Skipping down the street towards school, you find being Cassie comes easily today completely taking over all your thoughts and emotions forgetting for the moment your real situation or last night's events or dreams. Cassie's afterglow is really intense, and the fact that your own experience was quite good only adds to your wonderful mood. Your mind is only Cassie knowing that Will was just a bit shy the first time you jumped him (the Will golem) and much better than her very first, and only previous time with ... OMG. TMI. Your mind grabs that and stuffs it far back in a corner of the mind strip, and you hope you never, ever, remember that again.
Cassie soon is again controlling everything, glad of having Will as her boyfriend and considering him her dreamy knight about to ride up and carry you off with him.
Beep, beep.
The Will-golem pulls up unexpectedly in your/his truck throwing the door open for you. Before he can say anything, you jump in and crush his face with the sweetest kiss for about a minute.
"What's that for, boss." comes out from the extremely surprised golem.
"Oh, ... ah, never mind." You grin and sigh looking out at the sky for a moment until you realize what he said. Looking back seriously, you direct, "And don't call me "boss" any more."
"Right, chief."
"Nor chief or anything like that. I'm Cassie like this, so you will call me that or Cass or babe, or anything endearing."
"OK, ... That." he smirks back.
"Oh, you're just so sweet." you coo at him as you smack his arm then run your hand under his shirt and tickle him where you have this really sensitive spot.
The Will-golem grimaces and tries to stifle a giggle. It's something you do often to try to control your emotions. Unfortunately, his face and demeanor are rather silly and stupid, almost repugnant causing you to just now realize how you've looked doing that when Lisa would tease you. As you continue to tickle him, you wonder if that's why she always looked away and avoided much playing with you. You shriek as the truck swerves wildly across the median before making a sharp turn towards school barely avoiding taking out two cars.
~ ~ ~
A few minutes later as you're turning into school, you see Lisa walking along, and the Will-golem leans out the window and nicely says "Morning, Lise!" Cassie's elbow jabs him hard in the ribs without your conscious urging, and the truck veers up over the curb just missing the "Drive Safe. 23 7 Days without Accidents."
~ ~ ~
Getting out of the truck, you see the queen bees glaring at you and Will from their perch at the top of the side steps, and Lisa is also watching from the front. Reaching back to pick up your bag off the seat as Will comes round, you give them a show by swinging the bag to hit Will. Hopefully, this and what follows will keep the cheer buzzards off your case and make Lisa think you're taking her advice.
"What'd I do now?" he pleads stunned.
Since no one else is nearby, you act like you're talking angry but say normally, "Just pretend we had a disagreement. Go about today as usual as if you don't care about it, but don't get trapped alone with anyone. Now say something and reach over and give me a kiss."
As he says "Something." (this literal factor with golems is really infuriating) he reaches and leans over just to get a slap across his face.
"Damn, you're really good at bitchy."
~ ~ ~
You relax and let Cassie's persona just take over guiding you in the morning gossip session with Beth and friends through first period. They all want to know if you broke up with Will, so you just say he did a 'guy thing' that got you upset and you didn't know. That should fuel the rumor mill some more and keep Chelsea and company away. The last thing you want is for them to think Cassie needs a little stronger persuasion.
While going to second, Will catches you in the hallway looking concerned, obviously with some new information. You move aside from the stream, and he whispers to you.
"Lisa wants to meet after school. She was very insistent even when I said I had to go right home because of the grounding. She asked to ride along." Then looking away and licking his lips as if he had done something he shouldn't, but really wanted to, adds, "I couldn't say no."
Cassie's emotions almost make you panic, but you force yourself to take hold. You need more time. You wanted to check Blackwell's library as Melody tonight before trying to unmask him. But ...
"Tell Caleb to meet you after school at your truck 'cause you want to show him something at your house or any excuse to get them there before Lisa shows up. That way they can ride with you."
"Great recovery. I thought I had screwed up, Cass."
You smile at him and agree. "She trapped you. I hadn't thought of that, but you did the right thing to tell me right away." Cassie's natural compassion makes you thank him by steping up on tip toes and giving him a kiss on the lips. "See you at lunch."
He slaps you on the butt as you walk away. You jump and look back but keep going almost running right into Kendra Saunders. She gives you a nasty look then glances at the Will duplicate walking away down the hall. Then she shakes her head at you disgusted and briskly marches away.
~ ~ ~
Fourth period is the algebra exam, and you're actually excited to go knowing Will will be there next to you. It's great to really get into character, but you're finding it sometimes hard to control Cassie's strong emotions. Emotions are something you've always tried to hide, and it's a learning experience letting them out. and finding it isn't a bad thing even for a guy, although you have to be careful about getting overwhelmed and do something stupid like the first time you put her mask on and couldn't help but jump your golem.
When you get to Mr. Kowalski's, Chelsea is just exiting his room and everyone is waiting to get in behind two of her goons. Chelsea ignores you and everyone else, but Kendra smirks at you as she follows Chelsea away.
"Mr. Prescott and Miss Samuels," Kowalski announces. "Please switch seats for the rest of this term. It's, ah ... time to mix things up a bit."
You share surprised glances with the golem, but then turn and look at Mr. Kowalski. He smiles and nods at you like he just did you a big favor. Obviously, Kendra reported your meeting in the hall with Will, and Chelsea convinced Kowalski to separate you two. You don't know whether to be angered or fearful that she has so much power over teachers as well. It upsets you so much that during the exam you almost forget to use your own math ability to help Cassie get a really good grade. It's the least you can do while she's just gray stone under the mask of you sitting, now, across the room.