She puts you into a carseat that was in the corner for kids that had been shrunk. She lifts you ant the seat onto the table, and walks behind the ray. "This will hurt a bit." She informs you. You start squirming, pleading with yer. She ignores you, and flips on the ray. As a brilliant flash of lavender light hits, you start to feel weird. It feels like your foot had fallen asleep, but the feeling spread across your entire body. Then, you black out. She flips off the ray, and walks to the table. She unbuckles you from the seat. Your eyes start to open. You feel a bit groggy. You see her, smirking. "Well, it looks like the little baby is awake." She says. You look at her. You can't process what she said. She walks into a nursery. The walls are painted a light yellow. There is a tan crib, a matching changing table, a rocking chair, and white curtains. She walks over to a closet. She pulls out a white onesie with a picture of baby Cookie Monster on it. She then goes to the changing table, and lays you down on it. You are strapped in, so you can't roll off. She then takes out a pair of fuzzy white booties, a diaper, wipes, and baby powder. She changes you into the diaper after cleaning you up a bit, and dresses you. You gurgle, and drool a bit. It is 6 pm, so she carries you down to the kitchen. She gets you a bottle. She feeds you, burps you, and takes you back up to your nursery. She takes you to the rocking chair, and sits down. You are in her lap, facing her. "Usually, our students get a different punishment every day. But, you will be kept like this for a month. More if you do not behave. You are still 13 years old, but you have the mind and body of an infant. You can't even understand English." She says. You drool again, and babble. She looks at you, chuckles, and stands. She gets a yellow pacifier, and puts it in you mouth. "Its time for bed, now." She says. She puts you in the crib, and turns on a baby monitor. She turns on a Winnie the Pooh mobile, and leaves the room. You fall asleep. A few hours later, it is 1 am. You wake up crying. Mr. Sin himself walks in. He is wearing a gray long sleeve shirt, and dark blue plaid flannel pajama pants. He walks to your crib, and looks in. "Why is it that babies always cry in the middle of the night?" He asks aloud. He picks you up, and carries you to the changing table. He changes you quickly, and redresses you. He puts your pacifier back in your mouth, and puts you in your crib. "Little babies sure need a lot of attention." He reminds himself. He leaves the nursery. The next morning, you are awake by 8. You squirm a bit, and begin to cry. The nurse that was with you yesterday walks in, and picks you up. "Good morning." She says, smiling. You smile back. She changes you. You are dressed in a yellow onesie with baby Tigger on the front. She takes you to the kitchen for breakfast. When you finish your bottle, she burps you, and takes you to a playroom. There are at least 12 other babies in there. She sets you down in a playpen. You...