Natalie is busy reading a book, when suddenly, her vision turns back.
"Guess who?" Robert, who put his hands over her eyes, says.
"Stop it, Robert," Natalie says bluntly.
"First, say I'm awesome."
"Fine. You're awesome-" Robert takes his hands off Natalie's eyes. "-ly stupid."
You giggle at your sister insulting your brother.
"At least I have balls!" Robert says, angry.
Not for long, you think as you point the remote at your siblings. A flash appears in front of them, and when it dies, they swapped heads.
"Balls?" Natalie says. "That's a laugh."
Robert grinds his teeth and leaves Natalie to her reading, both of them unaware that they swapped heads.
"Well, that's enough reading for today," Natalie says, bookmarking her book, then closing it and taking it to her room. You follow her, and as you do, you see pictures of the family, and notice that in them Natalie has Robert's body and vice versa. You accidentally bump in your male-bodied sister.
"Oh, excuse me, Natalie," you say.
"Hey, Steven," Natalie says. "What's up?"
"I kind of overheard you and Robert."
"Oh, don't worry about him. He's just jealous of my body."
"Yeah, I know. So what's up with you?"
"Oh, I was just finishing up a chapter in my book, and now I'm getting ready for a job interview."
"For what job?"
Natalie says,