"Can I join in?" a familiar, musical voice interrupted.
Mikayla spun around and found herself looking at the body of her dreams, grown to her own height, and her feelings for Kelsey seemed to be nothing compared to the fire of lust she felt for Roahn. Feeling her lover pull away, Kelsey too looked, and fell under the same spell.
"Oh, enough of that," said Roahn, waving a hand. Immediately Mikayla and Kelsey came out of their reverie, and felt for Roahn what they felt for each other.
"We meet again, Mikayla, Kelsey. I see you've gotten some good use out of that compact. Here," she said, tossing one into Kelsey's cleavage. Fishing it out, Kelsey looked quizzically at the other two, and Roahn said, "Open it and press the red dot on the mirror." Doing so, Kelsey found herself with a remote identical to Mikayla's, with the same five options.
"Oh, I didn't need this," said Kelsey. "Mik and I share everything. There was really no need."
"Yes, there was. Observe." Coming up to them, she kissed them in turn, long, sensuous kisses that left each flushed and sweating. "Now, watch your hands." To their amazement, the remotes began sinking into their hands, and they felt new pathways in their brains, could see the screens of the remotes in their minds. In short order it was complete: the remotes were gone, absorbed into their bodies. Only now the screens had far more than five options.
"What," started Mikayla, "what is this?"
"I've chosen you," said Roahn. "You will be the goddesses of this reality. Eventually what you now perceive as something separate in your mind will become as integral a part of you as the acid in your stomach, the blood in your veins. Only more so--as goddesses, you no longer need such things. You are. Think it, and it is. Wish it, and it will be. Will it, and it cannot be gainsaid. This reality is you, and you are it."
"But why us?" asked Kelsey. "What did we do to deserve this?"
"I have been many places, Kelsey, seen many things, and never before have I seen such friendship, such closeness, as you possess. Nothing could keep you separate. The bond you have shared since before birth is unique in my experience, and is too precious a thing to allow any vagaries of chance to cause it to perish."
"What of you? Will you remain with us?" asked Mikayla.
"I'm here now, to help you get acquainted with your new position. At times I'll have to leave, but fear not: I'll always be back."
"When you say 'our new position,' what do you mean, exactly?" asked Kelsey. "Can we do whatever we want?"
"Anything. You can be benevolent rulers, helping the lower beings of the universe attain their potential. You can be destructive tyrants, destroying all before you because you can--and then recreating it only to destroy it again. You can be hedonistic queens, using all for your pleasure. You can be whatever you wish, and whatever you wish can be."
"And you?" asked Mikayla. "What will you do if you return to find us doing as you would not have done?"
"I? Join in, of course. I have been all those things elsewhere, and might have been here, were it not for you.
"But enough talk. Let us do." Glancing at each, the girls found themselves fully aware of the universe, in all its quantum variations, in all times, and in full knowledge of their power.
"So, Mik, what should we do first?"
"Well, Kelse, I'm feeling really horny..."
"Mmm... I wonder what a city could do for that... or maybe a state or two..."
"Ooh, good idea, Kelse! But maybe we should let some of our friends in on the fun?"
"Nah, let's get used to this first. Besides, if we use them accidentally, we can just bring them back, right?" said Kelsey, glancing at Roahn.
"Correct. You need never fear that there will be something you cannot do."
"So, what sort of fun should we have first?" asked Mikayla.
Kelsey suggested...