"Tsunade-sama!" Shizune came rushing into the Hokage's office.
"What is it?" The women asked irritably.
"Naruto's been missing since last night. He never showed up for team missions and when Kakashi Hatake's team searched they coudln't find him any where! The landowner said Naruto never showed up at her door to pay rent last night." Shizune said, shaken.
"Get a four man cell headed by an Inuzuka to search for him immediately!" Tsunade demanded. She would not lose her grandson figure so easily.
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"You certainly handled my grandfathers concoction well demon."
Naruto groaned and inwardly scolded himself for falling for such an obvious trick. Really. Someone being nice to him? How could he have been so stupid. Naruto blurrily opened his eyes, feeling something odd in his mouth, and noticing that his hands were chained tightly behind his back and to the wall while his ankles held the same treatment to the floor. Then he noticed his stomach. There was a tiny layer of flab just over the edge of his pants where there wasn't any before. His net shirt was slightly tighter than when he first put it on last night. Normally Naruto ate more than a normal person because the Kyuubi burned him out so easily with his massive chakra straining the blondes system. Naruto had insanely fast metabolysm and if he didn't eat enough Kyuubi's chakra would start hurting him. Now, however, he coudln't feel the Kyuubi's powerful chakra at all.
"Its the chakra colar around your neck dear, Kyuubi won't be able to touch your energy for a while, all the food you eat will automatically be turned to fat thanks to my grandfathers special concotion thats dropping into your stomach as we speak through the tube in your mouth." A female voice answered easily. Naruto jumped and looked up at the voice. It belonged to Sana, but instead of a fourteen year old girl, a young women of about twenty four stood before him. She bent down and pinched his cheek. "Pretty soon you won't be able to fit those clothes any more little one." Sana said happily. Naruto cringed.
"Why are you doing this?" Naruto asked, near tears. Sana smiled and motioned with her hands to the door where a man stepped out, rolling in a huge trolly of fattening foods. Naruto felt the emptiness in his stomach roaring at him to eat it, but he stubbornly looked away now that he knew it was because of the drink.
"Due to the fact that your a Jinchuuriki your the only one in this village with the ability to stop me from assasinating those politicians I told you about." Sana answered simply, giving no further information.
"Why not just keep me locked up then or beat me into unconciousness? Why do... this of all things?" Naruto asked.
Sana laughed merrily, never once losing the sparkle in her eyes, before answering him. "Whose to say you won't escape? If we beat you, you can simply heal yourself with your ability, this way even if you escape before my plan is underway you won't be able to do anything. You won't be use to the weight, you'll be unbalanced and slow, not even Kyuubis' influence will do much for you. We didn't want to kill you after all, just get you out of the way for a short period of time, you'll be able to lose the weight... eventually. Not to mention you make quite the entertainment for me." Sana answered before picking up a large piece of cake. "I've only got about a week and a half to fatten your ass up so open wide." Sana said.
Naruto turned his head away, keeping his mouth tightly shut, desperately trying to ignore the concoctions pull. Sana merely shrugged and signaled to the man still in the room. The servent bent down and forcefully opened Naruto's mouth, shoving it far enough that if Naruto didn't chew he woudl choke, and that was all that was needed before Naruto lost to the desire the drink instilled in him. the first piece of the large cake was nothing. The second was easy and so was the third, forth and fifth piece of the monster cake. Piece number six was also fairly simple to get done as well as the seventh. Number eight though was hard and Naruto struggled a bit against it. She simply nodded and told him she would be back in an hour when the food settled. The trolley was left there though. "Normally my grandfathers concoction forces people to eat till they pass out, you've got quite a strong will demon." With that Sana left.
In an hours time his body felt as if it were starving, no doubt thanks to the tube spilling liqid in his gut, but even so when Sana returned Naruto once more fought against the first piece of desert. The gorging continued easily enough after that though and this time he was able to eat more, finishing off the monster cake at ten pieces, a total of eighteen pieces in the span of three hours. Naruto felt the net shirt on him tight again. And so the pattern continued until by the end of the day Naruto had been force fed the entire trolley. It was hard to breath, he felt like he might pop, but still that empty feeling remained. Sana pressed a switch in her hand and smiled knowingly. "I've turned off the gorging concotion for tonight, any more food or liqid and you'd die, but don't worry. My grandfather is an expert on torture and anatomy so he knows just how far to push a human body before it can't take anymore. You'll be ready again by mid morning tomorrow." Sana said quietly. Naruto felt tears ride down his cheeks. He felt disgusting and everything about him hurt. Sana noticed and bent down, her hand once more touching his incredibly bloated stomach, before rubbing it slightly. "You'll look cute so severely fattened. Don't worry, you'll eventually get used to the feeling."
The second day, half way through the food that Sana was forcing down his throat, he felt his net shirt finally tighten to full capacity. The bulge of his stomach fat barely being held in the small shirt but incapable of rising up over his already stuffed stomach. Naruto turned his head away again, but Sana snapped her fingers and one of the two male servants that worked for her forced his mouth open once more. "Nah ah Naruto, I want to see that shirt of yours rip open, then well work on doing the same to your pants tommorow." Sana said. Tears ran down his face as Sana picked up a large piece of fudge and shoved it into his mouth, her hand forcing his mouth shut as far as it would go with the tube there, and forcing him to swallow. She looked dissapointed when the shirt didn't rip and sighed. "I think I over did it a bit this hour. I'll come back in two hours then." Sana said as she left the room.
When she came back, as she promised she would, she was even more vicious than before. She placed a pie in front of her and scoop up a full handfull in her hand, shoving the whole handfull in his mouth, watching the net with obsessed eyes. Sana continued this until half the pie was gone and a tiny rip, right over his belly button, formed in the shirt causing Naruto to practically cry in relief. "Finally, I was beginning to think that damn shirt was made out of elastic." Sana said with a laugh. Naruto looked down at himself, his gut was now officially hanging over his pants, which he coudl already feel the tightness of. Naruto sputtered in surprise when another handfull of pie was shoved down his throat. "Still a long way to go." Sana said, still in her sweet tone of voice. God did he feel sick. The trolley still had a batch of cup cakes on it and a bowl of pudding.
In the middle of the third day Naruto sat uncomfortably on the stone floor, eyes trained on the stone hard stomach that was extended a good three inches in front of him now, and felt the horrible tightness of his pants. His shirt was now ripped all the way to the colar and was laying beside him as Sana finally had the mercy of removing it after she had her fun. That wasn't saying much though since she wanted to put a new shirt on him today and see how long it took that one to rip. The chians that fastened him to the wall and floor allowed him on a few inches of movement. Naruto tried to get up, but the effort was useless, it was like he was wearing lifting weights on his body, he supposed in a way he was. Not to mention his body ached horribly. What would his friends think when they saw his tubby ass? If he even got out of here alive. Sana walked in then, with a large smile on her face and a white shirt that didn't quite look like it would fit. She'd been thoughtful when picking though for it had zippers on the sleeves and done the middle so that they wouldn't even need to unchain him to put it on. With the help of her two servents, and much useless struggling on Naruto's part, the shirt was tugged vicsiously on. Without preamble she placed a rather large pile of donuts in front of them. "Let's start!"
On the morning of the forth day her servents brought in a scale and Naruto cringed. The two guards lugged him to his feet and helped support the blonde and the weight he was unused to. She smiled wickedly as she forced him onto the scale. Naruto 'almost' fainted when he saw the number. 125. Sana grinned like a mad man. "Relax. Each of the chains your wearing, on your ankles and wrists, each weigh ten pounds each. Your only at 105 but still... thats twenty pounds in three days." Sana said thoughtfully. "Quite a lot for someone with your frame and we still have seven days left..." Sana said with a clap of her hands. Naruto just stared in stunned horror. Chouji was nearly four inches taller than him at 120. By the end of the day Naruto felt his pants rip along his theighs. Sana was extatic. Naruto spent the night screaming in pain.
"What do you mean you can't find him?" Tsunade screamed at the terrofied ambu who she called in when the chuunin team failed to find her surrogate grandson. One of the more brave men among the group stepped forward. "There's no trace of the boy any where my lady. It's like he simply dissapeared out of thin air." Tsunade swore, beside her Kakashi wore a grim expression, not at all looking forward to informing his two students of the frightening news. Naruto had been missing for six days and there was still no sign of him.
Naruto screamed again as he turned his head away from her, tears leaking from his eyes, as he once more tried to bite through the tube going down his throat. His throat hurt so much. He felt the pants covering his ass, which had been painfully tight for the last twenty-four hours, break. He felt so heavy now, his stomach could move in a different direction than the rest of his body now, there was no way he'd be able to stand on his own. The zippers of the white shirt was digging harshly into his skin, causing the skin underneath to be raw, and in some areas bloody. The cuffs behind him were soaked with his blood from his struggling and they were beginning to cut off his circulation due to his now fat wrists. It was the seventh day and earlier that morning when they weighed him he was at 132 in weight.
One of the servents pushed him against the wall while the other forced his mouth open again, tilting his head back all the way, Sana shoved a funnel piece into the boy's mouth. Naruto tried desperately to pull away and spit the thing out, but that worked as well as chewing through the tube idea. Sanna walked over to the trolley and picked up a large bottle of hersheys chocolate syrup, unscrewing the lid and walked over, before pouring it down the funnel. Naruto coughed and sputtered, but Sanna only slowed down enough that he wouldn't choke. Naruto's entire body protested against consuming any more food, the bloated thing attached to him screaming in pain as it rubbed harshly against the unrelenting white cloth, Naruto refused to call the monster that hid his feet from his view his body. Tears leaked out again as the last of the body was dumped into the funnel and the thing was taken out of his mouth for a moment. "Please," Naruto whispered hoarsely, "please just kill me. I've never done anything wrong to you so please kill me."
Sana laughed, the sound filling the entire room, as her fingers gently held Naruto's chin which now had a second smaller layer of fat under it. "I told you that you would look cute severely fattened and I was right. Truthfully I was going to stop at this point, because lets face it, there's no way you'll be able to move for at least a week in your current state. Your frame was never meant to be this big and your body can't handle it. I want to see how much fatter I can get you in the next three days though. It's stuck in my mind now." Sana shoved the funnel back down Naruto's mouth, the servents chuckling before she reached out and grabbed another full bottle of chocolet syrup. Naruto's severely bloated belly painfully pushed against the white shirt and ripped open the zipper. Naruto screamed.
On the ninth day Naruto's stomach swayed from side to side as the two man servents forced him to his feet with difficulty. Naruto barely noticed, having gone silent after begging for his death, and didn't even notice much as his feet were forced onto the scale. Naruto's eyes automatically minused twenty pounds from the number, so used to this daily ritual was he now, and shuddered. 143 pounds. He was a short 13 year old weighing 143 pounds. He'd gained 58 pounds in nine days. He was 23 pounds heavier than even Chouji and four inches shorter. He felt as if he was going to break the ground with his weight. At this point he hoped to god that no one ever found him. The humiliation itself would send him to his grave any way. "Tommorow is the assasination. Then I leave Konoha forever, and you get your freedom tommorow night, if you can walk out of here that is." Sana said with a chuckle. "We have 24 hours ahead of us though and before this ride is over I want to see if I can make your fat ass hit 150." Sana announced before ushering one of her servents into the room with a trolley loaded with food on it, there was more food there than the previous few days, Naruto silently shuddered again.
Sana gingerly let her finger cross a large cake that sat atop the trolley before taking the entire thing and set it down in front of Naruto, who'd been forced to the ground again, and whose large round belly shifted at the movement. One of the men forced Naruto's mouth open as Sana shoved the piece of cake into it. She'd give him large clothes tonight before she left, let him keep a tiny piece of his dignity, and break the light bulb. Before that though the boy needed to gain seven more pounds...
indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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