This choice: Her in-all-realities-best friend Kelsey. • Go Back...Chapter #5Kelsey shaken, then stirred. by: Unknown Mikayla picked up the phone. "Hello?"
"Hi, Mik. I... I need to talk with you."
Mikayla thought she detected something wrong in Kelsey's voice, but shrugged it off. "Sure, Kelse. You're always welcome." Mikayla buzzed her friend in.
Mikayla and Kelsey had probably been friends while still in their mothers' wombs.
Their families had lived in adjacent houses in the rich part of town since before any of them currently alive had been born, and had been friendly with each other for that whole time, but none quite so much as Mikayla and Kelsey.
Their mothers had been pregnant with them at the same time, even going into labour on the same day, in the same room in Mikayla's family's house. The girls were born almost simultaneously, and there was quite a bit of press coverage about the event. It was pointed out often that they were born closer than any twins, and indeed the label "twins" stuck.
The girls shared everything growing up. Neither was far from the other in terms of developmental milestones, and while each was technically an only child, the effect of their unusual circumstance was that each felt as if she had two mommies, two daddies and a sister. Whenever a new toy came out, their parents often got only one; it was only for such things as Gameboys where having more than one enhanced the experience that each technically had her own.
Even school, often subjecting its students to the randomness of class assignments, couldn't touch them: their parents enrolled them in the same small private school both their mothers had attended, and their interests proved so similar that neither ever had a class without the other. In fact, some of the other students, jealous of the closeness of their relationship, started appending "Siamese" to the description. A few of the nastier ones put about that they were lesbian lovers.
Mikayla had always wondered why that statement had proved untrue all through their schooling. Certainly once it was no longer true their relationship only became closer.
Considering all that, everyone wondered why they were surprised when their physical development began to differ drastically. Both had been shorter than average as young children, but then Mikayla hit puberty early and ended up costing her parents a small fortune in clothing, as within a few months of getting a new wardrobe she invariably outgrew it. Kelsey's puberty never seemed to hit, and the two made a striking pair: by graduation, the 7', amazingly curvy Mikayla dwarfed her 4', flat-as-a-board friend. Indeed Kelsey sometimes called Mikayla her umbrella.
During that time, Mikayla's sexual tastes swiftly grew to include just about anything that moved, and most of what didn't. Between regular liaisons with local teenage boys and with some of her more curious schoolmates (unfortunately lending credence to the uglier rumours swirling around her relationship with Kelsey), Mikayla was soon skilled in the art of sexual pleasure, and smuggled home books such as the Kama Sutra, and had an impressive and growing collection of sex toys secreted away in her room.
Kelsey, meanwhile, seemed utterly asexual. For once, something about her friend baffled Mikayla. Nonetheless, it acted as a stabilizing influence on her: someone to whom she could talk about sex, admit her promiscuity, and who apparently had no interest in experiencing it with her nor would cause her to get into trouble over it. Kelsey had only reluctantly tried some of Mikayla's toys, and Mikayla never detected in her even a hint of the sheer euphoria she felt when using them. And for once, Kelsey was jealous of Mikayla: if these orgasms were as good as her friend described, and could be triggered by stimulation of certain parts of the body, why couldn't feel even one?
Nonetheless Kelsey lived vicariously through Mikayla's detailed descriptions of her encounters, longing for the day when she could experience such things herself, and Mikayla eagerly confided in Kelsey, longing for the day when she could cause Kelsey to experience such things.
The day of their eighteenth birthday, a switch seemed to flip in Kelsey. They were sitting in Mikayla's room late at night, when she felt a tingle in a place Mikayla had called an erogenous zone, the vagina, or any of the more vulgar names Mikayla preferred. Asking her friend what it could mean, Mikayla yanked a vibrator from her collection and thrust it at her. Shortly thereafter, Mikayla had her hands clamped over Kelsey's mouth so that her scream wasn't heard by their parents.
As part of their birthday presents, the girls' sizable trust funds matured, and their parents told them that it was time to leave the nest and find places of their own. Mikayla and Kelsey found apartments within the week, in adjacent buildings. With not much else to do, their sexual sessions increased in frequency and length, until Kelsey was as proficient at giving and receiving pleasure as Mikayla.
As Kelsey was coming up to Mikayla's apartment, the manual appeared again. This time Roahn's voice said only, "To change others, touch them with the bottom of the remote. Be warned that this will cause them to realize all the changes you've made, even as you do."
No sooner had Mikayla read this than she heard a knocking. Opening the door, she saw Kelsey, paler than a ghost, shivering, and looking ready to fall over--right into Mikayla's prodigious bosom, as Mikayla stooped to steady her friend.
Picking her up, Mikayla planted a kiss on her friend and lover's lips. Stirring, Kelsey returned it with equal fervour.
"What happened, Kelse?" asked Mikayla as she closed the door and carried her friend into her bedroom.
"I... I'm still not entirely sure. There was a man, and he had... had a knife, and asked for m-my money... and then this old woman came, and somehow threw him against the wall, and she--her voice, Mik! It was so beautiful!--had said only one word, and then she sounded completely d-different. She t-told me to go to you, that you could help me, and that she'd see me soon, and somehow she knew our names, 'Kelsey, go see Mikayla,' she said. How did she know my name? How did she know yours?"
Mikayla chuckled. "Roahn," she said. "That's her name. Roahn. As for the rest..." Mikayla told the whole amazing tale to Kelsey. "...and I can give you a body like mine, too!"
"Wait, wait," said Kelsey. "You weren't always this hot?"
Holding the remote, Mikayla said, "Just touch this here"--indicating the base--"and you'll know." Obligingly, Kelsey touched it, and a light came on in her eyes.
"It's true! It's all true! What are we going to do, Mik?"
"Share it, as always. What sort of body do you want?"
Mikayla knew Kelsey had always considered her a paragon of beauty, but she knew her friend would revise her opinion on her next meeting with Roahn. As such, she was not at all surprised when Kelsey said, "Yours!"
"That can be arranged," said Mikayla. "Now, and later."
"Well, I know I'll have it later," said Kelsey, idly tweaking one of her friend's nipples--as with when she was alone, Mikayla always went nude with only Kelsey around, and Kelsey did the same.
In short order Kelsey's body was all but a mirror of Mikayla's. Finally able to look her friend in the eye after years of seeing nose, then mouth, neck, chest, and finally under-cleavage, Kelsey sported a curvy ass, a toned, fit body, humongous breasts (though 90-plus seconds of her trying to give a dildo a tit job had caused paroxysms of laughter in both of them), and hair half her height. In fact, other than facial features and a birthmark here and there, the only thing distinguishing Kelsey's body from Mikayla's was the former's brilliant red hair.
As Mikayla's blue eyes stared into Kelsey's eyes--one hazel, one indigo--they were about to embark on another lesbian lovefest, at which they were well practiced after five years of developing physically and mentally in puberty in lockstep, as with the rest of their lives, when something interrupted.
indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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