"But I don't have any clothes....oh wait...I do don't I?" John said, correcting himself, he knew that since Mrs Stewart's body was now his...then he would also have all her clothes and shoes in his wardrobe in place of his own.
"And hurry up, that punk will be gone forever soon" Frank shouted after his brother, as John took his curvy female body upstairs as quick as he could, his breasts bouncing slightly.
Barely five minutes later, John came back downstairs, having got changed into a bra, a white blouse, an expensive black skirt, and a pair of 3-inch heel sandals that showed off his neatly manicured, crimson-painted toenails. Frank just frowned at his brother when he saw him.
"Can't really run in those now can you?" Frank mumbled, pointing at John's 3-inch heels.
"Sorry bro, but maybe you should have swapped me with another woman, one with a more sensible wardrobe, Mrs Stewart doesn't own a single pair of flat shoes...or even a t-shirt or jeans"
"Yeah she is a kind of prissy chick isn't she" Frank shrugged, as he looked down his sister-in-law's body, which he was now wearing. He had kept her shorts on as well as her shirt, and he had also put on her beige cardigan and the one pair of ballet flats she owned.
"Dude that still looks weird" John frowned, referring to his brother's head on his own wife's body.
"Yeah speak for yourself" Frank grunted in response, before heading out the door, John following close behind.
The two brothers then set about searching every garden and every alleyway near their house, knowing that the teenager would soon be using the device.
"How do we find this punk?" John asked, as he straighted his bra strap.
"Just keep a look out for any swapped up people, it'll be like a breadcrumb trail" Frank responded, as he looked in every direction, trying to see where Patrick had disappeared to.