"Look, Will. I don't know why Lisa wanted to see you and I don't care, but if she's not woman enough to show just 'cause I'm here, then I don't want to ever hear or see you with or about her if we are to stay together. Now let's get going. I gotta be home before my parents do or I'm gonna really be mad at you. ... See ya Caleb."
You climb into the truck as Will-golem says something to Caleb who stomps off in the other direction. When he gets into the cab, he looks a little confused and upset, perhaps hurt, and it dawns on you that you just shooed away his best friend that he hasn't had much contact with except at school since the book consumed you. That makes you start to feel the same. Maybe you should have brought Caleb in on this.
"It's OK. As soon as you drop me off, you can call him up and apologize again. Invite him over and have some fun together, Just don't talk about the book or anything we've done with it or what it says. Now, to the clubhouse."
"Right, ...That." and he winks at you with a smile.
You shake your head but understand he's just being you.
As you ride along you start to consider what you're finding out about yourself from the outside. Your annoying habits that you never thought were. Your childish approach to hiding your emotions. Your often lack of making a smart decision by not considering all the facts. Even Cassie's mind had qualms about you for certain things you did, but her emotions had lead her on.
Damn. Is that part of why Lisa had dropped me as a boyfriend but still liked being my friend?
You've got to get back to figuring out her and Blackwell. Hopefully, you can get some time to peruse Blackwell's library tonight. The cataloging is fairly easy for Melody, so she can probably do that in less than the hour he has for her. That will give you time to check his library, maybe more, although his house really needs an interior makeover. The gothic look is so out except for those weirdo Goth dressers at school.
Focus, Will, focus.
It's hard thinking logically with Cassie wandering through your brain. Being her is much easier than trying to be yourself in her body. There's no instruction manual part of the book, and all these things with masks and golems, Blackwell, Lucy, Melody, maybe even Lisa ...
You realize that you don't really understand any of this. It was just an ego thing to keep the book because you didn't like Blackwell, and then it became a game like WoW. You start to consider what you've done in this "game" - digging up graveyards and turning someone to stone.
Now your mind is really spinning without any understanding. Your head hurts.
"We’ve arrived at make out central my little squeeze."
~ ~ ~
At the clubhouse, you switch Cassie to the original golem, grab the finished masks and swap your old dirty Will clothes to what Will-golem is wearing. He can get those washed when he gets home. You have him drop Cassie (now golem number 1) off at her home and then you at the university library.
You've got about ten minutes until your Melody slave meets you on the third floor where there is several places you and she can be unseen while you check memories in her mask while you make another mask of her to use. There's a spring to your step as you head into the university library to meet her. The gloom and confusion in your head appears to be gone as well. You're not wearing a mask now since it's unlikely anyone here will recognize you. You're even looking forward to going to Blackwell's. Well, sort of.
~ ~ ~
DAMN! you think as you get the latest memories from the Melody mask you took off her. She's meeting up with Umeko at seven to go see a movie. You forgot that connection, but it shouldn't cause a problem as long as they stay away from anywhere Blackwell might see them. Once the Melody-golem mask is back on her, you give her instructions to be discrete when she leaves the library and is out with Umeko.
You take the set of Melody clothes you brought and find another place you won't be observed to use the new Melody mask and change. Thank goodness for family rest rooms. It doesn't matter what sex you are to come and go. So in you go, and out comes Melody.
Now you still have a couple hours before you are to be at Blackwell's at eight. You head over to Melody's dorm room to change since you can't wear the same outfit from last week. You don't want to stay too long since someone may notice your variation from Melody's routine, although the thought crosses your mind that you have time to get to know Melody better. It's only about a thirty minute walk from the other side of campus to Blackwell's. Maybe forty-five total from the dorm. That means you have another forty-five free.