Looking at both Kelly and Jade, Dave noticed how cruel the world was. On one side of the table is a stuck up and bitchy girl who both taunts boys with her body and mocks other girls at how inferior either their face, ass and in most cases,chest, are to hers. On the other side is a nice girl who is easy to get along with but has major confidence issues due to her lack of beauty. Thinking on this, Dave suddenly came to a conclusion. He could both get revenge on Kelly and right the world by trading their bodies giving Jade a drop dead gorgeous body to go with her personality, while giving Kelly something to shut up about but not totally deriving her of her looks, as he wasn't completely heartless. Deciding on this, he pointed the wand at their table and wished his thought into reality.
A bright light shoots out of the wand and hits Kelly fair in the middle of her soon to be flat chest. Time seems to slow down and at first you don't notice any changes. But slowly, Kelly's shirt seems to get lower as her once magnificent tits slowly shrank from a full DD to a small B. Her wide hips and butt follow suit shrinking until they were average. At the same time, minor changes were happening to her face, with her lips losing most of their pout and her eyes some of their brightness. After the changes were complete, Kelly looked like a slightly above average girl, her once magnificent chest and ass small by comparison, and her once model-like face having lost it's most defining features.
On the other side of the table, Jade was getting a complete make-over. Her face had begun to change, her eyes became less bug-like as her cheek bones changed shape, her brown eyes began to change colour to that of chocolate and began to brighten up, while her lips began to fill and her skin cleared up, replacing the acne with silky smooth skin. But it was her body that was going through some major changes. Her once flat chest slowly grew out against her top, the fabric struggling to contain them as they continued to grow to a 40DD, her waist lost its excess fat and became more toned as the muscles under it hardened up, her hips widened while her bony butt began to fill out into one that begged to be squeezed, and finally her legs filled slightly to that of a more slimmed look, rather than bony.
All in all, Dave was happy with his work. Kelly was now more pretty than gorgeous, with her once large assets shrunk down to that of one more fitting of her bitchy personality, and Jade was now drop dead gorgeous, her face resembling that of a model's than that of a nerd. Her body had had a sudden growth spurt with her once tiny chest now a full 40DD demanding attention, and her once bony butt and legs and filled out so that they now begged for attention.
Whilst still maintaining their conversation, which had become more relaxed rather than the tense one it had been before, Jade spotted Dave and gave him an easy smile, one that set his heart racing. Seeing his reaction, Brandon looked to see what was causing the fuss and then looked back with a knowing smile. "You sure know how to pick them don't ya Dave?" drawled Brandon, drawing the whole groups attention to Jade. "He sure does," affirmed Jackie, "Not only does she have a rocking body, but she's so nice as well." "I think she's got a crush on you Dave," hinted Brittany . "W-What! That's not possible, and besides, how would you know?, retorted Dave, suddenly in shock. "Just something we girl's know," all three of the girls chimed sweetly. "Right," muttered Dave thinking on what the girl's had said when something broke him out of his reverie