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Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Erotica · #1535440
A shrink interactive featuring various animes. At least 200 GP for good adds
This choice: Robin has sex with Bumblebee's foot  •  Go Back...
Chapter #37

Submission to Bee

    by: Lelouch
Before the titanic girl got insulted Robin positioned himself as she explained, lowering the shaft of his groin between Bumblebee’s third and fourth toes. It seemed to fit itself nice and secure along the folds of her toe cleavage, almost as if they were built for this purpose. Right on cue the girl closed the gap between her toes to apply moderate pressure to the hero’s manhood. When that happened Robin gave a nervous look to the heroine from between her toes, her confident smirk did little to ease his apprehension. He was still extremely small, so small that it was necessary for him to climb up Bumblebee’s foot a small amount before being able to do anything.. Wouldn’t any amount of pressure just crush anything between them? Robin worried for his sensual organ’s life.

But Bee surprised him, showing an almost masterful skill in manipulating his groin’s position for maximum pleasure. The pressure was there of course, but it didn’t even remotely approach pain; quite the opposite, it brought with it a mild sexual pleasure with its tension. The near faint traces of foot sweat, lotion, and saliva gave Robin’s member a thin coating of their fluids, enough to actually make the situation feel like genuine sex was about to occur. The hero’s member was surrounded completely by the giantess’ body, the fluids seemed like juices. Put it all on paper and it was a perfect substitute for sex. It hadn’t even begun yet but the Boy Wonder couldn’t repress the shudder he had, he was on the edge of losing it, surprisingly to a gigantic foot. When arousal comes people usually do anything to fulfill it, that was how Robin saw this, but it didn’t make it any less surprising. He stared into the shining skin of the large digits that were Bumblebee’s toes, looking at a mild reflection of himself to make sure he was still him.

Bumblebee’s explanation was a lot simpler; Robin had a repressed foot fetish, simple as that. Either that or it was just raw physical pleasure; either way, Bee was going to never forget what was about to happen. “Don’t get cold feet on me now tough guy. You got me all worked up now, time to get to it!” She awaited the push and pull motions.

Robin’s heart skipped a beat, to think he’d lose his virginity to a foot. Life was full of surprises. He was already neck-deep in the situation, no turning back now; he thrusted his lower body forward. The feeling threw the hero out for a loop, the pleasurable tickling feeling that seemed to mock his penis as the endless folds of skin and fluid enveloped it. The frenzy Robin fought desperately before came back stronger than ever in a single moment; only now he no longer fought it, Robin embraced the feeling. It soon didn’t even become a matter of what the situation was, Robin was having sex with Bumblebee’s foot, and he would continue for as long as his lust would fuel him. He surrendered all resistance he had to the allure of the dark beauties that were Bee’s toes.


With his quick submission, Bumblebee couldn’t help but feel a degree of satisfaction from Robin’s actions. Whether he liked them before or not didn’t matter now; because afterwards he would always love them, because they allowed for this moment. They allowed for this pleasure. The boy would never look at her toes the same way ever again.

And the girl couldn’t deny it either; it felt unexpectedly good having Robin pleasure himself with her toes. A feeling sensual in its own way. Bumblebee allowed her fingers to gently rub along the edges of her own crotch, telling herself it was an itch. But deep down the truth was, she was beginning to get aroused too.


The process hadn’t changed, Robin pushed his groin, he pulled it back only to push again. It was a cycle that never ceased to bring new levels of joy with it. He would thrust, relishing the feeling of his groin getting further encased in the mixture of fluids and the endless folds and wrinkles swallowing his organ whole, pleasuring it with the mere touch of their skin. Then Robin would pull it out (at least as far out as he could go,) only to thrust it back in with more effort. It was a process he wished would never end. He had reached levels of pleasure so high it had to be an orgasm, but he had no idea.

When the orgasm actually came Robin was completely engulfed in its feeling, the feeling of raw pleasure so great all he could do was scream in ecstasy. The hero was trembling from the sheer pleasure, he had to grab hold of Bee’s toes to make sure he didn’t fall and lose this feeling. Words and logic left him, leaving behind nothing but raw emotion. Robin was sweating bullets, his body absolutely haywire from this new experience. His sweat dripped all the way to the source of his feeling, adding a new fluid to the mixture that adorned his penis. The hero couldn’t suppress his voice, he was screaming at the top of his lungs.

It was only a matter of time until the climax, and then, the release.


The entire time Robin was losing himself to the beautiful feet of Bumblebee the girl herself was growing increasingly happy with the situation. She looked at her feet with a faint hint of admiration, feet beautiful enough to seduce a man of Robin’s stature. It took something like this for her to see the attractiveness of her own feet; it made Bee…appreciative, and powerful. After all, a man as strong as Robin was submitting himself to her toes. No one else could ever say the same thing.

That was but one reason; the other was Bee’s own growing sexual desires. Her foot was feeling so wondrous, and one of the best men she knew was helpless and submissive to her toes. She began to grow a tad wet, and instinctively had a hand against her crotch. The pleasured screams of the puny Robin only further drove the feeling.

Before long Bumblebee was liable to moan a bit herself.

Any trace of reason left Robin as his climax came. He was, along with having sex with Bumblebee’s foot, licking it, kissing it, and holding on to it. He was lost in a torrent of desires and emotions he’d never experienced before, and he didn’t have the will to resist. He merely gave in and pleasured himself with the beautiful foot before him.

It wouldn’t be much longer now; Robin could feel his cum beginning to stir inside of him. In a few seconds, a minute at best, he would release all his stored juices out into a big splatter along his friend’s toes; and not only did he not care, a part of him wanted it.

?!?! It was coming, there was no stopping what was about to happen. Robin attempted to suppress the feeling, drag out his pleasure just a little bit longer; but all that succeeded in doing was increase the feeling in his groin to a higher level, enough so he couldn’t hold it back. Robin came, and the white liquid seemed to flow everywhere for several feet. The long build-up of emotions began to fade; Robin grew aware of how tired his body was from what he had just done. He fell back along the table, panting in shock and exhaustion. Did he really do it? Submit in both body and soul to Bumblebee’s foot? He raised his head an inch to look at the looming toes that were still there; it seemed almost like a dream with what he had done. He was never a guy for feet, but now Bee’s toes looked about as tempting as regular girls to him. He couldn’t understand why, it confused him.


Bumblebee herself was panting a bit; an effort to suppress her own growing urge to satisfy herself. Yet her hand still hadn’t let her crotch. She had planned for this to be solely pleasure for Robin and amusement for her, but it turned into something so much more. She had no idea her foot could feel so…so amazing, it took a whole new level of amazing to make Bee aroused just from her foot’s activities. She stared at the puny amount of cum between her toes, squeezing them together and rubbing all around her digits.

She regained herself, at least partially. “…Huff…not bad tough guy. I can see why they call you the Boy Wonder. That was…unexpectedly nice.”

“I think that’s my line.” Robin huffed out a response.

Bee let out a short laugh, “Yeah I guess it is huh? You did good kid, you did good.”

Robin was too exhausted to respond, or even point out he and Bee were around the same age. His mind was a bit too shaken to think clearly yet, he couldn’t figure out what would happen next.

You have the following choices:

1. Now Bumblebee has a release of her own.

2. Now Robin gets some clothes, just in time for someone to arrive

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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