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Printed from https://writing.com/main/interactive-story/item_id/1510047-The-Book-of-Masks/cid/1353090-Purely-for-Research-Purposes
by Seuzz
Rated: 18+ · Interactive · Fantasy · #1510047
A mysterious book allows you to disguise yourself as anyone.
This choice: Act on Patterson's invitation  •  Go Back...
Chapter #25

Purely for Research Purposes...

    by: imaj
After Patterson goes, you explore the loft more thoroughly. Most of the crates and boxes you can open just hold athletic equipment of various kinds. There is some gymnastic equipment as well. The main discoveries include a dorm-sized refrigerator stocked with cheap beers and some snacks; a cabinet that has a few bottles of harder liquor and some porn magazines; and a large, locked cabinet. You study the latter carefully and glance back at the mask of Tilley. Chances are the cabinet contains the magic book and the other makings for masks, and maybe some additional items, like Patterson's own mask. But even if Keith really has those burglary skills, you'd probably need tools.

And so you return to the masks that Patterson laid out. His idea of a reward for you efforts is, honestly, a bit disgusting, but a little voice inside you insists isn’t this what you and Caleb were going to do anyway? You try to put it out of your mind and consider the masks in front of you. Lisa? Not after what you did today. It goes double for Geoff. Your eyes linger on Kendra’s mask. Just how did Patterson get a hold of it, and who or what was wearing it when Caleb encountered it earlier? The image of Caleb grinning with Keith’s face comes swimming back into your mind. There’s that too, but getting answers to the questions is more important.

Kendra it is then. The mask feels momentarily cool against your skin as you place it on your face. As you open your eyes what seems like only a few short second later you resist the urge to explore your new body. Memories first, fun later. What’s the last thing Kendra remembers


You take a deep breath and try to drive the memories away. They’re not important right now. How Patterson got her mask is.

Kendra’s personality overrules you.

As you dwell on her time with the fake Keith, you start to agree with her: She, or at least her personality, actually enjoyed it. Her and Keith: You can’t believe it. He’s immature, silly and geekish – the last person Kendra would be interested in, but, and this is a pure Kendra thought, who cares about that when he makes you feel so good.

The rational, Will, part of you mind still can’t believe it. Perhaps you could double check by hanging Keith’s mask on the golem that Patterson left you to play with…

No, that would be a very bad idea…

Go on, give it a try, comes another Kendra thought. Just in the spirit of inquiry, you think. You snatch up the mask of Keith and fix it onto the golem. You dig your long fingernails into the palms of your hands as it comes to life, trying desperately to remain in control of Kendra’s feelings.

“Looking fine Kendra,” says the golem grinning goofily. “Back for round two?”

“I like you better when you don’t speak,” you reply. It’s a sentiment that both you and Kendra share.

“You don’t like me,” it pouts, badly. It’s not an expression that suits him.

“There are parts of you I like,” you say in a low breathy register, a pure Kendra reaction. Your gaze slips down from the golem’s face, past its thin, scrawny torso before lingering on its cock. You let out an involuntary gasp.

Christ it’s big. If you weren’t so completely subsumed in Kendra’s personality right now you’d be feeling a little shame and envy. As it is, all you feel is her hunger.

“I think I know which bits,” smirks the golem. You’re not looking at its face but you just know its smirking.

“Oh shut up and fuck me,” you reply, exasperated. You push the golem to the floor and climb on top of, rubbing its stiffening member against your new pussy. You shudder a little at the feeling and let out a little whimper.

Unlike your encounter with Geoff as Lisa, you are left feeling satisfied. More than satisfied…


You sit bolt upright, blinking. Stupidly, your first thought is to wonder where you are. It all comes back when you see Will Prescott, Patterson really, standing in the door, grinning. He leans down by the still slumbering golem and gives it a shake.

“Wakey, wakey Prescott,” says the fake, his amusement evident in his voice. The golem mutters a couple of times and turn over. “Rise and shine, gonna your life back now. Kendra, huh?” He leers at you. “Nice choice, guess you couldn’t face fucking Lisa so soon after being fucked as her.”

“I’m over here,” you eventually say, waving feebly at Patterson.

“The fuck,” he says, shocked. You take a small measure of enjoyment from the expression on his face. “You’re more of a fagot than Lynch is Prescott.”

“Try it sometime,” you reply, folding your arms defensively and ignoring the gleam in his eyes. “You might be surprised. What time is it anyway?”

"A little after six. Shoulda seen your dad's face when I was I said I was coming up to the school early for a run." He crosses over to those strategically placed crates. "Gonna do it myself, though. You don't have to get outta here till I get back. Or, I dunno, you can join me."

As he changes you lay back and try to blink the sleep away. The Keith golem makes a few incomprehensible noises. The last thing you need right now is for it to start wisecracking too, so you reach over to it, batting one of its arms out the way as you do so, to pull away at its face. The golem reappears and you get up to return the mask to its place.

Patterson reappears, dressed out in shorts and t-shirt. "If you leave before I get back, be sure to tell Johansson that we're all gonna meet up here tomorrow after school, so don't get lost."

"What? Why?"

"Team meeting. Since you're joined up--finally--it's time we all get together. You guys can meet the others. It's Gordon and Jason, if you wanna know, and bring Tilley along too."

"How come," you ask carefully, trying to keep any expression from your face

"He knows all about us, so he should have a chance to join too." You stare, and he grins. "Also, the new password is 'Happy.' The countersign is 'Fuck you'."

And with that, he closes the door on you.


"Happy?" you snarl at Caleb at his locker.

"Fuck you," he says, looking over his shoulder.

"Fuck you too. I guess we talked last night?" He frowns. "Because it wasn't me. It was Patterson."

"What?" he gasps.

"Yeah. What's the point of having passwords if you don't use them?"

"We did use them. In fact, I forgot and you-- Hey, wait a minute,” he says, his eyes suddenly narrowing. “How do I know you aren’t Patterson right now.”

You slap at his hands as they go for your face. "It’s a bit late now, you should have tried that last night"

"That’s exactly what Patterson would say! Of course I’m going to try now." You relax, and he grapples at your face.

“Happy now?” you say bitterly once he’s done. “I was in the Fuck Room last night: My reward for a job well done. Patterson went home in my place.”

“But you knew the password. He knew the password. How the fuck did he find out he password?”

“Must have put a mask on my face while I was passed out,” you shrug. “And now he knows that Tilley knows.”

“Great, now we’re really fucked. I mean, we were fucked before but now we are especially fucked.”

“Relax, Patterson says he wants Tilley on the team. We’re all going to have a big meeting tomorrow after school.”

“Oh Jesus. That doesn’t leave me feeling relaxed at all,” says Caleb frantically. “Now I’m just wondering what he’s up to.”

“Me too,” you admit.

“No, you don’t get it. Last night, he tried to convince me to get Keith and break into the Fuck Room and steal the book.”

“Another test? He’s trying to make us so paranoid we’ll let him do whatever he wants.”

“It’s fucking working,” exclaims Caleb.

“Fuck this shit,” you sigh. “I’m tired and I don’t want to think about it.”

“That’s exactly what he wants,” murmurs Caleb. “He doesn’t want you to think. He doesn’t want you to look, or to pay attention. He wants you…” You give Caleb a gentle slap on the face. “Ouch, what the fuck was that for.”

“You’re being hysterical,” you explain. “We’re going to relax, think it over and speak to Keith tomorrow.”

“We should speak to him now,” interrupts Caleb quickly. “By tomorrow it might be Patterson under a Tilley mask.”

You sigh and slap Caleb again.

You have the following choices:

1. Insist on waiting till tomorrow to speak with Keith

2. Give in and find Keith immediately

*Noteb* indicates the next chapter needs to be written.
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