Chapter #21Tell Me About This Girl by: rugal b.  You ponder for a moment about whether or not to use that stuff on Elsie. Whether or not you could use that stuff on Elsie. But you dismiss the idea as quickly as it arrived, because you worry about what she would think if she just suddenly passed out with you. You don't know how you'd explain it to her since she's not particularly drunk or anything which is the only sensible explanation you'd be able to offer. Would it be suspicious, then, you wonder? Would she be turned off by you as quickly as she was turned on? You realize you don't want to risk it.
But there's also another, and perhaps bigger, reason you wouldn't want to do it: it would put her mask in play and that makes you want to shiver. You're not really sure you like the thought of Laurent and his pals fooling around inside a mask of her, using her face to mess with other people or go out and party. No, you don't like the thought of that one bit. So you hold off on using the mask and hope that Laurent won't be annoyed. You don't know why he'd be annoyed but your experience with Westside's jocks has, until the last few days, been largely negative so you can't help but be worried.
And once you've made that decision you've also made the decision that you need to get going because Elsie lives clear on the other side of town from you. Not that Saratoga Falls is big and at this time traffic is going to be light but still, you'd rather not risk pissing off your parents. You tell her as much and she giggles and gives you another kiss, this time just a quick peck, and hops out of the bed saying that she'll see you. She even gives you a little wave before she heads inside and it makes your heart flutter. You're still in disbelief over where the last few hours has taken you.
Which makes you realize that there was probably yet another reason you didn't want to use the stuff on Elsie. Because you'd have access to her mind and a nagging little thought can't quite be squashed; the idea that she might still be messing with you. You think you're happier not risking a peek inside her head.
* * * * *
Getting up and getting ready for church is a pain in the ass but not really any moreso than usual. You head out, deal with your brother's annoying crap on the way over, sit through all the sermons and such until the service finally lets out. You just want to get home and get cleaned up and then get in touch with Laurent since he's going to want to know what happened last night and probably if you used the mask.
But you're stopped by someone calling out your name and you almost gasp when you see Elsie, arm raised and waving. Then she begins making her way through the crowd, heading right in your direction. She's dressed a more formally in a simple white dress that both flows a bit to make her look a little more elegant and stops just short enough before the knees to show a nice amount of leg.
"Who's that?" asks Robert with a disbelieving tone.
"Ah, uh, I'll meet you at the car okay?" you say to your family as you head off. You manage to intercept Elsie before she actually gets to your family.
"Hey Will," she beams at you as she grasps your hands. "I didn't know you came here too."
"Uh, yeah, every Sunday," you say nervously. In the Warehouse and out at the river you thought she looked nice but done up like this, and wearing heels that make her seem even taller, your heart stops. "You, uh, you look really nice."
"Aww, thanks! You look great too!" she declares. "It's kind of scruffy but it's so you!"
"Um, thanks?" you reply, a bit unsure. How would she know that it's "so you?" Maybe Austin was right and she is a bit of an airhead. Oh, but she's your airhead! "So enough about me. You, uh, come here often?"
She titters at that. "You're so funny!" she exclaims. "But yeah, of course I do! Oh, but I'm not like one of those people. Well I am but I'm not like that, you know? But I am in the choir. You didn't notice me?"
"I guess I never paid attention," you admit but quickly add. "I guess I was always too focused on the, uh, sermon." She titters once more at that. "So you play an instrument, you said like to dance and you sing. You like entertaining people I guess."
"Oh yeah, definitely!" she exclaims as her expression brightens even more. "I used to, like, have this fantasy of being a pop star I guess? I did some talent shows and stuff when I was a kid and I really liked it. Being on stage that is. It's so fun, oh my gosh!"
"Maybe you should try and get a spot up at the Warehouse one weekend."
Her eyes widen but she quickly shakes her head and waves it off. "Nuh uh, no way! I wouldn't fit in up there. The people who do that are so good but they're what my dad would call," her face scrunches up, "well, I don't think that, I think they're all cool anyway. But it's just not my crowd. I'd feel out of place with them. I'm fine in the choir."
"I get what you mean, sure. Feeling out of place with a group, I mean," you say and then quickly try to change the subject. "So do you want to get some lunch or something?" you ask her.
"Oh, I'd like to but I already had plans to hang out with Dee and some of the other girls today," she says apologetically. "But I'll text you and send you pictures. Maybe tomorrow?"
"Sure, okay. I don't think I'm going to be doing anything."
"Alright then, I'll see you tomorrow. Bye Will!"
She leans over and gives you a quick peck and heads off. You practically float back to your family's car where you can tell from your dad's expression that he's a little miffed with you but a quick "Harris..." from your mother means he says nothing. And an equally quick "Robert..." shuts down your brother on the ride home. But you don't manage to escape unscathed because almost as soon as you're back in your room, your mother is in the doorway with a knowing look.
"So tell me about this girl, Will," she says.
* * * * *
"Hey Garner, check this shit out!" Laurent calls out when Marc comes strolling through the door of Laurent's place. "You're not gonna believe what Prescott got up to last night!"
"Yeah?" Marc drawls as he flops down next to Laurent.
"This fucker went out and landed himself a girl," Laurent states with a laugh. "First time out at there and he reels in a catch. Guess that's beginner's luck."
"Really?" Marc says with a grin. "Tell me about it."
"There's not much to tell," you shrug. "I bumped into her on the dance floor and we just kinda hit it off right out of the gate."
"Hit it— you fucker, she was all over you. You said you dipped out early with her too," says Laurent.
"Her and her friends," you correct him.
"Tell me about her," says Marc. "Is she hot, or—"
"Hold on," you say as you pull your phone out. "You know a girl named Elsie Flowers at all?" That earns a shake of the head while you go into your messages to find you the pick she sent with her friends from around lunch time. "Okay, well, she goes to Eastman and... here," you say as you lean over and hand him the phone. "The one on the left."
"Oh shit, yeah I've seen her! She's in the church choir," Marc hands your phone back to you as his grin grows wider. "Good for you, man. So did you get lucky or anything?"
"Not like that," you say as you now feel nervous and put on the spot. "Like I said, I hung out with her and her friends down at the river. Then I drove her back to her place and she kissed me. A couple times actually. Then she said I was her boyfriend."
"Fuckin' A man!" Marc exclaims with a hoot.
"Yeah but you pussed out, dude," adds Laurent. "Why'd you think I gave you the mask?"
Right, that. But Laurent, at least, doesn't seem pissed. It seems more like he's just casually razzing you. "Sorry but the opportunity didn't come up and I was, y'know, kinda focused on other things when it did."
"Guess you'll get more chances," he shrugs. "Her friends aren't too bad either."
That then turns into them asking you about the Eastman set and you tell them that you only just met them. But did mention that one of them is student body president. "You know, like their Kim Walsh?" you add. "Actually, he has a thing for her."
That causes Laurent and Marc to sit up. "He's got a thing for who? You mean Kim?" asks Laurent.
"Yeah," you answer. "Seems like he's got it bad for her too."
The two of them look at one another and whisper for a minute. Then they turn back to you. "Gotta say, I didn't even think about her until you brought her up," Laurent says.
"Brought who up?" you ask.
"Kim," Laurent replies. "I mean c'mon dude, we've still gotta initiate you. You know, really get you onto the team. Get a mask, wear a mask. We'll know that out or you."
"Wait, are you saying—"
"Yeah. But it's not gonna be hard, man," Laurent continues, barreling right through you. "All you've gotta do is get a mask of Kim Walsh."  indicates the next chapter needs to be written. |
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