On any ordinary day, the drive to school would've been an uneventful task. Jessica would have always plugged her ears with earphones listening to music, clearly not interested in talking. It would be quiet except for the whirring sound of the engine and the occasional beeping of some impatient driver.
Needless to say, it wasn't an ordinary day.
While you have driven before, as you have passed the test just a month ago, your current circumstances were so different. As if the amount of traffic you had to deal with wasn't enough, you also found himself distracted with the seatbelt hugging along your deep cleavage and your feet adjusting to the pedaling with those heels. Your legs were somewhat outstretched from your positioning, causing your skirt to wrinkle and slide up your thighs. Speaking of those thighs, you still felt the nylon hugging them, accentuated by the air draft circulating the car cabin. Despite your best efforts to concentrate on the road ahead, you couldn't help but feel your groin tingling from all the sensations you perceived.
"Steven, watch where you're going! My school is THAT way," Jessica pointed. Even she can't help but pay attention to your unstable drive.
"Right right," you replied, as you barely swerve around the tight intersection. For a moment, you were wondering why you were having trouble seeing faraway signs. Even your glasses did not help in this regard.
Jessica sighed. "You just need to make a right turn there, and my school is... WATCH OUT!"
You jumped in response, as you saw a truck on your left attempting to make a wide right turn. You immediately tried to press brake, but the car kept moving towards the truck at full speed. You felt that your heels were caught under the pedal, and your foot couldn't reach it in time. You closed your eyes as you braced for impact on the side of the truck.
In what seemed like a whirlwind of events, you opened your eyes slightly to see smoke, broken windows, and deformed metal. Despite the blur of your vision, you could tell that you were just a few inches away from the side of the truck as your car slid partway under it. You felt your head leaning against the seat, searing with wounds and throbbing with pain. You wanted to turn your head but realized that your neck was seriously injured. You heard sirens as you saw an officer making her way to you in your peripheral vision, yelling something that you couldn't make out. As you focused on the approaching officer, you felt your eyelids droop as your vision darkened once more.