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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1510047-The-Book-of-Masks/cid/1354030-That-Doesnt-Usually-Happen
by Seuzz
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1510047
A mysterious book allows you to disguise yourself as anyone.
This choice: Insist on waiting till tomorrow to speak with Keith  •  Go Back...
Chapter #26

That Doesn't Usually Happen

    by: imaj
“Oh man,” sighs Keith unhappily. “I told you I didn’t want any trouble over this shit.”

You eventually managed to persuade Caleb to wait a day before talking to Keith. While it doesn’t seem to have helped with Caleb’s paranoia – he spent five minutes tugging and pulling at both your and Keith’s faces before agreeing to talk this morning – you’re feeling a little more relaxed. Patterson has been one step ahead of you since he got involved in this whole book mess. If he wanted to screw you over, he could have done so several times already. If he’s stringing you along to screw you over further down the line, well on previous evidence you have no chance of stopping him anyway. Might as well enjoy yourself while you can, you think, recalling your encounter in the Fuck Room a couple of nights ago.

“And what are you grinning at,” finishes Keith.

You sputter for a moment. You definitely do not want Keith to know about your little adventure as Kendra with his double, however fun it was. It's bad enough that Patterson knows. Your face passes through a few shades of red before you finally get enough control over your mouth to speak. “Uh, nothing. Look, it’s going to be better to be in on this thing than out. What’s Patterson going to do if you don’t sign up? He knows that you know.”

“But does he know that I know that he knows,” says Keith grinning, unable to resist. Keith couldn’t stop himself from saying something stupid if his life depended on it, which, ironically, it probably does right now.

“Shut up Tilley,” growls Caleb anxiously. “This isn’t the time for your shit.”

You shoot Caleb a meaningful glance before continuing. “Whatever. He knows, and he’ll have to do something about it. Either you play for his team or he’ll take you down.” You pause for a moment to shove away Caleb’s hands, which are pulling at your face again. “You’ve already done that. Three times. Four now. It’s not like Patterson could make a switch with you standing right next to me.”

“You just sound a little too keen,” replies Caleb defiantly.

“He’s had every chance to screw us over. He hasn’t. Instead he’s set up sex for us. Sex! You remember what that felt like?”

Caleb’s expression finally softens for the first time since yesterday. “Yeah,” he says with a faraway look in his eye.

“Well, when you put it like that,” says Keith.

“So you’ll come then,” you ask. “To his team meeting today?”

“What choice do I have,” asks Keith.

“What choice do any of us have,” replies Caleb, his mood darkening again.


With the ‘team’ meeting preying on your mind all day, it shouldn’t be surprising that you snapped at Cassie Harper when she asked to borrow a pen in Maths second last period. You feel more than a little guilty, because Cassie is pretty much harmless and a friend of sorts. She looks at you with wide eyes and a hurt expression. “I’m sorry Will, all I did was ask for a pen”

You feel like a total and utter bastard. “It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. I’ve had a bad, well, week.”

“Ooooh,” says Cassie, her eyes lighting up. She’s the schools biggest gossip and probably wants to pry. She smiles like a cat that’s got the cream. “I’ll trade you: Your story for my forgiveness.”

“I can’t tell you much,” you say, looking away for a moment.

“Aw,” she says, scrunching up her face. “Well how about you tell me what you can at the end of class? Half a story is better than nothing. And Will,” she rolls her eyes. “The pen?”

“Oh, sure,” you hand her a pen and get back to your work.

“Finished your romantic little tete-a-tete Mr Prescott? Miss Harper?” The teacher, Mr Kowalski, sneers from behind his desk. “Perhaps a more profitable use of your time would be to get some work done?”

“Fucker,” you mutter under your breath. You glance to your right at Cassie. She’s sucking on the end of the pen that you just gave her. She spots you looking at her and winks at you.


At the end of class Cassie drags you to the side in the corridor. She pushes against the wall and leans in close.

“You going to tell me your secret then Will,” she whispers in your ear softly. She has to stand on tip toe and pull your head down to do it. “I’ll be ever so grateful.” She holds you by the waist and smiles up at you. “Please.”

“I, uh…” you stammer nervously. This sort of thing does not usually happen to you. “I can’t.” You feel your trousers stir. Clearly part of you wants to tell Cassie.

“Aw,” she scrunches up her face again. It makes her look cute. “Curses. My feminine wiles have failed me.” She sniggers. “Want to just skip last period anyway,” she asks, giving you a squeeze.

“What’s gotten into you,” you sputter. Alarm bells start to ring in your head. “Patterson,” you mutter quietly, but Cassie just looks at you blankly.

“Earth to Will,” she eventually says, wrinkling her nose. “I’ve been flirting with you since Kowalski moved me next to you.” Now that she says it, and now that you think about it, she’s right. She has been flirting, but you – stupid, dumb and unobservant you – just haven’t noticed. You wish you’d noticed a couple of weeks ago, then yo might not be in this mess. “I just decided it was time to be more direct,” Cassie explains.

“Right,” you gulp. “So what now.”

“You know what,” she says, running a finger down your chest. “I know a nice quiet spot. Come with me.” Without waiting for an answer, Cassie grabs your hand and pulls you along in her wake.


Cassie’s quiet spot turns out to be a small, unused storage closet hidden behind the gym. There’s barely enough room for two inside it, but that doesn’t deter Cassie, who pushes you against a shelf full of brightly coloured bibs once she shuts the door behind you. Cassie needs to stand on her tip toes to kiss you. She needs to pull your head down to meet her too, but that doesn’t deter her either. She kisses you aggressively, desperate to enjoy every last moment of it.

“I’ve waited a long time for that,” she eventually says as you pull free of her. She slips her hand under the waistband of your trousers. “It’s not all I’ve been waiting for,” she smiles like a wolf.

“I… I…” you try to speak, but your hormones are stopping you. Don’t speak, they say, don’t think, just ravish her. “There’s not enough room to lie down here,” you manage to say, your tongue feeling thick and leaden in your mouth.

“Who says anything about lying down,” she replies, unzipping your trousers and pulling them down about your knees. “We can do it standing up.” Cassie hooks her arms around your neck and her legs around yours, making it easy for you to lift her up by her pert butt. A single stumbling step forward brings you to the opposite side of the closet, allowing you to rest Cassie on a waist high shelf. She wraps her legs around your waist even as you peel away her jeans, revealing a pair of plain white cotton panties.

She pull you down to kiss you again, grinding against you crotch. Your member, poking free of your shorts rubs against her increasingly damp panties. You scramble to pull them free and slip inside her. Cassie squeals as you slowly push in. For a moment you are both perfectly still.

Then Cassie starts working herself against you. Grinding and twisting, moving up and down. She squeals with every motion and you find yourself joining in, grunting in a much lower register. The pleasure builds slowly at first, then faster and faster. It’s different from what you experienced in the fuck room a couple of nights back, and hard to quantify exactly how. You’re not even sure which you prefer.

And then it peaks and it’s over.

You pull yourself free of Cassie. The pair of you quietly, without any further conversation, pull your clothes back on. Leaning on the shelves opposite Cassie, you watch as she finishes fixing herself. You don’t really know what to say.

“You know Prescott,” says Cassie, and there is something wrong about the way she says it. She seems more relaxed, casually confident and almost bristling with aggression. Completely different from her normal attitude, which is more hyperactive. “I thought you were full of shit when I found you taking it as Kendra. I’m gonna have to say, maybe with a guy with a bit more staying power, this chick side view would be alright.”

Oh shit…

You have the following choices:

1. Demand an explanation

2. Run, run like hell

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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