as you were put into a cycle of immense pressure and lifting, each step flattening your body further and further!
“Why can I flatten like dough?!” You try to scream as you begin to wish that you had been turned into a red smear of blood when this giantess first stepped on you. But soon, you felt your paper thin body begin to come loose! After another few minutes of being stepped on, you finally, by some miracle, managed to free yourself from the bottom of the giantess’ foot.
Stumbling toward the closest wall you could find, you tried to figure out where you were. It seemed to be a… dorm room of some kind. Thankfully empty however (for now at least). You really weren’t sure you wanted to be close to these giants for awhile, at least not until you were confident you could get their attention…
As you lay against the wall resting, occasionally tugging at your skin and cringing at your newfound pliability, you hear the thundering creak of a door opening as someone walks in.
But who is it?